Name:  Martin Breton

Moniker:  Oh! / Hugeness

Deck Name:  Balanced Beatdown

Location:  GameCity South (Windsor, Ontario, Canada)

Date:  Saturday, July 19th, 2003

Participants:  19

Official Upperdeck Tournament:  Yes



This is now my 3 tournament report, the link to my other two are as follows:  1),%20Ontario.htm  and

2),%20Windsor,%20Ontario.txt  .  This is my 10th tourney to date.  I found out at the Tourney that season 4 doesn’t start until September, which was kinda disappointing seeing as how I’ve placed 1st and 2nd respectively the past 2 weeks.   My deck remains a beatdown deck, with a lot of support cards around it, and I’m still anti-power-up, although I do have a Megamorph in my side-deck.  Now, unto my deck, which now contains a handful of Pharoanic Guardian cards! 


Deck Size  (42)


Monsters (17)


Yata-Garasu                             (Yata Lock Bebe, can anyone say STAPLE)

Spirit Reaper                            (Eternal on-field shield, that has a Don Zaloog effect when attacking!)

Sinister Serpent                         (Eternal Shield, just can’t be killed (almost).  Fun to use with Graceful Charity)

Fiber Jar                                   (Reset Button!!)

Sasuke Samurai                        (Guardian Sphinx’s worst nightmare!!)

Sangan                                     (Gets Yata, Serpent, Fiber, Exiled, etc!!  If you don’t play it, then you have problems!)

Exiled Force                             (See ya Jinzo, Injection, Blue Eyes, whatever!)

Witch of the Black Forest         (Gets almost anything, even JinzoJ, read Sangan above)

Guardian Sphinx                       (Tough, annoying as heck, and Potentially game Breaking!)

Bazoo                                      (Pump, take out almost anything)

Spear Dragon                           (Nice Fairy Meteor Effect, 1900 is nice too!  Potentially game-breaking)

Gemini Elf                      x2      (Secret Rare, Tough, few downsides, and these elves look pretty sweet)

Airknight Parshath                     (Fairy Meteor effect, + draw a cardJ)         

Goblin Attack Force                 (Usually a great One hit wonder)

Jinzo                                        (Gravity, Mirror, Torrential, Imperial Whats?)

Dark Ruler Ha Des                    (No effect for you, that means no fiber, witch, sangan, anything, oh,  and smacks up Jinzo)


Magic (20)


Graceful Charity              x2      (Great with Serpent, combo with Reborns!)

Pot of Greed                            (Pot of Awesomeness)

Nobleman of Crossout              (A Raigeki for face down Monsters that will make your opponent regret having played it face-down)

Mystic Space Typhoon             (Takes out that Annoying card!  It can even smack up Imperial Order)

Heavy Storm                            (Sends everything to the Graveyard)

Harpies Feather Duster              (Same as above, but not yours)

Raigeki                                     (Rags have never looked so good)

Dark Hole                                 (Hole of Awesomeness)

Tribute to the doomed              (Kills almost anything, unless the card has an effect that says it can’t be targeted)

Delinquent Duo                         (Great for setting up the Yata Lock)

Forceful Sentry                         (A STAPLE!  Has a Huge Pegasus Millenium Eye effect, and again, sets up Yata)

Confiscation                             (Like Forceful sentry, but at a Cost!  Well worthwhile nonetheless!)

Monster Reborn                       (Most Popular Card out there, read second part of Sangan.)

Swords of Revealing Light        (Flip that/those cards, can’t strike for 3 turns!, it’s a Waboku gone wild)

Change of Heart                        (Best used with Flip effects, then tribute.  Or else, take Jinzo, and Sacrifice for your own Jinzo)

Snatch Steal                              (I’ll take your Jinzo/Injection/Bazoo/Hades)

Scapegoat                       x2      (Impervious to Imp Order, Storm, Duster, MST’s, and annoying as heck to your opponents)

Painful Choice                          (Serve 2 functions, puts a Monster you wanna reborn in your graveyard, and puts one game saving card in hand!)

Premature Burial                       (Monster Reborn at a 10% lifepoint cost!)



Traps (5)


Torrential Tribute                      (Kill everything, cept when Jinzo’s out!)

Mirror Force                             (Bam, face ups go to the Shadow Realm)

Imperial Order                          (Staple, has few Predators)

Ring of Destruction                   (Game Breaking Card, but again, fearful of Jinzo)

Call of the Haunted                   (Bring back Jinzo!!  If not, Witch or Sangan!!!)


Side Deck: (15)


Mystical Space Typhoon    x2   (Great vs Clown Control, Gravity bind Decks)       

Card Destruction                      (Anti-Exodia)

Creature Swap                          (I’ll give you my serpent, and I’ll take that 6 star monster of yours)

Waboku                                   (I can’t tell you how many times this card has saved my hide!)

Nobleman of Crossout              (A Raigeki for face down Monsters that will make your opponent regret having played it face-down)

Solemn Judgement                    (Stop Everything, even Jinzo from coming out!)

