Deck: Mechanical Beatdown

Name: Myke13

Location: TradeMart in Southpark Mall

City: Moline, Illinois

Date: January 4th, 2003

Participants: 40-45


My deck:

Monsters (24):

2x Overdrive

2x Man-Eater Bug

1x Goblin Attack Force

1x Barrel Dragon

1x Morphing Jar #2

2x Harpie's Brother

2x Summon Skull

2x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp

1x Jirai Gumo

1x Hayabusa Knight

2x 7 Colored Fish

1x Magician of Faith

1x Cyber Jar

3x Guardian of the Throne Room

1x Witch of the Black Forest

1x Mechanical Chaser

Magic (18)

3x 7 Completed

1x Tribute to the Doomed

1x Change of Heart

1x Dark Hole

3x Fissure

1x Limiter Removal

1x Deliquent Duo

1x Heavy Storm

1x Pot of Greed

1x Monster Reborn

1x Raigeki

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Ax of Despair

1x Snatch Steal

Traps (8)

1x Mirror Force

2x Magic Jammer

2x Trap hole

1x Dust Tornado

1x Acid Trap Hole

1x Solemn Judgement

Total (50)

Obviously the whole aspect of Machine in this deck appears pointless and only gets in the way...and sometimes it does. But most of the time my machines are extremely useful to me in my duals. Limiter Removal can make the simplest of machines extremely dangerous.

Now that you know my deck lets get to the tourny. This tournament was played in Swiss format. Basically, it's just an excuse to give sucky kids more matches. With me at the tournament were my fellow Geneseo dualists Matt, Steve, and Nathan aka The Dirty Dawg. Today Matt decided he'd be funny and use a deck themed after the character Weevil Underwood. It is rediculous and should NEVER have been played in a tourny but it was interesting to see. And so began Moline's first tourny of the year 2003.

Opponent #1: Neil

Neil took me about 15 minutes to find. I was getting pretty annoyed. I'd say he was about my age...maybe 16 years old or so. As we sat down to play I thought to myself "Ok, just win this tourny quick, then go check out some of the hunnies at the mall."

Match #1

Neil pretty much lays a constant stream of La Jinns. I easily picked them off with some powered up Machines. One interesting move was when I used my dust tornado to destroy a face down magic/trap card which turned out to be a 7 Tools of the Bandit, which he then activated to negate the effect on my Dust Tornado costing him 1000 lps. I had to try pretty hard to keep from laughing. Before long I was dealing too much hefty damage to for him to do anything about.

Match #2

This may have been my most memorable match of the day. After a few turns I use a raigeki, then get it back with my Magician of Faith and sacrifice my MoF for a Summon Skull. I ragekied again next turn and attacked his life points again. His last turn he used Shallow Grave and I took my MoF out of my graveyard in face down defense and fliped it to get my regeki back and use it for the third time, then attacking to polish off his lifepoints.

After Round #1:

Myke13, Steve, Nathan, and even Matt gain victories.

2 extrememly fat grown men take too long to finish their match and result in a tie.

Opponent #2: Little kid of whose name I didn't bother to learn.

I took one look at this kid and I groaned...he looked like he didn't know where he was. Before the match he bragged about winning his first game and asked if we were playing with tributes. I explained to him that we're always playing with tributes.

Match #1:

This kid lays a Mystic Clown and powers him up with 3 different equip cards, 1 of which I notced was Ring of Magnetism...I was pretty confused. According to this kid it was a 2400 now...So next turn I played Mechanical Chaser with 7 Completed and attacked it. After a few more attacks this kid runs out of cards and asks "Can we use sideboard?" and I was like "Umm...yeah". He looks excited and draws 3 cards, playing 2 of them, one of which was a darkfire dragon (a fusion monster). Once he was out of cards again he said "Since I'm out of cards I get to draw 5 new ones right?" I finally put a stop to this rediculous match by letting him draw 1 card and he said he couldn't to anything but trendous fire. I killed him next turn.

Match #2:

This time I go first and lay a La Jinn in attack mode. The kid then lays some Japanese dragon card with 8 stars, 2800 atk, and an effect but I didn't know what it was and niether did he. So he just kills my La Jinn with it. I'm so sick of this kid at this point so I Snatch Stealed his dumb dragon thing and killed him after a while. This was the worst round of yu-gi-oh I've ever played in my life.

After Round #2:

Matt's bug deck beat one of the older guys there...probably around 30.

Myke13, Nathan, and Steven are all also undefeated still.

50 minutes of waiting was required until this round was finally finished.

Opponent #3: Jeric

Sporting a DBZ Hawaiian style shirt, Jeric is one of the better known dualists at Trademart. I wasn't too sure about this guy. I've seen him try to use Remove Trap on Trap Holes, yet he somehow beat both Nathan and Steven on different occasions. I just figured that his short turn memory was a little less than what could be desired went all out.

