Yu-gi-oh tourney report for 1 / 25/03getagame .com     115-05      Richmond   hills Atlantic  ave.

Deck name: 3 stared clown inferno    ( by Stan Andreyev)


monster reborn1x

malevolent nuzzler2x

change of heart1x

witch of b.

hayabusa knight 2x

magician of faith2x

maneater bug 2x

pot of g.1x

wall of Illusion1x

trap hole 2x

cyber jar1x

heavy storm2x

dream clown3x

gravity bind1x

solemn judgment 1x

seven tools2x

crass clown3x


mirror force1x

mask of d.1x

Giant rat1x

snatch steal1x


imperial order1x

nobleman of crossout1x

call of the haunted1x

dark hole1x

magic jammer1x

mystical space typhoon1x

axe of despair1x


sword of r. light1x

Round one;

me. Vs Ricky    it was easy he could not draw a thing oh well goo for me bad for him. 

Round 2

me vs. some kid:   He did not draw any thing either he made a come back but I still won.

Round 3: me vs. exodia :     He beat me once but I still made a come back and won but I gotta admit it was close. 

Round 4; me vs Damian: This was hardv we had the same deck  theme I won first and last match thank cease fire

round 5: me verse Quidel this was weird I won but he did not draw many monsters imperial order rocked. 

 Round six: me vs.  Charlie’s deck: Way to cheap solemns drove me mad I lost oh well 2nd place ain’t bad

props to me for 2nd place and to imperial order


slops to: Sam quote get your own deck okay