Binding Gravity
Dylan Hayes
Lewiston, Maine
June 21st, 2003
14-16 Participants
This is my second tournament report. Sanctioned, and LOD restrictions still not up to date.
NOTE: After this tournament, I went to a weekly tournament I normally go to. There should be a report of that tournament somewhere on this section. Check for Dylan Hayes. If not, well, that report obviously didn’t make the cut =/.
X3 Dream Clown
X3 Hayabusa Knight
X2 Marauding Captain
X2 The Hunter With 7 Weapons
X1 Exiled Force
X1 Injection Fairy Lily
X1 Yata-Garasu
X1 Cyber Jar
X1 Witch of the Black Forest
Total: 15
X2 Messenger of Peace
X2 Graceful Charity
X2 Nobleman of Crossout
X2 Mystical Space Typhoon
X1 Premature Burial
X1 Harpie’s Feather Duster
X1 Raigeki
X1 Dark Hole
X1 Pot of Greed
X1 Delinquent Duo
X1 The Forceful Sentry
X1 Snatch Steal
X1 Monster Reborn
Total: 17
X2 Gravity Bind
X2 Robbin’ Goblin (Secret Weapon)
X1 Skull Lair (2 makes a worthless draw; 3 is overkill)
X1 Ceasefire
X1 Torrential Tribute
X1 Mirror Force
X1 Imperial Order
Total: 9
Deck Total: 41
Side Deck:
X2 Possessed Dark Soul
X2 Crass Clown
X1 Sangan
X1 Morphing Jar #2
X2 Exchange
X1 Confiscation
X1 Card Destruction
X1 Messenger of Peace
X1 Change of Heart (Yup, this is side-decked)
X1 Gravity Bind
X1 Magic Cylinder
X1 Call of the Haunted
I normally go to J&R Cards for my tournaments, but, J&R got a call from duelists at Republic. Apparently they were having a state-wide tournament where they would figure out what store has the most talent. 4 people from J&R (Joel, Tolby [Did I spell that right?], my brother Dustin, and Me), 4 people from Zimmies (Neil, CJ, Chris [To Chris if reading this: Dustin keeps saying you cheated =/. Also, just to tell you…LAST WILL lol], and someone I forgot), 4 from Republic (All unknown), and peeps from other stores (Which I don’t know). The winner got a box of TP3, second place got 10 packs of LOD, and I forgot what the other prizes were. Also, after the first round, they had a drawing for a door prize: a box of LOD. Entry Fee 5$
Match 1: Semi-Semi-Semi-Finals
Binding Gravity vs. Direct Attackers
Duel 1:
This round started off pretty quickly. He got a rainbow flower, pumped it, and attacked my life. I summoned Dream Clown, set a trap, and ended my turn. He activated Robbin Goblin and instead of hitting my life points, he wanted to make effective work, so he attacked my dream clown. I flipped Imperial Order which made his Axe useless. His 400 ran into a 1200. Next turn, I kept IO, flipped my own Robbin Goblin, and summoned Yata. That ended the game.
Duel 2:
About the same as the last match, except he made a terrible mistake. He flipped his Blast with Chain when I had no cards on my side of the field. Thus, he was forced to take his Axe off the field leaving a defenseless Hayabusa. Marauding killed it, and he drew nothing that would help.
Well, I was the first to finish off in the first round, so I went and scouted out the competition. I saw some pretty neat decks, and some that worked off a low budget. Malevolent Nuzzler?
After everyone was finished with their matches, 3 from J&R lasted. Dustin was eliminated *cough*IOTTRrulingmisinterpretation*cough*, but Joel Tolby and I lasted. They were having the drawing for the Door Prize, and at the time I had no idea what the prize was. I thought they were just drawing names for the next round. And I heard my named called. I think, all right, who am I dueling? And they didn’t draw a name. I asked, why did you call my name? And they answered, you get the door prize, and handed me a box of LOD. 5$. 5$! For a box of LOD.
Match 2: Semi-Semi-Finals
Binding Gravity vs. Relinquished mixed with a beat down. (JOEL!!!)
I had to duel Joel. JR vs. JR. And CJ from Zimmies gets a bye??? Conspiracy, I tell ya.
Duel 1:
This, like all of my matches, started quick, ended quick. He used the strategy of paying IO to lock up my magic cards, but I think the LP cost was adding up too fast. He ended up stopping paying for it and in the next turn I unloaded a heap of Magic cards, which gave me the kill on that turn.
Duel 2:
This one is blurry. I think I either ended it with IFL or Yata. Not positive. I can’t believe I beat Joel. Out of all the people I have trouble dueling against, Joel is the hardest (Tolby second hardest)
I have a huge surge of confidence after this. I think by cutting my deck down from 49 to 41, I was able to make a GB deck that runs like a beat down.
Match 3: Semi-finals
Binding Gravity vs. Some messed up deck that has no theme whatsoever and has a Sanga. (a.k.a. Chris)
Duel 1:
Now, because of a misinterpretation of a ruling he made against Dustin, and he didn’t give a rematch, I was not going to let him make a mistake and take it back. NO CHANCE.
I opened up setting a m/t and a mon. I did this because he had no idea what my deck is, and I am willing to keep it that way. Because it took him forever to figure it out, I was able to set-up a all out kill.
Duel 2:
Obviously he had side-decked in some form of m/t removal. Even with that, my monster removal was able to take advantage of his constant defense. He lost by LP.
Finals! Woo! Yay me! Now I just need to find out who I am dueling. Tolby or CJ, Tolby or CJ…Tolby…no!…
Match 4: Finals
Binding Gravity Bind vs. Beatdoon!
Look, I’ll just tell you right now. It wasn’t funny. I got owned by m/t removal. I lost both duels.
What did I get for coming in second? 10 packs of LOD, mwahaha. Tolby got a box of TP3 and didn’t even get a Needle Worm, so, I got the better prize. Wait. Of course I got the better prize. I got 10 packs of LOD, and a box of it! 24 + 10 = 34 packs! Yay me! 5$ for what would have cost $110.50! I feel special. It’s like they gave me 100 dollars for free. Well, I did get a great card. Another Yata. And since it hasn’t been restricted yet, it goes into my deck in place of a 7-Hunter. I also pulled another Exiled Force, which went in for a Haya. I leave Republic, with more than enough time to enter my store tournament.
Neil said that all week they had been trash talking about how J & R is going down. They felt ashamed when they found out J & R had both people in the finals.
Any comments, questions, death threats, ignorant coments about how goat tokens can’t eb tributed for anything? (I.E. cannon soldier) Email me at