"Quack Experimental Deck Yu-Gi-Oh Saga" by Tripping Billies (Curtis Schultz)

Tournament Report: January 26, 2003

Dave's Card Shop:  Phoenix, AZ 24th and Osborne

16-player tournament



I did my judge assignment on Saturday, as I often do, and played on Sunday.

I had been keeping my points consistently in Dave's Card Shop. I went into this

tournament ranked 1st for the season. Our rep said that this month was the end

of Season 2. With this in mind, I went into today's tournament knowing I had

to do well. The two people closest to me in the point standing were nipping at my heels.


------------------------------- Deck Contents ------------------------------------


--- Monsters (22)

1 X Barrel Dragon

1 X Jinzo

1 X The Fiend Megacyber

1 X Goblin Attack Force

3 X Mechnicalchaser (Yep...that's right)

1 X Maha Vailo

1 X Cannon Soldier

1 X Witch of the Black Forest

2 X Wall of Illusion

1 X Hayabusa Knight

1 X Sangan

1 X Cyber Jar

1 X Morphing Jar #2

1 X Mask of Darkness

1 X Morphing Jar (Cheshire Cat)

1 X Spear Cretin

1 X Man-Eater Bug

2 X Magician of Faith


--- Magic (16)

2 X Axe of Despair

1 X Change of Heart

2 X Giant Trunade

1 X Limiter Removal

1 X Megamorph

1 X Monster Reborn

1 X Mystical Space Typhoon

1 X Nobleman of Crossout

1 X Painful Choice

1 X Pot of Greed

1 X Premature Burial

1 X  Raigeki

1 X Snatch Steal

1 X Swords of Revealing Light


--- Traps (6)

1 X Call of the Haunted

1 X Ceasefire

1 X Imperial Order

1 X Mirror Force

2 X Waboku


--- Side Deck (15)

1 X Morphing Jar #2

1 X Axe of Despair

1 X Delinquent Duo

1 X Exchange

1 X Heavy Storm

1 X Mystical Space Typhoon

2 X Soul Release

2 X Lightforce Sword

1 X Magic Jammer

1 X Seven Tools of the Bandit

1 X Solemn Judgement

2 X Trap Hole



--------1st Round-------


Tripping Billies Vs. Jose


Jose was a new player to the tournament. I felt sorry for the guy having to face me

first round, but I wouldn't insult him by taking pity.


I entered the tournament with ruthless determination. I would win a trophy for season 2.

Season 2 is the best shot I had at getting one, and was perhaps the only chance I would ever have.


His deck didn't seem to have one unifying theme. It was a sampler of different things.

I am sure as he gets used to the game he will jump onto a strategy. My hope is that he used

our duel to learn things he could do.


The first match was pretty one sided. He didn't really know what he was in for.


TB: 8000

J : 0


1 : 0 Advantage TB


The second round he was pretty discouraged. I tried to get him to just give it his best,

because you never know what will happen, but he seemed to just give in. He did nail me

with my own "The Fiend Megacyber," but that was as far as it went.


TB: 5500

J : 0


I am hoping he and his companions will return again someday. With more experience they

will become much better.


Winner: Tripping Billies



------------ Round 2 -----------------------


Tripping Billies Vs. Lawrence


Lawrence was using his brother's deck. He had done well with it in the first round, but I

suspect that he had some coaching during that duel... At any rate, he did have an idea what was in the deck.


The deck seemed mostly a beatdown.


The first round didn't fair to well for him. He wasn't to pleased to even be playing against me.

I tried to dissolve this mentality, but it remained throughout the duel.


The first round he only nailed for me 300. 800 of the damage I did to myself using "Premature Burial."

I tricked him a bit with "Painful Choice.." a card that quickly became a staple of the deck throughout the day.


TB: 6900

L : 0


1 - 0 Advantage TB


He wasn't to happy about the first round. I couldn't get him to overcome the sense of foreboding.

He nailed me for 300 again... but I nailed him for worse then that from "Hayabusa Knight" with the "Axe of Despair."


TB: 7700

L : 0


Winner: Tripping Billies



------------------------- Round 3 ---------------------


Tripping Billies Vs. Emmanuel


So this was it... one of the main competitors for the top spot in the points standings.

Needless to say, I was a bit nervous. Lose this one, and I might as well kiss that 1st place position goodbye.


I got hit pretty hard by the effect of my "Morphing Jar #2" in this round. Had to draw for

four monsters. That never ends well.


"Limiter Removal" with my machines became the big show of this duel, along with "Painful Choice."

My using that card seemed to be surprising people, but it had proven itself effective.


The first round involved a lot of give and take. "Jinzo" was bouncing around between the two of us.

We each took some shots, but ultimately I prevailed with "Limiter Removal."


