Wear and Tear

Wizards of the coast

Philly mall


Joe schmoe


36 participants

OK here is my deck, which I call Wear and tear. Its relatively new and I haven’t gotten to use it that much but I still think its pretty good and I got pretty far. Here is what I have


Non tribute monsters

Magician of faith x2

Mushroom man #2 x1

Man eater bug x3

Ameba x3

Griggle x3

Big eye x1

Trap master x1

Neo the magic swordsman x1

Sangan x2

Kisetai x1

Wall of illusion x1

Mysterious puppetior x1


Tribute monsters

Summoned skull x1

Barell dragon x1

Labryth wall x1



Change of heart x1

Swords of revealing light x1

Monster reborn x1

Dark hole x1

Burning land x3

Gravekeeper’s servant x2

Ookazi x2

Tremendous fire x2

Heavy storm x2

Card distruction x1



Trap hole x2

Enchanted javilen x1

Solem wishes x2

Just deserts x1

Mirror force x1



Wear and tear vrs. Dragon deck.

My first duel was pretty easy. I was going against someone who was relivly easy and i knew his deck pretty well. It constied of 2 red eyes, three blue eyes, 2 barrel dragons, and using the whole lord of D. Combo with toon world to get toon blue eyes and toon mangna ry-ran. Well the cards left in his deck arn’t the best, mainly starter deck cards so i pulled out both grave keepers servants and two grigles when sangan died, two burning lands, and two solemn wishes and I slowly drained his life points down to zero. The second match was almost identical, but i played two amebas, and a tremendous fire and it was a quicker death for him.


Wear and tear vrs.....my brother.

This was going to be a harder duel and I was mad I had to duel my younger brother. He plays almost an identical deck, but its a water deck. Instead of burning land he has toll, which gives me a slight advantage because I barley attack. But its also bad becuase he has an attack force and my own cards cause me to lose life points....so when he uses ameba on me its painful.

The first duel was starting out my way. I used man eater bug when he pulled out suigin. Then he played ameba. I tributed man eater for summened skull but he played fissure. He then played the shallow grave. I pulled my Skull back but he played another fissure and a swords of reviling light. He attacked my life points with suigin powered up by star boy and umikaru. I lost the duel rather quickly.

Round 2

This time my spirts were up and he played umkaru, swords, and toll. I played heavy storm. Then i played mushroom man and gave it to him by paying 500 life points. Then i played 2 burning lands. The duel progressed with not much action until he tributed mushroom man for catapult turtle. He also had a 7 colered fish. I played another burning land, 2 sloemn wishes and swords. I also play magi of faith. Once his three turns were up I flipped magi and got swords back. I was lucky and drew my second magician of faith! I had swords another time. I slowly drained his life points too.

Round 3

This was a disaster. My starting hand had no 4 stared monsters or lower and he kept on hitting me with amebas. Then he monster reborned it and it was over before I starrted.