Magician Mayhem v2.0

Joseph Abad Jr.


Kapolei, Hawaii

1/25/2003 11:00 A.M

10+ Contestants

Entrance Fee: $5.00 w/ Thousand Eyes Bible and Duelist Legacy 2 booster for entering.

Prize: 1st - $40.00 Store credit 2nd - $20.00 Store credit 3rd - $10.00 Store credit.

Unofficial Tournament (Allows both Japanese and American)


2xBlack Magician

2xBlack Magician Girl

      Type: Effect Monster

      Dark/Magic User/6/2000/1700

      Effect: Increase this Monster's attack strength by 300 for each

      [Black Magician] and [Magician of Black Chaos] in each player's Cemetery.

2xMagician of Black Chaos - Type: Ritual Monster

      Dark/Magic User/8/2800/2600

      Effect: Summon by a [Ritual of Chaos Black Magic].  You must

      sacrifice monsters from your hand and/or in play with total

      levels of 8 or more.

1xChaos Magician

      Light/Magic User/6/2400/1900

      Negate Monster effects that target a single Monster that target

      this card.

1xMagic Warrior - Breaker

      Dark/Magic User/4/1600/1000

      When this card is Summoned, put 1 Magic Counter on this card (to

      maximum of 1).  For each Magic Counter on this card, increase

      this card's attack strength by 300.  Also, you may remove 1 Magic

      Counter from this card to destroy 1 Magic or Trap card on theField.

3xTurner of the Dead: Kaiku

      Type: Effect Monster

      Dark/Magic User/4/1800/700

      Effect: When this Monster does Battle Damage to your opponent,

      remove up to 2 monsters in your opponent's Cemetery from the

      game.  Also, while this card is on the Field, your opponent

      cannot remove Monsters in his or her Cemetery from the game.

2xSwarm of the Scarab Beetles

      Type: Effect Monster


      Effect: Once during your turn, this Monster can change to face-

      down defense mode.  When this card is Reverse Summoned, destroy 1

      of your opponent's Monsters on the Field.

1xMagician of Faith

2xNeedle Worm

      Type: Effect Monster


      Effect: Reverse: Discard the top 5 cards of your opponent's deck.

1xWitch of the Black Forest

1xCyber Pod (Cyber Jar)

1xFiber Pod

      Type: Effect Monster


      Effect: Reverse: Each player shuffles his cards on the Field,

      hand and Cemetery into his or her deck, then draws 5 cards.

1xYatagarasu(Eight Giant Crows)

      Air/Demon - Spirit/2/200/100

      Effect: This card cannot be Special Summoned.  Return this card

      to its owner's hand during the End Phase of a turn in which it is

      Summoned or Reversed.  If this Monster does damage to your

      opponent, he or she skips his or her next Draw Phase.


Magic: 19


1xRaise Dead (Monster Reborn)

1xEarly Burial (Premature Burial)

1xTheft (Snatch Steal)

1xSwords of Revealing Light

1xChange of Heart

1xHarpie's Feather Duster

      Type: Normal Magic

      Effect: Destroy all of your opponent's Magic and Trap cards on the Field.

1xJar of Greed (Pot of Greed)

1xTempest (Heavy Storm)

1xRitual of Chaos Black Magic

      Type: Ritual Magic

      Effect: Used to summon a [Magician of Black Chaos].  Sacrifice

      monsters from your hand and/or in play with total levels of 8 or

      more, or you cannot summon a [Magician of Black Chaos].

1xWelcome for the Dead (Tribute to the Doomed)

2xEmissary of Obliteration (Nobleman of Crossout)

1xAngel's Gift (Graceful Charity)

      Type: Normal Magic Card

      Effect: Draw 3 cards from your deck, then discard 2 cards fromyour hand.

1xPower of Magicians

      Type: Equipment Magic

      Effect: Increase the equipped monster's attack and defense

      strength by 500 for each card in your Magic/Trap zone.

1xPower of Teamwork

      Type: Equipment Magic

      Effect: Increase the equipped monster's attack and defense

      strength by 800 for each face-up monster you control.


Traps: 6

3xBottomless Pit Trap

      Type: Normal Trap

      Effect: If your opponent Summons, Reverse Summons or Special

      Summons a monster with an attack strength of 1500 or greater,

      remove it from the game.

1xHoly Barrier (Mirror Force)

1xNegate Attack

      Type: Counter Trap

      Effect: When your opponent attacks with a Monster, negate that

      attack, and your opponent's Battle Phase ends.

1xMagic Cylinder

      Type: Normal Trap

      Effect: Negate the attack of 1 of your opponent's Monsters and do

      damage to your opponent equal to the attack strength of that Monster.

Total: 42


The minute the store called me for the tourney...I knew that there was going to be easy people. I was proven wrong. New faces showed up and they looked pretty easy. Also there were my two dueling buds, Erik and Kazu! They helped run the tourney...whew...I thought they were gonna duel! Almost time and I was nervous. Oh, and I bought 2 Power of the Guardians boosters, all commons!


1st match

Newbie, ran a basic beatdown.