TB : 5300

E : 0


1 - 0 Advantage TB


The second round I really took a pounding. I made a careless mistake early in the match that probably

should have earned me a defeat. I had used "Snatch Steal" to take Emmanuel's "7 Colored Fish." I also

had a face-down "Magician of Faith." I wanted to tribute them both for the "Barrel Dragon," but I did

not want to lose the Magician's effect. So I came up with the bone headed idea to put the "Axe of Despair"

onto the "7 Colored Fish," then tribute them both... now, we all see the error in this, right?

No magic card in my graveyard, and now no "Axe of Despair" either.


Now, when I do something incredibly bone headed, I should probably lose the match...

and I very nearly did. Emmanuel was up to 8500 LP. I went down to 2600. ("Barrel Dragon" hanged around

for a bit causing trouble. I had to bring him back a couple of times.) I did a small hit of 750 to

take him down to 7750. My turn came around again and I took the big risk.


"Limiter Removal" saved my butt, once again. I used "Call of the Haunted" to bring back "Barrel Dragon."

I also got out my "Hayabusa Knight" with his favorite "Axe of Despair." Combine the two together, and

I had pulled myself out of the fire.


TB : 2600

E : 0


Winner : Tripping Billies



---------------------- Final Round ----------------------------


Tripping Billies Vs. Victor


Me and Victor again. He is often at the top of the tournament bracket. He is also another of the people

who is close to taking the top spot from me. He has the top spot in another account for "All Things Anime..,"

but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be worried.


He wasn't sure what my deck was doing, so he decided to just go at default with his. He was using

"Thousand Eyes Restrict." I noticed it waiting in his fushion deck.


I did a little bit to him in our game of turnaround. "Giant Trunade" and the like. He used "Solemn Judgement"

at full health, a move that I have found often ends badly. I dinged him for 1400, taking him to 2600, but he was able to recover back to 4800.


I surprised him by using "Painful Choice." He asked me jokingly if it was an Exodia deck.

Well, considering the choices I gave him he realized why I use it. It put him into a situation where

nothing he chose would be very good. It also gave me access to certain cards from deck I really wanted.


He came back at me with a 2500 shot that had me down to 4500. I was slightly below him in LP, and that

is exactly where I wanted to be. He had attacked me with a "Witch of the Black Forest." She was left

wide open for my retaliation. I utilized "Megamorph" on a revived "Jinzo" and "Limiter Removal" saved

the day once again. Just ran right over the Witch.


TB : 4500

V : 0


1 - 0 Advantage TB


Round two Victor went to his sidedeck. I can't say what he changed, or how many cards were changed,

but it was obvious he didn't like something I was doing.


He quickly got to a point where "Jinzo" was out by himself with only a slight helper. He had a few cards

in his M/T zone, but with "Jinzo" there I didn't need to worry about them. I had a Sangan out at the moment,

but he could not destroy it due to a "Waboku" I had chained to a "Heavy Storm" he had played.


I saw a chance, and used "Painful Choice" again. I went entirely for attacking monsters, knowing I had quite

a bit of power in my hand at the moment. I chose "MechanicalChaser," "Jinzo," and the "Goblin Attack Force."

He chose to give me the Goblin's, perhaps thinking they were not strong enough to take out his "Jinzo" anyways.


That was when the bomb dropped. I had wanted the Goblins and I had managed to get them. I used my "Monster Reborn"

to bring back my Jinzo, then I  used "Snatch Steal" to take Victor's "Jinzo." I then summoned my

"Goblin Attack Force" for my normal summon. I also equipped an "Axe of Despair" to my "Jinzo."


"Sangan" took out the only blocking enemy, and my other forces ended the match in one fell swoop. It was

a hell of a surprise for him, but bringing out "Jinzo" is a risk for magic reprisal.

Especially when your opponent has a full hand.


It was the sort of thing that Counterfushion does to me all the time.


TB : 8000

V : 0


Winner : Tripping Billies




I had managed to do it. If this was indeed the last tournament for Season 2, then I had quite possibly

cemented my position in first. My hope is that the Season 2 trophies will not take a great deal of time

to be delivered, like the Season 1 trophies have.


I also came to respect the power of "Painful Choice" today. Gives the machine deck a bite.



Tournament Pack: "Spirit of the Books," "Sky Dragon," and "Dancing Elf." The kids should be happy I keep

getting all of the packs with no rares. (But with my Chasers and Morphing Jar, I still have no right to complain.)



Shout Outs:


Reynaldo: For making the suggestions that made my deck ruthless.


To Mr. Submarine for another Dr. Slice... and for still not knowing what the pickles are.


All the kids at the tournament: Always a pleasure. Good to see such a variety of decks. Not just beatdowns

everywhere you look.


Dave for hosting the tournaments and keeping this whole mess in line.


To Amanda for helping me to verify decks. She also played in the tournament. She went to second round.


To Mc. Donald's for giving us our after-tournament hang out spot. They also have those delicious Mc. Ribs

back in season. Some mustard and honey and I am all set with one of those.




To Nora Jones for having that great voice and being the gorgeous thing she is.




Feel free to send all responses, comments, inquiries, and Menchi recipes to:




Today's Experiment.......  Was feelin’ the same way all over again.