Yami Force Deck
Zack "The Dark Magician Boy"
Baseball Fever
Plano, Texas
January, 25
26 Participants
My first tournament and i dontm know if i did pretty good but i tried.
Monsters: 23
Dark Magician x3 (oh yeah the best mage will beat u down!)
Summoned Skull x1 (the devil!)
Harpie's Brother x2 (i had to have him)
La Jinn The Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2 (grant me my victory!)
Neo the Magic Swordsman x3 ( a deminsion drifter with mystical powers!)
Maha Vailo x2 ( oh i can have 500 extra attack points? thx!)
Trap Master x1(oh is that a Mirror Force? To bad)
Mask of Darkness x1 (Give me back my Spellbinding Circle!)
Giant Soldier of Stone x1 (My pet rock)
Man-Eater Bug x1 (My pet bug)
Kuriboh x1 (Hahaha! No more attack!)
Darkfire Soldier x1 (pyro maniac)
Battle Ox x1 (another good warrior)
Wall of Illusion x1 (haha! go back to hand fool!)
Witch of the Black Forest x1 (Give me my Summoned Skull)
Mystical Elf x1 (My Elf of defense)
Swords of Revealing Light x1 (You cant attack!)
Monster Reborn x1 (M Dark Magician!)
De-Spell x1 (Bye-bye ur Swords of Revealing Light!)
Fissure x1 ( Monster go down the hole)
Last Will x1 (Give me my Witch!)
The Shallow Grave x1 ( Another monster reborn!)
Horn of the Unicorn x1 (My monster grew a horn!)
Malevolent Nuzzler x2 ( a sudden great power is shown in my monster!)
Mystic Plasma Zone x1 (my Dark Magician gets extra power)
Graceful Dice x1 (oh more attack points during your turn? how nice)
Card Destruction x1 (oh i'm sorry did u have Exodia in your hand?)
Change of Heart x1 ( Give me your monster!)
Magical Hats x1 (pick a hat)
Spellbinding Circle x1 (too bad u cant attack)
Skull Dice x1 (your monster loses attack points! hahahaha!)
Shift x1 (your attack's target is changed!)
Light of Intervention x1 (Whats that defense monster?)
Armored Glass x1 (u lose ur equip card!)
Waboku x1 (no more attack!)
Trap Hole x1 (oh watch out for that hole!)
Gust x1 ( i lose a mgaic card u lose a magic card.)
Round 1 Zack Vs. Exodia kid
well every Exodia deck has defense monsters or monsters that bring the pieces of it out so i had a plan. well i knew he had and Exodia deck from the rumors of other peeps. I had a Card Destruction after my fourth turn. I played it on my 7th turn and he revealed having three pieces. i had ruined his deck. he had some offense monsters but i beat him by gettimg out my Dark Magician and then playing my level four monsters and attacking him directly.
Duel 2
Well this kid go real lucky. It made me mad to lose to suck a cheap deck so i made sure i wouldnt. I played my strongest monsters that were level four. i euiped them with alot of cards. I had Maha Vailo out and well he did the rest. Equiping him is soooo great.
Results: 2-0 ( oh yeah!)
Round 2: Zack Vs. Beat Down Deck
Well this kid had a good beat down deck but i was prepared for this type of deck. My friend Trey has a similar one. I played my Swords of Revealing Light on his two Blue Eyes he got out thanks to his Lord of D. and the flute of death! (stupid flute) Well the three turns passed and i didnt get a good offense monster but i had a surprise....hehehe. He attacked with one Blue Eyes and i showed my Shift trap card. I changed the target to his second Blue Eyes and they both died. I play my Neo, equipped him up and attacked directly for a win.
Me: 4300, Him: big 0
Duel 2
Well he almost had me. He had gotten out all three of his Blue Eyes and even a Red Eyes. I had Dark Magician out and thats it. It was my turn and he was at 2500. I had to draw but i was afraid i'd draw a card i didnt need. I slowly reached down. I told myself i could trust the Heart of the Cards....yeah i know....but i drew a card and it was my Malevolent Nuzzler. I played it and attacked his first Blue Eyes.. He was down to 850. i needed one more attack on him. He passed his turn and i played Graceful Diceraising my attack to 3500. i attacked his second Blue Eyes and reduced his life points to 350. Well any ways i beat him bad but yeah....
Results: Me: 5650
Round 3
Me Vs Kyle The Dark Magician User (evil kid he is)
Well i played a great duel here. he couldnt get crap out. I played Trap Hole then attackled directly then played fissure on his new monster attacked directly with two monsters and then h started getting monsters out but i creamed them and won the duel.
Me:8000, Him: 0
Duel 2
same as the last. i beat him harder thoogh.
Results: Me: 7850, Him: 0
there were only 5 of us. One of them was a kid who was already eliminated but dueled the first loser for 4th place. It was a rare thing but it was a four way duel. I couldnt believe it but it was cool. Me and my new friend Raven had agreed to help eachother out and knock the other two out. It was supposed to be the semi-finals and the last two would duel it out. Well Raven was a Warrior type duelist with a good monster...Buster Blader which was good cause one of the other kids had a dragon deck. The other guy was mine. He made me mad by saying he was the true Dark Magician Master. I was to beat him down.
Four Way Free for all!
Well the duel started with me taking a killer hit. i was brought down to 4200 with thier magic cards that do direct damage. Raven couldnt help me there but i had a great hand and they were going down! I laid down Skull Dice and played my Harpie's Brother. I let him attack and i activated it. I reduced his attack points to 300. did some killer damage to him. On my next turn i attacked him directly. I had gotten my revenge. It was now Raven's turn. He had gotten Buster Blader out and has gotten his attackl to 3600. He attacked the dragon user reducing him down to 2150. i was happy now. We were close to winning and going to the finals but it would only get more hectic now. I had gotten hits to the dragon user and he got some on me. it was like that with us all until.....i had a wide open field. It was Raven's turn and he was too wide open. he had no monsters so he laid a card down. i knew it was to save him. They had been hitting him all duel after that killer hit to me. He was at 1250 and i was at 450. With the other two at 2000 and the other 1050 it was almost hopeless for us to get to the finals. Well they saw their chance and attacked me. I thought it was over but Raven activated Waboku. For me!! I thanked him so much and had to help him out. I drew and with luck i drew Shift. It was too perfect. I laid it down and the dragon user attacked with his Blue Eyes at Raven. I activated Shift and bam! its attack hit the other kid's Dark Magician reducing him to 550. It was Raven's turn then later mine. I had my Dark Magician out and i attacked at the so called Dark Magician Master. The attack would of won me to third or the finals but he activated a card which shouldnt of worked but it did. Just Desserts. i had one monster out just enough to make me lose the duel. but he had lost too so it was tied. Well he dueled the other kid that had lost a while back. He had lost(YAY!) and i had to duel the kid. I lost and got 4th. It was cool and i had gotten 2 boosters.
Props and Slops
I had gotten as far as a four way free for all!
i had dueled my best and my cards came throuh for me
I beat alot of great duelists.
I hadnt had my trap destroyer in my deck.
I had tied with the kid who thought he was the Dark Magician Master!
I lost to the other kid getting fourth.
Email me at zackattack12@hotmail.com or Im me at ZackRocker
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