The Circus – Kevo Kaiba-A World of Books

San Leandro, CA, January 26, 2003


3 spear cretin 3 gravity bind

3 demon investigator 3 giant turnade

3 bistro butcher 3 soul release

3 wall of illusion 2 gravekeeper’s servant

3 magician of faith 2 magic drain

2 sangan 2 shallow grave

2 morphing jar 1 card destruction

2 hane hane 1 change of heart

1 banisher of the light 1 pot of greed

1 cyber jar 1 mirror force

1 black forest witch 1 raigeki

1 mask of darkness

$6 dollars to enter the tournament.

4 rounds, 16 people in the Advanced bracket.

Prize: 3 Magic Ruler packs

Round 1: Me (Kevo Kaiba) vs. Blake (I think?)

I have never seen this him behind since today is my first coming back to the tourneys since football season has ended. Before I heard that he played beatdown wit power-up. So I was kinda cocky going into this duel. He ended having a Barrel Dragon Cannon soldier deck. Hmmm sounds familiar. But they did him useless, I trap holed his soldiers and tribute to the doom his Barrel Dragon that cam in once during my three rounds we played.

Round 2: Me (Kevo Kaiba) vs. Brandon "Pho"

Brandon and me has a long time feud ever since I started to play at World of books. Ever since our first duel with his Saggi, that’s right a freakin Saggi. This match was no different with his Jinzo. But I took it in the end stripping his hand to nothing.

Round 3: Me (Kevo Kaiba) vs. Steffon (Zeeno)

This is the first time I played against his "Drive By". His guns kept getting sunk and my puppeteer caught his bullets. The first duel was an endless cycle, the second he won pretty quick and the last, my hats took his hand and clutched the win.

Round 4-Finals:Me (Kevo Kaiba) vs. Bandit Keif

This duel ended with surprising results. It’s the last duel, ended like this. He managed to summon his greatest monster, the all mighty BARREL DRAGON. I had a Dream Clown on the field. He flips his coins and the stray bullets pierced through the Dream Clown like a murder victim on 48th.


To all the duelist I know at World of Books and Collectors Coner.

To Kforce1, and the other members who were not able to make it, and Marcus you have get better man.