Subject: Maha Beatdown, Josh, Amazing Discoveries, Tucson, AZ

Number of Particpants: About 60

Name: Josh


7 and above



x2 Summoned Skull


x3 Harpie's Brother

x2 7 Colored Fish

La Jinn

Darkfire Soldier #1

Darkfire Soldier #2

Battle Ox

Girochin Kuwagata


Shadow Ghoul

Dark Elf

x3 Maha Vailo

Cyber Jar

Princess of Tsurugi

Morphing Jar #2

Man-Eater Bug


Heavy Storm

Snatch Steal

Monster Reborn

Change of Heart

Nobleman of Crossout

Dark Hole

x3 Ground Collapse


Rush Recklessy

x3 Malevolent Nuzzlers

Black Pendant


x3 Trap Hole

x2 Robbin' Goblin

Total: 42 cards

Hello again!!! I have now moved to going to Amazing Discoveries instead of Showtime and I like it there better any how. This was my first official tournament and I had lots of fun...

Me vs. Adrian

Of course I have to play against the store champion in the first round. He wiped out all my monsters with Mirror Force in the fourth turn, when I was about to win... I had two Mahas out!!! Then he monster reborned his SS and attacked and I lost.

Round 2

This round  I didn't draw one Maha at all!!! On his second turn he played WotBF in attack and attacked me when some one said that he played Exodia! I gulped and then I found out that he didn't right when I lost.


My dad driving me there.

My school-friends showing up.

Me trading Delinquet Duo for Limited Edition Red-Eyes (COOL)!!!


Getting Junk in my tourney pack.

Being stuck with the store champ on the first round.

A stupid kid who wouldn't trade their Ax of Despair to me.

Please e-mail me at this address, and give me tips and trades. I will duel with other people who live in Tucson if they would like. Thanks for reading this.



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