Itchy's Deck Depletion-By Itchy
A World of Books-San Leandro,CA
June 29, 2003

3 Spear Cretin
3 Magician Of Faith
2 Morphing Jar #2
1 Cyber Jar
1 Sangan
1 Witch Of The Black Forest
1 Dark Hole
1 Change of Heart
1 Monster Reborn
1 Swords of Revealing Light
1 Card Destruction
1 Giant Trunade
2 Messenger of Peace
1 Pot of Greed
1 Raigeki
3 Scapegoat
3 The Shallow Grave
2 Graceful Charity
2 Nobleman of Crossout
2 Tribute to the Doomed
2 The Dark Door
3 Waboku
2 Gravity Bind
2 Magic Jammer
1 Magic Cylinder
1 Imperial Order

Tournament Fee - $6
5 Rounds – Single Elimination
Intermediate Bracket

Round 1- Itchy Vs. Jared

Match 1-

 I got a useless hand so i decided i'm gonna go first.I didn't remember this first duel.All i just remembered is that he launched alot of monsters with Cannon Soldier and trapped me with a Chain Energy.He won this duel.

Match 2-

 Yes.Finally i got a descent hand.I go first and set a cyber jar.He sets a monster and now it's my turn.I flip cyber jar and i get the giant trunade and card destruction combo.Then i get a Penguin Soldier and about two Magician of Faith's.It went down from there.I just flipped my Magician of Faith to get back Card Destruction and flip Penguin Soldier to return Magician And Penguin back to my hand.I also protected my life points with Spirit of the Breeze and Solemn Wishes.I decked him out.

Match 3-

 This one was a tough duel.I knew i should have brought more life point gaining cards but i never knew i was facing a burner deck today.I get out Solemn Wishes but it didn't last very long.I knew i was in big trouble.He get outs Jinzo #7.He attacks my life points like about four times already and i couldn't do anything about it until i get out a Hiro Shadow Scout.I kill Jinzo #7.Then i get out the Cyber Jar.He had a Fiber Jar and i had a Swords of Revealing Light in my hand.I played it and everything went back into our decks.It was still my turn.I had Prohibition in my hand.I can either prohibit Jinzo #7 or Cannon Soldier.
I prohibit Cannon Soldier.Then he plays Jinzo #7 and attacks my life points.I knew i should've prohibit Jinzo #7 but people kept telling me to prohibit Cannon Soldier.Ugh.I lost. =/

I keep on losing the Tournament!I guess this deck isn't tournament winning.Well,it's probably time to move to different deck.Beatdown? Burner? Clown Control? Mini Beatdown? Exodia? Hand Destruction? Hmmm.

Springfield's Finest:
James - Ned Flanders
Itchy and Scratchy - Julian
Apu - Ronald
Clancy - Edwin
Homer - Reggie

Julian Geronimo(Itchy of Springfield's Finest)