Tournament Report by Stan A.
115-05 Atlantic Ave.
Richmond Hill, NY 11416 Entry $5
first place $20, second $10, third $5
My deck:3 star clown invasion
Witch of black forest1x
dream clown3x
crass clown3x
magician of faith2x
mask of d.1x
Giant rat1x
maneater bug2x
masked sorcerer1x
Axe of despair1x
pot of g.1x
Curse of fiend2x
change of heart1x
snatch steal1x
noble man of crosssout1x
heavy storm2x
mystical space1x
magic jammer1x
seven tools2x
mirror force1x
trap hole2x
gravity bind 2x
First Round: I versed no trap boy. He had pretty much nothing. Jinzo caused a little trouble but I still beat him twice in a row.
Second Round:
I versed a kid named Chris or something he was okay he kept trying to trick pretending he did not have a magic jammer down oh well he still lost twice in a row.
third round;
I lost in the first duel he killed me with princess of t. In the second I won easily. The third I got decked out cause of my stupid gravity bid and cyber jar.
to my new deck......
Uh and oh Charlie for buying the dragon seeker I got...
Slops to :
Gravity bind........ thats it
Check out this tourney people ..