Name: Sir Kirby of Pink
Deck Name: (Clever Name for a Burner)
Store: Vintage Stock; Springdale, Arkansas
Number of Participants: Too Many
Rules: Double Elimination, No Japs, $5 Entry Fee
3x Spear Cretin (Combo with Sangan and Cannon Soldier)
3x Jinzo #7 (The last of the weenies; Robbin’ Goblin)
3x Princess of Tsurugi (I once did 10,000 using this chick and my Spear Cretins)
2x Cannon Soldier (Gonna grab a third. Beats Catapult Turtle)
2x Magician of Faith (Did 5,000 with Tremendous Fire. Sweet.)
2x Sangan (Cannon Soldier and Spear Cretin
1x Witch of the Black Forest (Same as Sangan)
1x Mask of Darkness (Used with Just Desserts, Gravity Bind, and Imperial Order)
1x Cyber Jar (May replace with Mask of Darkness. Counter for Hayabusa)
MAGIC (11)
3x Tremendous Fire (Feel the Burn)
3x Messenger of Peace (I will make you hate your favorite monsters)
1x Change of Heart (Counter for Hayabusa)
1x Swords of Revealing Light (Counter for Hayabusa (Traded before tourney for Exchange and Suijin))
1x Prohibition (Counter for Hayabusa and Gravity Bind)
1x Pot of Greed (Drawing power)
TRAP (12)
3x Gravity Bind (See Messenger of Peace)
3x Just Desserts (See Gravity Bind
2x Robbin’ Goblin’ (Combo with Jinzo #7)
1x Ceasefire (I’ve seen Ricky do 4,000 with this sucker)
1x Imperial Order (Counter for Heavy Storm)
1x Mirror Force (YES! Counter for Hayabusa (Traded a Toon Mermaid for it before tournament)
Basically, this deck makes you HATE your favorite monsters. I literally heard a kid say “Oh man! Not my stupid Skull!”
There were so many people here that they gave all but four people a bye first round to even up the brackets. However; Brad was running a deck destruction today that took FOREVER to run; so it took nearly an hour and a half to get started up.
Round One
Round Two
Sir Kirby of Pink
Some Kid
I was playing against the people I hate playing the most at times; Kids. This kid had a TITANNIC deck. Huge. It was tremendously large. But I hate those decks because they’re always filled with an unorganized mass of mumbo jumbo; so I cannot find a single strategy to shut down. So; unless it’s a beatdown, I have trouble targetting weaknesses with unorganization. Fortunately, though, nearly everyone in my environment runs beatdown.
Match One and Two
To make a long story short; this punk got out a cheap Hayabusa early in both Matches and I drew NOTHING but crap. I got shut down and it was CHEAP.
Well; I played about 10 duels after the tournament and owned every one of them. So...
- Getting Mirror Force and Swords
- No longer having a Ghetto Deck
- Dr. Pepper
- Ricky for being cool
-Losing so early
-Prizes always suck
-Hayabusa for not being restricted to 2
Anything to say?
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