Subject: Beatdown Deck - CourtJesterJ - Atomic Comics - Phoenix, Az

Title: Beatdown Deck
By: CourtJesterJ
At: Atomic Comics in Phoenix, Az
Dec 29, 2002

Around 70+ people participated in this tournament.

Normal Monsters - 10:

Summoned Skull x2
Beast of Talwar (This is here till I get a 3rd Summoned Skull.)
La Jinn... x3
7 Colored Fish x3
Harpie's Brother (Yes only one, don't know if I would use more anyway.)

Effect Monster - 10:

Maha Vailo x2
Cyber Jar
Mask of Darkness (To get back my Mirror Force.)
Morphing Jar #2 (Lookin' for an other one.)
Man-Eater Bug x3 (No monster for you!)
Magician of Faith x2 (used to be 3 but then i got a MoD.)

Magic Cards - 15

Monster Reborn (A must have card for any deck.)
Change of Heart (A must have card for any deck.)
Axe of Despair (Go Maha Vailo kill that BEWD.)
Premature Burial (oh, you killed my Maha Vailo... WRONG!)
Dark Hole (A must have card for any deck.)
Raigeki (A must have card for any deck.)
Swords of Revealing Light (This card is a life saver.)
Tribute of the Doomed (Say bye-bye to your MeB.)
Heavy Storm (I need one more of these never get it when I need it.)
Fairy Meteor Crush (Stall Deck beware.)
Fissure x3
Malevolent Nuzzler x2 (Till I get 2 more AoD.)

Trap Cards - 7:

Imperial Order (Like a Free Magic Jammer if I don't pay and Maha Vailo still gets a 500 power up :)
Mirror Force
Trap Hole x3 (How can a Harpie's Brother fall in a hold it FLYS!)
Magic Drain x2

Total Number of Cards: 42

This deck is all about keepin' the field clear so you can do direct damage and if your in a hard spot to bounce right back in the duel.

Atomic Comics has a good idea with this they break the little kid and big kids in too two pools the merege later on. This makes it fair for the little ones and makes it fun for me so I don't have to duel the weak ones

First round: Me vs. Kid with a messy deck.

This kid had a deck of card with no real theme and non of his monsters had good effects or more then 1650atk this ended in 2 and very quickly.
[Record: 2 - 0]

Second Round: Me vs Kid with those damn Kiseitai

Like the title saids he had 3 Kiseitai but didn't really help because I got FmC in my opening hand with Maha Vailo and a power up in my opening hard both rounds. This match also ended very quickly.
[Record: 4 - 0]

Third Round: Me vs. One of my friends friends who just ture 15

I alway had the idea that he was a great duelest and maybe he is but like the other 2 match it didn't last to long.
[Record: 6 - 0]

Forth Round: My Frist Freebie (This also gave me a 100% chance of getting a TP2.)

Nothing much happen didn't need to watch the other player because I know all of there deck and only one chould stand up to mine that I've played so I just walk around atomic comics and got some food. The only thing I hate about this is that it counts as winning in 3.
[Record: 8 - 1]

Fifth Round: Me vs. The friend for round 3

This was very fun for me because he has almost the same deck as me so we both had to work hard for this win. This is a rematch form last week. Tribute of the Doomed saved me every time t got it and it was the one card that did all the work mainly. We went all 3 round for almost 35min but I won in the end.
[Record: 10 - 2]

Sixth and Final Round for me: Me vs. 2nd best in store

This was the best match ever for me. He has the same deck as frist in store and I took it all the was to the 3rd round with him at 1000 LP. I all most won, and least I had fun and got what I wanted my frist TP ever.
[Record: 11 - 4]

I didn't get to see who won because it was 8pm and I had to get on the bus or I'll have to walk for a long, long time.

The main combo of this deck is to set Maha Vailo and let it die to make your enemy think you are out of moves but your just playin' with them because you got your 3 power up with Premature Burial to bring him back. 75% of the time I win with this combo just because my deck keeps your monsters down.

If you have any ideas to improve my deck or just want to chat e-mail me at