Deck Name:  Control Barrel

Name:  LifeStream

Location of Tournament:  World of Books

City and State:  San Leandro, Ca

Date:  July 13, 2003




  1. Barrel Dragon
  2. Barrel Dragon
  3. Barrel Dragon
  4. Jinzo
  5. Nimble
  6. Nimble
  7. Nimble
  8. Sagan
  9. Witch
  10. Spear
  11. Needle Worm
  12. Needle Worm
  13. magician
  14. Mech Chaser
  15. Mech Chaser
  16. Yata


  1. Card of destruction
  2. Painful choice
  3. Dark hole
  4. harpies
  5. Delinquent
  6. Swords
  7. Change heart
  8. Pot
  9. Graceful
  10. Graceful
  11. Snatch
  12. Heavy Storm
  13. Premature
  14. Limiter


  1. Magic Jammer
  2. Magic Jammer
  3. Call haunted\
  4. Mirror force
  5. Imperial
  6. torrential
  7. jam
  8. jam
  9. Griffin Wing
  10. anti raigeki




LifeStream ~ Controlling…  Eliminating… Power…




[e]limination [1]


This unfamiliar duelist had my heart pumping.  He slapped out Pot of Greeds and Graceful Charities on his first turn.  He attempted to attack me with [G]emini [E]lfs.  However, he was not successful.  [F]airy [I]njection [L]ily hit the field then a Call of the Haunted was slapped and [J]inzo was summoned.  Couple slaps ended this duel.


Next duel, he soon got out [J]inzo and [S]ummon [S]kull out at the same time.  I blocked off many hits. Then soon Change of Heart came and the [S]ummon [S]kull BS’ed the [J]inzo.  Card of Destruction and [Y]ata [G]arasu was slapped down to end the duel.


Couldn’t handle the LifeStream ~ 2/0


[e]limination [2]


Jenova, a usual at World of Books was my next victim.  This 1st duel was ended by a [F]iber [J]ar, then a slap with [S]agan.


Next duel, Deliquent Duel was used 2 times to put him into a [Y]ata [G]arasu lock.  In an attempt to deck me while I was locking him he wouldn’t admit defeat.  Soon after, I slapped down 2 [B]arrel [D]ragons and [S]agan to end him with a 6200 hit.


LifeStream didn’t bail on me ~ 2/0


[e]limination [3]


Red XIII, was next.  He was able to compose his deck after I had shown pity for him and sold my old deck to him for a cheap 40 bucks.  It even had a Mirror Force in it.  He ended it a 1/0.


Next duel, he couldn’t risk it and bribed me with 2 tournament packs for me to forfeit.  It was too much for him.


LifeStream bailed… ~ 1/0


[D]ueling… after tournament [1]


This guy wasn’t bad, he knew what he was doing.  However, lost to an early [Y]ata [G]arasu Lock.


Next duel, he summoned a Jinzo early.  Afterwards, Reborned my [B]arrel [D]ragon then Change of Heart my [M]agician of [F]aith and Reborned another one of my [B]arrel [D]ragons and ended me early.


Next duel,  he summoned [J]inzo out early to get a 2400 hit.  On my second turn I Snatched and Stealed his [J]inzo and Reborned a [B]arrel [D]ragon and slapped down a [F]airy [I]njection [L]ily and ended him.


LifeStream  Power Overwhelming ~ 2/1


[D]ueling… after tournament [2]


It was my rematch vs. Red XIII.  It was long duel.  But I soon ended him after making him play blind I slapped him with a [J]inzo and a [F]airy [I]njection [L]ily.


LifeStream doesn’t lose… only gets stronger ~ 1/0


Name:  LifeStream

AIM SN:  xa2nxpryd3x