-1st duel:

      The minute I dueled him...I was happy to have an easy win. He didn't quite know most of the rules which was sad. I caught his mistakes, while beating him to the ground. He kept drawing a number of cards until he had 5 cards in his hand. I smashed him with all my strong monsters.

-2nd duel:

      It ran just about the same as the 1st duel. I had this one in the bag already. Brought my spellcasters and eliminated his monsters with my monster removing cards. I won the match and I helped Erik and Kazu watch the other matches and be a referee until the 1st bracket was over.


2nd match

Ameuter, ran a burner.

-1st duel:

      I had a warm up match with him and he was easy. I hated his cards like Chain Energy and Skull Invitation which made me lose the 1st duel. I lost because I usually play combos. I went down in about 10+ turns. I guess luck was on his side.

-2nd duel:

      Okay, no more fooling around! I began smahing him for awhile and then he plops out his Chain Energy and Skull Invitation. I lost about 1500+ LP, then I was pissed. He had Needle Worms set and flipped them which nearly killed me. I had 900 left and he was around 2000 LP. I drew Monster Reborn and I played Early Burial, revived my Black Magician Girl, and revived my other Black Magician Girl. I played another monster in attack mode, I think Kaiku, and blew him away! I had 100 LP!!

-3rd Duel:

      We took the longest in the 2nd bracket and we had only about 10 minutes left. I smashed him a good smack to him in 1 turn! I set my Fiber Pod and he sets m/t and 1 monster. I draw, flipped my Fiber Pod and my new hand messed him up. I play Magic Warrior - Breaker, and I set 2 m/t and I played Power of Magicians, and did 3400. He began to stall and he had fewer LP than me. Time went up and I won by higher LP!! I gave him a friendly handshake after.


3rd Match (Semi-Finals)

Veteran, ran a beatdown.

-1st duel:

      This match was in the bag from the start. I beat him with combos and elimated his monsters. I started using Needle Worms and my Kaiku's to wipe out his LP. In the middle he wiped out my monsters and I stalled him with traps. I drew magic cards and him too. He flipped his Man-Eater Bug and destroyed my Fiber Pod! I had a Monster Reborn and I revived my Black Magician Girl with a 1200 ATK bonus. I obliterated his Bug into oblivion!!

-2nd duel:

      This duel was quite longer and harder. I was getting nervous when my deck was being destroyed. He was hanging with less than 500 LP. His Man-Eater Bugs destroyed my Fiber Pod and other cards. On his turn before he Needle Worm me and I had 3 cards left! I was afraid to deck out. My hand was wiped out because of his Robbin' Goblin. My turn...his MEB wide open, I thought I was going to lose. I summoned the spirit and turned into Yami Joe! Heart of the Cards, please guide me...I drew...Snatch Steal! He had a Killer Tomato and I stole it and beat him silly!!


4th Match (Finals)

Veteran, ran a beatdown with m/t removal cards.

-1st duel:

      Three people left, and we had to duel for 1st. 1 duel each person. This guy was good. I summoned my Magician of Black Chaos and I did 1000 to him and destroyed his La Jinn. He set 1 monster. I drew and revived my Dark Magician and I used Tribute to the Doomed and hit him directly. He kills my monsters and deals me damage. It was also irritating when he removed my traps with Emissary of Destruction (Nobleman of Extermination). I began with a great comeback and smacked him to 0. I'm currently 1st, will the next steal 1st?


5th Match (Finals cont.)

Veteran, ran a beatdown with Relinquished.

-1st duel:

      This one was in the bag. I smacked him descent damage for a couple turns. He used Needle Worm and destroyed some of my staple cards. I played defensive for awhile and I atked his Morphing Jar #2. I had to set 3 monsters. I was unhappy for my good cards being dumped in the grave. He was almost dead and I could wipe him out. I cleared his monsters and did about 4000+ Direct Damage.


Yes! I won! I got $40.00 store credit...what to buy? I bought a Japanese Collector's Tin ($30.00) and a BeyBlade Random Booster #8 ($13.00) I got a freakin' Seaborg, and I used the $3.00 difference. The goodie's I got today are good and got my money worth. For the Thousand Eyes Bible, I got all commons (Senju of the Thousand Hands, Hyozanryu, Gravity Bind, Goblin Tactician, and Dark Bat). In Duelist Legacy 2, I got 4 commons and 1 Parallel Rare BEWD! In the Collector's Tin, my Limited Edition card is Beast of Talwar. It included 7 packs (DL1, DL2, 2xPower of the Guardians, Champion of Black Magicians, Decent of Union, and New Ruler) the goodz are an Ultra Rare BETD, and a Parallel Rare Magic Canceller! (While this card is face up on the field, Magic cards cannot be activated, and Magic cards face up are negated) The tourney was fun...especially the prizes.



-The Magicians.

-My spirit of the Millenium Puzzle.

-Erik and Kazu for running it.

-My cards.

-The prizes.

-To the duelers who put up a good duel.

-For me beating Kazu in 2 turns!!



-To that damn Burner Deck!!

(I guess that's all...)


Joe (Magician Mage)


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