Card Palace
This is my tenth tourney and my first tourney report. Hope ya' like it.
Monsters: 22
1x Jinzo
1x The Fiend Megacyber
3x Mechanicalchaser
3x Goblin Attack Force
2x 7 Colored Fish
2x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
2x Harpie's Brother
2x Magician of Faith
2x Sangan
1x Witch of the Black Forest
2x Gearfried the Iron Knight
1x Cyber Jar
Magic: 12
1x Pot of Greed
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial
1x Change of Heart
1x Snatch Steal
1x The Shallow Grave
1x Heavy Storm
2x Giant Trunade
Traps: 12
3x Magic Jammer
2x Magic Drain
3x Seven Tools of the Bandit
1x Mirror Force
3x Solemn Judgement
Sidedeck: 15 (go figure!)
2x Soul Release
1x Confiscation
1x Delinquent Duo
1x Morphing Jar #1
2x Morphing Jar #2
1x Card Destruction
1x Eternal Rest
1x Reverse Trap
3x Tribute to the Doomed
2x Nobleman of Crossout
The prizes were:
1st Place: 1 Box of Pharoah's Servant and 5 Tournament Packs
2nd Place: 12 Packs of Pharaoh's Servant and 2 Tournament Packs
3rd Place: Jack Diddly Squat
Alot of people use Exodia decks in my area (12 to be exact). So I made an Anti-Exodia sidedeck. I've used Exodia before and he just wasn't working for me.
There were about 80 people there but only 64 could join (Whoa!). All 80 People would draw a number. Whoever drew 65 or higher wouldn't participate. I drew number 3.
Round 1: Me vs. Tray Valentino
64 Competitors
I didn't like this guy. He was snotty and stuck up and kept saying he was the best. Before the tournament, he said "I got every card ever!" This other guy shoves two cards in his face and he says "Except for those." He was a little *******!!!
Duel: I couldn't believe this guy was entering. He had like an 80-card deck with no protectors. Dumb. I go first and play Witch of the Black Forest in defense. He plays Armaill (yes, I said Armaill...I know he's a pinhead) and attacks. He loses 500 Lp. Moron. My turn. I pull Sangan but I wait to play it because I got TFM in my hand and I wanna use it with no tribute. I simply pass. He plays Hitotsu-Me Giant in attack mode and attacks. I looked at him and said "Why are you doing that?" He says, "Because your attack is 1100 and my Hitotsu-Me Giant is at 1200. Now, you see, I have a LOW tolerance for people who don't know the rules. I had to practically yell at him to figure out that the attack of a monster is useless if it's in defense mode. He kept arguing back saying I was wrong. The judge came over and he yelled at me to shut up. The judge disqualified him for being an *******.
Score: 2-0
My LP: 8000
His LP: 7500
Between rounds, I got my tournament pack and luckily had gotten Exile of the Wicked which I traded to some little kid for like 10 Secret Rares and 9 Ultra Rares. What a loser. ~_~.
Round 2: Me vs. Joe Markinson
32 Competitors
He didn't know how to play very well but knew the rules (most of them). he just had a really bad deck.
Duel: He caught me by surprise a few times with his traps. I grew a little too overconfident and that almost cost me the first match. I started out on the attack and clobbered him a few times with my Harpie's Brother. He flipped Robbin' Goblin when he actually tried flipping Mirror Force. It's what you get when you don't look at your cards before you flip them. Naturally, I Seven Tooled his Mirror Force. I went nuts on him for awhile when I pulled out my Jinzo. He eventually pulled Raigeki and used it and clobbered me for a few turns with a Darkfire Soldier. I finally pulled my The Fiend Megacyber when he had a monster in defense and his DF Soldier in ATK. I used the Megacyber's effect and played Change of Heart on his defense card. Cyber Jar. Unfortunately, I didn't have Jinzo in my hand or I would've used it as tribute. I had to go along with it and knock him with a Fish and the Megacyber (I love this card!). He kept playing defense and I eventually dug into his lifepoints deep enough to pull victory first. The second duel was the same way only it ended in three turns. I sidedecked my Crossouts and TTTDs. I pulled a Brother, a Fish, a Crossout, and a Doomed on my opening draw. I go first and pull a Goblin Attack Force. Righteous! I played my Fishie in defense. He played defense too. I pulled a Genie and Crossouted his defense monster which happened to be a Man-Eater Bug. I flipped my Fish and played the Genie in attack. 3600 direct. Bamo!!! He played defense again. I drew the Megacyber. Time to finish it up. I play TTTD on his defense and summon the Brother in attack mode. 5400 direct!!! Game.
