Deck Name: Control
Name: LifeStream
Location of Tournament:
World of Books
City and State:
LifeStream ~ Controlling… Eliminating… Power…
[e]limination [1]
This unfamiliar duelist had my heart pumping. He slapped out Pot of Greeds
and Graceful Charities on his first turn.
He attempted to attack me with [G]emini [E]lfs. However, he was
not successful. [F]airy [I]njection [L]ily hit the field
then a Call of the Haunted was slapped and [J]inzo
was summoned. Couple slaps ended this duel.
Next duel, he soon got out [J]inzo
and [S]ummon [S]kull out at
the same time. I blocked off many hits.
Then soon Change of Heart came and the [S]ummon [S]kull BS’ed the [J]inzo. Card of
Destruction and [Y]ata [G]arasu
was slapped down to end the duel.
Couldn’t handle the LifeStream ~
[e]limination [2]
Jenova, a usual at World of Books
was my next victim. This 1st
duel was ended by a [F]iber [J]ar,
then a slap with [S]agan.
Next duel, Deliquent Duel was used
2 times to put him into a [Y]ata [G]arasu lock. In an
attempt to deck me while I was locking him he wouldn’t admit defeat. Soon after, I slapped down 2 [B]arrel [D]ragons and [S]agan to end him with a 6200 hit.
LifeStream didn’t bail on me ~ 2/0
[e]limination [3]
Red XIII, was next. He was able to compose his deck after I had
shown pity for him and sold my old deck to him for a cheap 40 bucks. It even had a Mirror Force in it. He ended it a 1/0.
Next duel, he couldn’t risk it and bribed me with 2
tournament packs for me to forfeit. It
was too much for him.
LifeStream bailed… ~ 1/0
[D]ueling… after tournament [1]
This guy wasn’t bad, he knew what
he was doing. However,
lost to an early [Y]ata [G]arasu
Next duel, he summoned a Jinzo
early. Afterwards, Reborned
my [B]arrel [D]ragon then
Change of Heart my [M]agician of [F]aith and Reborned another one of
my [B]arrel [D]ragons and
ended me early.
Next duel,
he summoned [J]inzo out early to get a
2400 hit. On my second turn I Snatched
and Stealed his [J]inzo and
Reborned a [B]arrel [D]ragon and slapped down a [F]airy [I]njection
[L]ily and ended him.
LifeStream… Power Overwhelming ~ 2/1
[D]ueling… after tournament [2]
It was my rematch vs. Red XIII. It was long duel. But I soon ended him after making him play
blind I slapped him with a [J]inzo and a [F]airy [I]njection [L]ily.
LifeStream doesn’t lose… only gets stronger ~ 1/0
Name: LifeStream
AIM SN: xa2nxpryd3x