Hey my name is Kalle and I am one of the elite members of the Wu Dynasty.
This took place in the cozy town of Aptos, CA.
Here is my tourney report.
It was at a local store called Mickey’s Mantle.
Turnout: 16
Fee: $5.00
Prizes: 1st 6 pack 2nd 4 packs 3rd 2 packs and 4th 1 pack.
My deck is called Warriors Flash.
Here is the deck list: (40)
Monster: (18)
Freed the matchless General
Marauding Captain
Gemini Elfx3
Hayabusa Knightx2
Witch of the Black Forest
Exiled Force
Fiber Jar
Cyber Jar
Magic: (16)
Monster Reborn
Harpies Feather Duster
Swords of Revealing Light
Creature Swap
Premature Burial
United We Stand
Mage Power
Delinquent Duo
Snatch Steal
Traps: (4)
Imperial Order
Call of the Haunted
Mirror Force
Solemn Judgment
Here is a quick pre tourney word. I was looking around for another Marauding Captain but he only person who had it wouldn’t trade because he was collecting the set.
It pissed me off a bit but alas I will go after it again. Almost got sinister serpent for Dl1 Buster Blader. So they announced the pairing and I went against a kid named John. I know him from school and he is okay but he needs to grow out of being a noob. More experience will help that.
So here it is. Round 1
Kalle vs. John
I go first. He gets 1 hit off of me for a quick 2000. I hack him down with Gaf and Hayabusa to 4700. He gets out Jinzo and attacks GAF.
I summon marauding captain special summon Witch Snatch Steal Jinzo. Get out Exiled Force some how. Use it on his facedown, Monster Reborn on GAF attack for Game.
He goes first. Sets 1 monster and 1 m/t. I play pot and set MoF and play MST on his facedown.
He sets 1 trap and ends his turn. I flip MoF get back and play PoG. Play Graceful discard Freed and MoF. Summon Marauding Captain special summon GAF Premature Freed play CoH flip and destroy his Man Eater. I attack with all and he is at 1900. He summons Maha Vailo with United We Stand and attacks Marauding I lose 1650. Next turn feather duster and snatch steal. GAME.
I go against a kid with dancing Fairy’s he knew everything pretty well but didn’t have the cards or experience. It was pretty easy.
Kalle vs. Sam
He starts with Dancing Fairy and deals me 1700. I then get out Freed + Snatch Steal on Dancing Fairy and deal him 3550. I Summon Marauding special summon GAF and finish him off.
He does pretty good I get him in a yata lock for a bit but then he gets invader of the throne with nuzzler he attacks my Gemini. I play CoH and set Fiber Jar. I attack for 2050.
He summons Fire solder and attacks my fiber. He ends turn. I summon GAF and set Mirror and Solemn Judgment. I attack for 2300. He summons Karate Man and I Solemn (smirk). I summon Marauding and MoF in attack. GAME.
I am a bit nervous at first because I have to play a kid named Andrew and he is getting really good. He is part of Wu Dynasty.
Kalle vs. Andrew
I start and play Delinquent Duo. His hand is pretty low. He gets out Kycoo Penguin and snatch steals my Gemini. He equips with axe and attacks I almost forgot to mirror and I let penguin threw. But then I realized my mistake and Mirrored. I summon Yata and I locked him hard. I did it without even starting to touch his life points. Except when I locked him.
I snatch steal his Kycoo and play United he Kuribohs. I deal him 2600 next turn but so far he gained 2000 with my snatch steal. I get out Jinzo and 2 Hayabusa’s I nobleman and change of heart I attack for GAME.
So now I am in the finals against my close friend Greg. He is the other Elite Member of Wu Dynasty. He runs a great Dragon Deck. It would be a close game.
Kalle vs. Greg
It’s even and I get out Gemini. I attack his sinister serpent and I play graceful and reborn the discarded Jinzo. I snatch steal his Hayabusa he reborned. I equip my Hayabusa with United We Stand and Jinzo kills his Sinister Serpent. I attack with hall for game. 3rd turn fastest one of the day. He revealed that he had Fiber in his hand but he didn’t think I was going to bust it out like I did.
I get Delinquent Duo and Yata Marauding captain and imperial. I delinquent summon GAF. I destroy his next card he sets and summon Yata. He can’t draw and plays magic. I Imperial. Now I keep Summoning yata, every other turn attacking with GAF, and paying for imperial so he couldn’t do anything. I get below 4000. I stop paying summons Marauding special summon Gemini. Flip GAF in attack and attack for GAME.
So it was a pretty good tourney. I collected my packs and wasn’t expecting much. Usually I get crap every time and get stuff like Charruban the fire knght. Since they picked out the packs I got 3 LOB and 3 LOD. I was not expecting much. I got some pretty okay stuff. I got another piece of Exodia so now I can start working on that second set of it. I also got Reinforcement of the Army and Twin Headed Behemoth. Good stuff for my usual luck. Greg only got Curse of Dragon.
Now for Props and Slops:
For winning
For keeping my undefeated streak alive at Mickey’s Mantle.
For exerting my rage from losing to a kid with a 63 card deck the other day at Toys’R’Us
For finally and I mean finally getting some good stuff out of my packs.
For having a great time and kicking some ass
For Wu Dynasty going 1,2,3. in placing.
To that damn kid that wouldn’t trade that freaking Marauding captain.
To well not much except for this one cocky little kid.
Don’t Spam or rant me at email only some advice. Rlaitine@sbcglobal.net
If you want to duel my IM account is wuyug.