deck name: dragon's revenge
name: jonathan
place : atomic comics

3x la jinn
3x 7colored fish
3x harpies bro
2x S. skull
2x rebd
3x bewd
2x lord of d
3x komouri
3x blackland fire
3x thunder
2x cyber jar
1x mechinalchaser( 4 stars 1850 atk)
1xmagian of faith
2x b.skull dragon
1x twin-headed thunder
2x flute o s. dragons
3x remove traps(damn dragon cap. jars
1x SoRL
1x raigeki
1x monster reborn
1x change of heart
2x soul exchange
2x polmerlazatoin
3x trap holes
2x magic jammers
1x mirror force
2x 7 tools
3x soulom lawbook(opponent must wait another turn)
3xmetal detecor(carture jars again)

round one: me versus jamal
this kid was kinda hard he used painful choice to to try to get his gate gaurdian but the judge said you can only use its effect to summon it
then it was my turn i pulled harpies brother ,la jinn ,lord of d,rebd,7 color
then i drew  flute o.s.dragom. I played harpie's bro and attacked his lp to 6200
it was his turn he just laid a card face down my turn i drew magic jammer and placed it face down and attackedhis lp to 5400 he played lord o d and flute of summonig dragon i magic jammed it i then pulled soul exchange and used to to summon red-eyes and attackedhis lp to 3000 he played dragon capture jar
i pulled remove trap to destroy his jar then played la jinn and attacked with both monsters to win
round two
same thing happened

semi finals  me vs. some girl( a girl  what a tourney)
this girl was good  she plyed harpie lady in atk and placed a card face down
i playe d lord of d and flut o s d to get out red-eyes and thunder dragon and i atk she played her faced down card it was waboku and it was her turn she played  elegent  egotist to play harpies sisters and play sword of deep seated and destroyed my red-eyes. my turn i played monster reborn on red-eyes and the tribute thunder dragon to play S. skull and then played polymerlazationto summon b. skull dragon and destroyed her harpie sister after that she gave up cause she had all her others monsters at the bottom
finals me vs.  some guy
he got in the finals cause he had exodia
round 1 heand barley any monsters i just kept atacking with my 2 bewd
round two  i lost this guy got really lucky he got all five pieces of exodia
before the finals i manged two get card destuction and i got it in my first hand  he manged two pulled for pieces  i only hand my three metal dect and one remove trap i played card destruction and pulled many atkers and just atk to bring his life points to zero
to that dude you pulled exodia in first hand
and to that same guy cause he handed me my first defeat
and to that girl who had defeated my red-eyes
to jamal for trying to cheat to bring out his gate gaurdian