Deck Name: Fire Starter(burner)
My name is Ryan
The location is Raven Tales Comic Book Store it was a sanctioned tourney all official n stuff(no jap cards)
Alright enough of that boring title crap time for my deck
Summon Skull x2(Bad @$$)
Maha Vailo x1(see malv nuzzler)
Haybusa Knight x1(shakin not stirred)
MoD x1(see just deserts)
MEBx2(mmmm tasty)
Baron of Feindx2(quick death)
La jinnx1(its not easy being green)
The Stern Mysticx2(I seeeeeee you)
Dragon Zombiex1(good atk)
Sonic Birdyx1(tribute definantly)
Neo x2(good 4 star)
Witches Appr x2(see summon)
Flame Cerb x1(dunno)
Sword Stalkerx1
Mysterious Puppeteer x1(see ultimate offering)
Monster Reborn(STAT CLEAR!)
Fissure x2 (anyone get a seismic reading on that one?)
Heavy Storm(HEY is that there a flying cow?)
Shallow Grave(IT LIVESSSS!)
Ookazi x2(The roof the roof the roof is on fire)
Tremendousfire x3(errrrr it burnsss)
Just Desserts x2
Dark Energy(come to the darkside)
Malv Nuzzler(see valo)
Book of arts(see valo)
Ultimate Off(see myst pup)
Dark Hole(like a hoover?)
Change of Heart(what is yours is now mine and what is mine will be yours(later)
Phew that was long ok its time for the fun part
1st round Ryan vs kid with harpies bro deck
I started out by playing Neo and laying down dark energy and just desserts his turn he plays this card that allows him to bring out 2 harpies bros. He hits me hard with em killing my Neo and I take 1800 direct my turn I put out barren and use just desserts well he ends up killing my barren and I don’t get any monsters out sadly I lose this round
Next duel
I was dominateing this round I started out by playing 2 tremendous fires and then I layed down just desserts and man eater in defense. His turn he plays a harpies bros and attacks my man eater well I guess my man eater had a good dinner but he got destroyed like usual my turn he has a clean field I do to but I play ultimate offering and put down a Neo then I tribute neo for my summoned skull THEN I put down malv nuzzler and attack his lp directly for 3200 next turn he uses that card again and gets two harpies bros in defense he still cant kill my summon skull I put down vailo and attached a book of arts attacked one of his harpies bros and destroyed the other one wid skull next turn he cant play anything so I lay down 2 Ookazis and put down a haybusa knight I attack with all my monsters and that puts his life points down to 0.
Same as last match I won
2nd round
hmmm I cant remember this round I guess I went blank or something I won both matches
3rd round
Ryan(me) vs Lucas Beatdown wannabe
1st duel
I play Vailo and attach nuzzler put down trap hole and fissure he plays battle ox and I trap hole it my turn I attach a book of secret arts to vailo and attack his lp directly for a total of 3550 lp or so his turn he puts down a card in defense mode so I acted cautious I played down neo and attacked his face down card forgot what it was but it was some weak card and I destroyed it I then attacked his lp again for another 3550 he then has 900 lp left he plays another monster in defense I placed down haybusa and and attacked his face down monster with neo it was a man eater and he destroyed my vailo I then attacked with haybusa and neo together and that was match
2nd duel
he dominated he got out 2 summon skulls and took my sword stalker wid change of heart
I lost
3rd duel
I won I forgot how it went but I think I used two TF on round one and played a neo and he couldn’t draw nething so I kept pounding him with a couple of monsters
Last round (Finals wow I cant believe it my first tourney and im in the finals J )
1st duel
I won with 2 summon skulls and a witches apprentice
2nd duel
this was a long one proabally about 25 turns ill just go straight to the middle of the duel he got out barrel dragon and a red eyes I use dragon capture which put his red eyes in def but not his BD (its machine type)
all I got are my tribute monsters but nothing to tribute them for so I keep putting em into defense mode and he keeps getting lucky with the coin flip for BD sad to say but I lose
3rd duel
I won and here is how I did it I got out haybusa knight attached a malevolent nuzzler layed down trap hole
His turn he doesn’t get anything but he puts down 2 m/t cards I then put down a maha vailo attach a book of arts and attack with both of them together his turn he puts down a la jinn I trap hole it and its now my turn I tribute I tribute vailo for SS and attack with haybusa and SS and that’s match
Time for props and slops
Me winning my first tournament w00t w00t J
For my friend for getting some good cards in his boosters
For getting c tourney packs instead of getting the LOB pack the dude I dueled with in the last round he got head of exodia and well I got crap
Hate mail? , wanna talk YuGiOh?, spam, or whatever if you want e-mail me at
Link642003@AOL.comHopeya enjoy my report