Disruption of Dragon
Run by Tommy Yan (superblah!)
At Magic Dragon, in Boise, Idaho
December 31, 2002
Number of entrants: 22
Hello and a Happy New Year from Superblah to you! In the state of celebrating the coming of the New Year, I went with a friend up to Boise for a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament.
My deck is a hybrid of the infamous Flute of Summoning Dragon, some beatdown monsters, and some disrupt. Let’s have a look:
2 Blue Eyes White Dragon
3 Curse of Dragon
2 Gearfried the Iron Knight
2 Giant Soldier of Stone
2 Harpie’s Brother
3 Koumori Dragon
3 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
2 Lord of D. (Lord of Donuts!)
2 Mask of Darkness (this lets me get back my traps)
1 Witch of the Black Forest
MAGIC (19)
1 Axe of Despair
1 Card Destruction
1 Change of Heart (staple)
2 De-Spell
1 Dark Hole (I want Raigeki!)
2 Eternal Rest (attach a equip card to the other monsters and let it rip)
2 Fissure
1 Malevolent Nuzzler
1 Monster Reborn (staple)
1 Remove Trap
2 Soul Release
2 Tailor of the Fickle (I’ll move that Megamorph to my Gearfried :))
2 The Flute of Summoning Dragon
TRAPS (12)
2 Dust Tornado (I want ‘Typhoon!)
2 Enchanted Javelin (these things are godly)
1 Horn of Heaven (bye-bye Jinzo)
2 Magic Jammer (are you threatening me with that Raigeki?)
2 Michizure
2 Seven Tools of the Bandit (takes more than Mirror Force to beat superblah)
1 Trap Hole
Total Deck Size: 53
It works really well for that deck size.
At any rate, we got there at around 5:15. Mike, a friend of mine, was already there and J.D. went with us in the car. The tournament was simple: it was 1 round swiss for four rounds, then the people with the most wins entered the finals, which was single elimination from there.
At around 5:25, the tournament organizer started the first round.
SuperBlah (Disruptor of Dragon) VS Mike (Freaky Dragon Deck)
Man, I didn’t want to have to fight Mike first, but it had to be done.
I went first, and drew a Jammer and a Tools, which was not bad at all. I set them down and let him go. Later, he tributed a monster away for another. I immediately knew I had to take down a Labyrinth Wall (0/3000) because it’s the only thing he ever really tributes for.
More later, I brought out Blue Eyes and slapped on Nuzzler. I attacked and destroyed Labyrinth Wall. I went on to with the round.
After that, we almost jumped right into the next duel.
SuperBlah (Disruptor of Dragon) VS Some Kid (???)
He didn’t last long enough against me for me to see what kind of cards he played, but it was a skyscraping 94 cards!
He went first; he put a monster face down. I attacked it with a La Jinn and destroyed it. It was back and forth monster destroying for me until I drew a Harpie’s Brother. I dealt 1800 to him, and then again on the next turn. I let him go and he used Dark Hole, which I immediately Jammer’ed (joy!). He had no monsters. I drew Gearfried and smacked him for the win. Simple battle, nothing special.
I wasted time until the next duel.
SuperBlah (Disruptor of Dragon) VS Another Some Kid (Beatdown?)
Again, he didn’t last long enough to get his cards down. He had 1800s on the board, so that’s what I went with.
It was easy enough to beat this one. I Change of Heart’ed his La Jinn on the first turn and used one of my own to smack him for 3600. He kamikazed La Jinn for La Jinn on his turn. I laid down La Jinn, and to get it Trap Holed! He went and hit me for 1800, my first damage all day. It took me around two turns of drawing and Javelining until I drew a monster. I Dark Holed and put it down. I attacked him for 1800 over and over again until I won the duel.
To waste time, I… oh, I’m not even going to put anything here :)
SuperBlah (Disruptor of Dragon) VS Can’t Remember his name Kid (Disruptor?)
Ah, disruptor versus the only other disruptor (I think?) there.
I was owning his butt throughout the first couple turns. It was turn three and he’d taken 5400. He played a Dark Hole (damn!) and put down Neo. I took 1700.
I put down another La Jinn and slaughtered Neo. Later I hit him again another 1800. He Fissured, and I didn’t draw any other monsters for three turns, so we were at a standstill. I then drew Gearfried and finished him.
After the match, he revealed that he had Mirror Force set. When I asked him why he didn’t use it, he told me you had to have monsters on the field for it to work. Totally weird.
Me. J.D., and some C.J. kid were the only ones with straight wins. We automatically advanced to the finals. The number of players in the finals was five.
FINALS ROUND ONE *dundundun*
SuperBlah (Disruptor of Dragon) VS J.D. (God’s Dragon Deck or GGGGD, God’s godly godly god deck)
Bah. I have to play ANOTHER one of my friends? That TO must be evil.
I have to say, this was the best duels in the whole tourney. He played Koumori Dragon, and I killed it with La Jinn. He Change of Heart’ed and dealt 3300 to me (ouch!) Somehow, I got enough Level 4s out to wipe his life down to 50. He tried using Flute with a Lord of D., and I Jammer’ed the Flute (joy… again!). I butchered Lord of D. and finished him.
C.J. took a bye, and got two booster packs. He was a happy camper.
SuperBlah (Disruptor of Dragon) VS Mike?! (I’ll give you three guesses)
What?! Again?! Someone has to use a Fissure on that TO.
This battle was nothing. I got out a Blue Eyes and Curse on the get-go. He could do nothing special apart from laying down monsters to help soften the blows , and I blasted him two or three times to win the tourney! During this match, I got called up for winning a drawing, and received a PSV pack.
1st: SuperBlah. Received one each of LOB and PSV boosters
2nd: Mike. Received an LOB booster and Deck Protectors
3rd: C.J. and J.D. (how cliché!). Received two boosters and sleeves, respectively
I was the only 6-0 winner there, also.
After the tourney, I opened my packs and got Nobleman of Extermination, Limiter Removal, and Gravedigger Ghoul. I did some trades and got a Hayabusa Knight, and two Giant Trunades.
I had a pretty good day over there. Prop & Slop time!
Me for winning!
J.D. and Mike for being good sports when I beat them!
Everyone for being good sports!
The kid that traded me a Hayabusa Knight and Giant Trunades!
The person that stole my Barrel Dragon two weeks ago…
Everyone in the tournament for being so easy…
My name is Tommy Yan and my E-Mail address is
tommy_yan@hotmail.com. All flames will be ignored.Once again, have a Happy New Year!