Match #1:

This match was extremely close. It looked doubtful after a whiptail crow with +500 atk points via Mytical Plasma Zone was megamorphed and dealt serious damage to my lifepoints. The next turn I snatch Stealed it and attacked and he was forced to use his mirror force. As the game play itself out, I eventually won by attacking with a guardian of the throne room equipt with Ax of Despair and using my Limiter Removal to attack for 5300.

Match #2:

This one was another close one. I got my Barrel Dragon out early and dealt life point damage, but he took care of it and it evened out quickly, until we were in a card drawing contest to see who would be the first to get a monster card while the other couldn't do anything about it. Finally I drew a monster reborn and got my barrel dragon back and attacked again. the next turn I attacked with Barrel Dragon and a Cyber Jar in attack mode to win.

After Round #3:

Nathan beats Matt's insect deck at which point Matt exclaims "No! My bugs!"

Steven and Myke13 are still unfeated as well. 5 people were undefeated at this point.

The card shop owner was extremely confused because he thought there would only be 2 undefeated people at this point. He decides finally to have a play-off between the top 4 ranked dualists. Steven is ranked #5 because he had the easiest schedual, causing him to not be able to participate in the play-off. Steven is extremely angry because he had no control over who his opponents were and he won every match he was in.

The Finals Play-Off:

The people taking part in the play-off were the top 4 dualists based on rank in the tourny. The ranks at this point where as follows:

1. Myke13

2. Nathan

3. Bobby

4. Some little kid that lucked his way into the semi-finals.

The matches where made as such:

#1 Myke13 vs. #3 Bobby

#2 Nathan vs. #4 lucky little kid.

Opponent #4: Bobby

Bobby was easily in his mid 30's. Upon seeing him at the tourny, Matt and I discussed how people that old should not be allowed to play in the tournaments. When I sat down to play him he took a huge stack of cards out of a box he was carrying. I was then even more surprised to see him take another stack out equally as large and start shuffeling portions with his huge deck with other portions of it. Before he was finished shuffeling, nathan came over laughing about what a pushover the kid he was playing was going to be, and decided that we would meet eachother in the finals. After Literally 5 to 10 minutes of watching this old man shuffel his deck the match finally started.

Match #1 out of 1:

Since only one match was played to determine the winner in this round this was the only match. In my opening hand I got my Delinquent Duo, which is probaly my favorite card to get in my opening hand. Also I played Hayabusa Knight equipt with Ax of Despair to deal 4000 damage to Bobby's lifepoints. He attemped to Magic Drain the Ax of Despair but I simply discarded a Fissure from my hand. He didn't draw a monster next turn and surrendored.

After the Semi-finals:

Myke13 and Nathan are the winners and face eachother in the finals.

The Lucky kid plays Bobby to determine 3rd place.

Steven is still extremely angry and makes crude references about the card shop owner.

Opponent #5: Nathan

Nathan and I were thrilled to play eachother in the finals. We were especially happy because we were the two people who did 90% of the trash talking before the tourny and backed up our taunts with skill. Nathan and I agreed this 1 match stuff was stupid so we decided the play best 2 of 3, as it should be.

Match #1:

Nathan's Megamorph came in handy for him this game and he ended up doing masive damage to my lifepoints which I couldn't quite recover from. He was down to about 2300 lifepoints before he had me cornered and I surrendered.

Match #2:

This match was VERY close. I had Swords of Revealing Light in play and my Barrel Dragon, but he had a Golbin Attack Force with Megomorph which was 4600 atk points and way too much for my Barrel Dragon to try to take on. I attemped to kill it with Barrel Dragon's effect twice but failed both times, and then my Swords wore off and I had to switch it to defense mode. Nathan killed it next turn. Luckily his Goblin attack force was easily taken out next turn. After a long back and forth match, I eventually won by using Monster Reborn to get Barrel Dragon back.

Match #3:

Nathan had a terrible hand...there really wasn't anything else to it.

Tournament Conclusion:

1st place: Myke 13

2nd place: Nathan

3rd place: Bobby

4th place: rediculous little kid

5th place: Steven

Somwhere around 7th or 8th place: Matt

The Prizes were a booster pack for each of the top 4 finishers...thus making the play-off tourny useless.


Matt's sweet Weevi-licous deck doing better than most of the other decks in the tourny.

Me for winning and giving the Witch's Appentice I pulled to a random little kid.

Nathan pulling a Summon Skull from his Metal Raiders booster

Matt for doing some pretty good trades

Steve for yelling at some stupid Robert kid

Pojo for being the only worthwhile yu-gi-oh site on the web.


Card shop for letting the tourny get so sloppy.

Steve getting eliminated from the tournament over something he had no control over.

$3.00 entry fee + 1 booster prize= hmmmm

Stupid little kids that can't play yu-gi-oh right and don't belong in tournaments.

Stupid old guys that need to get a life besides beating little kids at Yu-gi-oh.

The stupid kids that tried to accuse Nathan of stealing a japanese card that I definately know nathan got off Ebay.

The pizza there sucked too.

Thanks for caring. I'm Mike Converse aka Myke 13. E-mail me at for INTELLEGENT deck suggestions and whatever else you may want with me.