Score 4-0
Duel 1:
My LP: 3400
His LP: 0
Duel 2:
My LP: 8000
His LP: 0
Round 3: Me vs. ???
16 Competitors
This guy was watching my duel so he had a slight edge since he knew what was in my deck. Luckily, the guy that he beat had tipped my off about him using an Exodia deck. I told him to look at my side deck. When he saw the cards, we exchanged that "Revenge" look.
Duel: He ended up winning because he had 2 pieces in his hand and 2 Sangans with a Witch of the Black Forest next to them all. Because of my eagerness to attack, I lost. Luckily I had sidedecked my Exodia-killing cards so there was no way he would have a chance. He lost...badly...both times.
Score: 6-1
Duel 1:
My LP: 8000
His LP: 50
Duel 2:
My LP: 8000
His LP: 0
Duel 3:
My LP: 6000
His LP: 0
Round 4: Me vs. Ace
8 Competitors
Ace was champ in our area. I was new here so I didn't know what he ran. Some guy later told me he ran a semi-beatdown field control deck.
Duel: I was nervous coming into this one. From the way he looked, he had a bad hand and I just whaled on him with my Jinzo and Chasers (I hadn't pulled any of them until now). Second duel was different. he had a little more control than I wanted him to have. I finally reeled out a Megacyber with a Mechanicalchaser on the side and did him a little damage but when he dark holed and reborned I felt there was more control that I could've taken from him. But I finally Raigekied and reborned Jinzo and played a Genie to crush him.
Score 8-1 (I don't like that one...GO AWAY ONE)
Round 5: Me vs. Some Little Kid
4 Competitors
Apparentely, the judge felt sorry for this kid and put him in an easy bracket. Jerk. I would've had him fired if I was the store owner. That's illegal according to Upperdeck's rulings as head judge.
Duel: No chance. Squashed him in three turns both duels. These went so fast, I don't even remember them.
Round 6: Me vs. Derek
2 Competitors
The finals. I knew I might not win this one and if I didn't, I would be happy with second place. Those 12 Packs would be awsome but I liked the box more. It was orange (I like orange). *smacks self* Now that I've stopped acting like a nitwit, onto the duel.
Duel: He was really good I had almost no control. Luckily, my Reborn, Raigeki combo worked like a charm...the first duel. The second one was long and he ended up decking me, because I recylced Pot of Greed alot and he used Card Destruction and Cyber Jar to take a LARGE piece out of my deck. The third duel was mine. I could've skipped my first 5 turns and it wouldn't have mattered because all his monsters were on the bottom of his deck. Clobbered him with my Megacyber and Jinzo.
Score: 10-2
Duel 1:
My LP: 1950
His LP: 0
Duel 2:
My LP: 6700
His LP: 3400
Duel 3:
My LP: 8000
His LP: 0
I got the box of Pharoah's Servant and got three Jinzo's in it. Awsome. The tourney packs sucked though.
-Having Fun
-To my dad for making it to the quarterfinals
-To my dad for taking me and buying me the entry fee
-To the Box
-To Exile of the Wicked for popping up in my tourney pack
-To Pepsi Blue (if you haven't had any, your a loser)
-To having more Props than Slops
-Only 2 defeats
-To anyone who dislikes Pepsi Blue
-To the ******* who argued with me in the 1st Round.
Any Deck Suggestions Will Be Greatly Appreciated