Deck: Pulsating Beat Stick

Name: Nolan

The Stadium, Bay City, MI

July 12, 2003

Entry Fee: $5

There were about 35 duelists. The Stadium runs a type of double elimination, where you drop into the Second Chance bracket after your first loss. This was my second tournament and I thought the people at the shop and the duelists in the tournament were cool. There was a wide range of age among the duelists, from 7 years old to about 50.

My deck:

I run a pretty standard beat-down. I’ve got most of the cards I want in it for now and it should be completely tweaked within a couple of weeks. Feel free to email me if you know of ways to tune it up – I’m new to Yugioh and don’t have much experience. I’m working on a Fiend Deck, but want to finish this one first.



Imperial Order

Mirror Force

Magic Cylinder

Trap Hole

Solemn Judgement



Delenquent Duo

Seven Tools of the Bandit


Dark Hole


Axe of Despair

United We Stand

Swords of Revealing Light

Pot of Greed

Change of Heart

Monster Reborn

Heavy Storm

Nobleman of Crossout

Mystical Space Typhoon x 2

Malevolent Nuzler

Snatch Steal




Summoned Skull

Gemini Elf x 3

Goblin Attack Force x 3

Kycoo x 2

La Jinn

Yata Garatsu

Magician of Faith

Witch of the Black Forest

Hayabusa Knight

Man-Eater Bug

Injection Fairy Lily

Sinister Serpent


Side Deck:

I took a side deck with a bunch of situational cards but I can’t remember all of them so I won’t bother listing it.


On to the Tournament Results:

I can’t find my note pad, so I can’t remember the names of the people I dueled against or the scores. It was kind of a madhouse with so many people packed in and it made me nervous. Logan, Dad and I all won our first round in two straight duels. All I remember is winning the second duel with a huge hit, including an Injection Fairy Lily jacked up to 3400, a Bazoo at 2500 and a Gemini Elf. I only took a few thousand life point hits in both duels combined, due to IFL.

The second round went easier. I didn’t lose any life in the first duel and powered through it with Bazoo, Jinzo and Gemini Elf. I kept getting my Mystical Space Typhoons and Harpies at just the right time.

The third round was the quarterfinal. I went up against a kid that kept making loud noises, sort of like a wounded bird. That got on my nerves, so I went for the jugular with Injection Fairy Lily and finished him off quick. Logan turned his head and got 3 magics stolen, one of them a MST. But Dad, Logan and I had still won every duel, so we were in the semifinals. We sat around waiting for the lineups – then I found out I had to take on Dad!

Dad didn’t get the best draws and I didn’t either but I killed his Mirror Force with a Solemn Judgement and finished off the first duel 2 turns later with a jacked up Bazoo and a Gemini Elf. The second duel was almost identical to the first, with a Solemn Judgement saving me before the kill. Both duels were down and dirty, with me having less than 1,000 LP at the end. Dad took it like a man and shook my hand. He actually looked happy for me.

Logan lost to a very experienced duelist and that meant it was my turn to take him on. He used I was really nervous and figured he’d destroy me. Both duels were tight and down to the wire. In the first one, Solemn Judgement set up my Injection Fairy Lily for the killing blow. My LP were taken to 100 for the goose on IFL. In the second, he had me down to 700 LP when I caught him with a whole bunch of powerful magics and traps, then powered to the win by Snatch Stealing his Axed Summoned Skull plus a Bazoo. YEE-HAW !!!! I WON !!!

Logan beat Dad in a tie-breaker, so he got third and Dad fourth. It was nearly a family sweep.



Winning the tourney!

Logan just losing once.

Mom and Dad for taking us.

Dad for helping me to get a great deck together.

My brother for his support.

The people and duelists at the Stadium.



No TP3

Logan getting ripped off!

That’s about it.