FX deck next name : Redline – By Bandit Keif

A World of Books

San Leandro, CA         January 12th 2003


3 spear cretin                            3 gravity bind

3 demon investigator                 3 giant turnade

3 bistro butcher                        3 soul release

3 wall of illusion                        2 gravekeeper’s servant

3 magician of faith                     2 magic drain

2 sangan                                   2 shallow grave

2 morphing jar                          1 card destruction

2 hane hane                              1 change of heart

1 banisher of the light                1 pot of greed

1 cyber jar                                1 mirror force

1 black forest witch                  1 raigeki

1 mask of darkness


$6 dollars to enter the tournament.

4 rounds, 16 people in the Advanced bracket.

Prize: 3 Magic Ruler packs



Round 1: Me (Bandit Keif) vrs. Alex

            Even before the tournament started it was an ominous day. The clouds were thick and dark overhead, reflecting my mood. My “FX” deck has been damaged with official rulings making it a questionable win. The Shallow Grave ruling is in and my FX deck is out. For this week FX took a break and Redline was up to bat.

            Reflecting on last week I can admit I was too cocky to win first. I was giving high fives out for every move I made. The error I made was thinking that my Control deck was unstoppable. So I lost to the duelist who took the Championship seriously. He wanted a real report so here is how it ended: He Dark Holed, then Reborned my Jinzo for the kill. Happy Mr. Dark Duelist?

            Vs. Alex, he was a noble opponent. However he wasn’t ready for a Barrel Dragon Redlining in 2nd gear with NOS running it’s engine. Here is how the 2 rounds that I won pretty much went. His Beatdown monsters have been hacking away at my life points for the last 2 rounds, bringing my life points from 8000 to 6200, 2600… I had to do something or I would be dead very soon. I set a Wall of Illusion to stop the relentless assault. His Jinn’s could not break through and I set another one making my defense even stronger. I look at his life points, 3400. And me at 2600, he clearly has the advantage with 2 La Jinn’s on the field, poised to strike. My Walls could only last for a couple more turns at most. He sets a monster, face down along side the 2 powerful La Jinn’s. I knew that his next turn that card would flip and give him an effect that could very well end the game! On my turn I draw, knowing that this draw may be my last, I draw Limiter Removal.

            I triubute the life forces of the two Walls of Illusion for the Legendary Engine of Destruction, the Barrel Dragon! The Walls disappear in a flash of white light and my Barrel Dragon emerges. The Barrel Dragon creaks as it moves its iron frame, standing four times as high as a La Jinn, a tower of cold metal. Staring down the La Jinns’ with dark barrel eyes the same color of coal slowly burning, the Barrel Dragon breathes in and out while taking in the situation I have summoned it to. Ash flows with each breath for a few moments as the 2 La Jinn stand toe to toe with the mechanical engine of destruction. I order it to attack and Chain the attack with the quick play magic card, Limiter Removal! The Barrel Dragon’s exhaust outlets flood with white steam, it’s barrel eyes burn bright red, and the La Jinn starring down the barrel of the gun sees an attack strength that only a Redlined barrel dragon can achieve. The barrel dragon poises to attack, it’s every movement shaking the ground like 1000 tons of steel and iron.

The Barrel Dragon lowers it’s metallic head to the ground so that the 3 barrels are inches away from the La Jinn’s face… BAANNNGGG!!!! winning the game.



Round 2: Me (Bandit Keif) vrs. Marcus

            Since Marcus doesn’t read these tourney reports excuse me if I leave this duel a little short. It went exactly as Round 1 did, my Redline deck against a beatdown. Marcus made it far with me because he jammed my most powerful magic card, Soul Release. Most people don’t jam this secret to my success, hell, I can even say it’s my secret to success to all you who are reading this and you still won’t jam it. Last time I checked I was 3rd on the west coast, I wonder why?

            Anyways, after we dueled there was water on Marcus’ eyes and pants, could a defeat from a juiced up Barrel Dragon make him cry or even pee in his pants? Or was it the fact that during our duel it started raining and we had to move to shelter our cards? I guess I’ll never know.



Round 3: Me (Bandit Keif) vrs. Serf

            Serf caught me totally off balance today. I expected his good ol’ disruptor deck that hes had for like the last YEAR and he hit me with more burn than the haberano peppers at a Mexican chili festival. He won 2 in a row and left me spinning, how did I lose? I was kinda proud that he made a new deck but damn! Did he have to make it that good? I’ve been owning the duels at that store for the past two months, but today, or at least against my Redline deck, I didn’t make it past finals. Maybe Serf went to Xavier’s academy for gifted children and is using psychic powers to see my every move (notice how he doesn’t wear a hat anymore! Even if it’s cold! ). Damn Professor X haircut.

Come to think of it, Serf’s New Deck – “Oxymoron” defeated my car load of Yu Gi Oh players today. First Alan’s “Fun”, then my “Redline”, then the Mai beatdown against my sister in the finals.

            After my profound defeat to Serf’s New Deck (those 3 words are the  oxymoron) I looked for Zenno (Steffon) to duel, but I got word that after his first round defeat to Nick he left faster than a New York Jets fan left the Oakland Coliseum after the 30 – 10 Raider victory.


-         Bandit Keif (Sunday January 12, 2003)

-         Evangel008@hotmail.com


Post Game shouts:

Anyone from Collectors Corner reading this! Tell Jeff next week, (the guy with Bandit Keith on his cards) I may write one about Collectors Corner if people read this stuff from there.

Alexis for taking first in the intermediate tournament. Go Ching! Go Hustler kid! “All he wants to do… is duel.”

My sister (PinayMai) for making it to the championships. Next time she will be ready.

Marcus the “Penguin Knight” – ask him to do the dance! Well, ask him to do the dance when your winning…

Kevin for swearing that Serf’s Oxymoron Deck “ain’t shit” (this was after we got home and told him that we all got took.)

Chris “Mokuba” for getting grounded off a B+ allowing Alexis to take the intermediate braket. Oh yea, he’s memorizing “One Card Short” by next week.