Hayabusa Defense
John Malkovich
Hong Kong Plaza
WestCovina, California
January 27, 2003
1 witch of the black forest
1 cyber jar
2 sangan
3 man eater bugs
3 nimble momonga
3 wall of illusions
3 hane hane
3 magician of faith
3 harpies brother
3 hyabusa night
3 magic drain
3 enchanted javelin
3 waboku
3 trap hole
1 raigeki
1 pot of greed
1 monster reborn
1 change of heart
3 ground collapse
3 fissure
3 malevolent nuzzler
Hong Kong Plaza Touranament
Me Vs Exodia
It starts out hard but I get out my ground collapse and hayabusa nighta and kick @$$
I win
Me Vs Exodia2
I start good in the begining then he gets better and I bring out the ground collapses and harpies on his anus
Again I win
Me Vs Exodia3
Final round I was losing at first the score turned out to be 8000 to 1900 I was losing but then all he had in his hand were tributes because of my hane hanes then turn after turn I draw three ground collapse and 1 hayabusa equip a malevolent nuzzler and kick his botty and win.
Winner gets choice of two boxes I chose 2 lob boxes I havent opend them yet I will do that tommorow. Maybe I will post what I got