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer       (Good vs certain types of Decks, he can be devastating especially with a  bit of support!)

Magic Cylinder                         (Waboku effect, and they take the damage!)

Magic Jammer                          (Stop that one potentially game breaking Magic card)

Trap of Broad Eraser                (Don’t take damage, and opponent discards a card)

Non Aggression Area                (Great to use after a dark hole, and sinister serpent is a great card to combo with it!)

Megamorph                              (Anyone that reads my reports knows that I’m against Magic cards, but this one can potentially hurt your opp too!)

Gora Turtle                               (Stops the Heavy hitters from hitting, kinda a la Gravity Bind, which is great vs Beatdown)

Dark Ruler Ha Des                    (Stops all effect from occurring, could anything be more excellent!?)


This Tourny is held on Sat afternoons in Windsor Ontario. There were 19 participants, so first 16 play, and the 8 winners go on, as well as 5 loosers that get drawbacks.  From then on, it’s a straightforward bracket of 16 participants.  I’ll continue to give brief commentary on my friend (Marc) as well, as I went there with him, and he’s still my go-to guy when it comes to casual dueling.  And now, without further ado, begins the report!

Round 1 (Oh! Vs no one)

Ya, that kinda sucks, I got a bye, but at least I’m safely unto round 2!


Round 2  (Oh! vs GamecityGod a.k.a:  Store Owner ‘Bernard’)

Game 1 of 2:

Bernard is a good duelist, it also helps that he has everycard in print at this immediate disposal.  He was running a Fiend deck with 2 Necrofears.  He chooses for me to go first, and I do, nailing him with Confiscation for 1000, and Delinquent Duo.  I took out his witch, and he took Heavy strorm and another card.  I play Gemini Elf, Graceful charity, discard Jinzo, and Serpent.  He play a face down.  I go on to sasuke samurai it, I’d eventually reborn Jinzo via Premature, I took a change of heart hit from Jinzo, but other than that, My hand was big, his was small, and I pummeled him.  Final was me 4700 – 0.

Game 2 of 2: 

He tells me to go first again, so I do.  I play my big Pot of Greed, (best first move in the game), put Sinister down, and end my turn.  He plays Dark hole on my serpent (which made me laugh, and hits me for 1800 with Opticlops)  My turn, I play Painful Choice, and put some heavy hitters out there, and I reborn Guardian Sphinx, MST his card, and Play Gemini Elf.  He goes on to feel the awesome flip effects of my Sphinx twice, and I smacked him up pretty good despite him using a waboku on me.  My last hit on him was Sphinx, Spirit Reaper, and Yata for game.  Final was 6200 – 0 for me


Round 3  (Oh! vs Darryl)

Game 1 of 2:

Anyone who read my tournament reports should recognize this guy.  He play a pretty intimidating Last turn deck, and he knows what he’s doing when he constructs a deck.  I was 2-1 vs his Last Turn deck coming into today.  Anyways, I earn the rights to go first.  Right away, get a graceful charity, and I make sure to keep my dark hole, raigeki, and change of heart.  My second turn, I use coh to get  (his troop dragon), and attack with Spear and Troop.  Third turn, I raigeki, and get out my airknight parshath.  I do a decent hit, play Set Ring of Destruction, next turn, I activate it, and boom, that’s game.  Final was 8000 – 0

Game 2 of 2:

Pretty much the same as the first game, but he used an early solemn judgement to stop my summoning of Jinzo.  I got my Guardian Sphinx out there, he played painful choice, he offered up one Jowgen, a inspection, and a few other cards.  I let him keep MST seeing as I wasn’t relying heavily on magic.  He hit me a few times, including one hit with his witch and a 3400 bazoo (ouch), but much in the same fashion as game one, on his turn I flipped Ring of Destruction on my pumped up Bazoo (2500) which brought him down to 0, and me to 900, I know, He almost beat me down with a last turn deck, that would have sucked.  In any case, final was 900 – 0 for me.


In this round, my buddy loses to Mike (the guy I’ll meet in the finals).  Right before the finals, I look at my buddy, and tell him I’ll get him back for him.  Read on to find out what happens.


Round 4 (Semi Finals)  (Oh! vs Adam)


Game 1 of 3


This was basically a battle of the Beatdowns (he has a great beatdown deck too).  Adam just graduated from High School, and he’s the #2 ranked 1500m runner in Ontario, so Kudos to him.  The first game and the series for that matter, it was basically a battle of the Jinzo’s.  He used call of the Haunted to get out his Jinzo, and I had already used up my Raigeki.  He did a nobleman on my Sangan, then my Injection took out his Jinzo.   He used coh to take my lilly, and Prematured his Jinzo.  By now, I had mirror force, and Torrential down.  It came down to one last draw, maybe 5-6 turns into the game, and I got my Last turn Killer card, (ring of Destruction), which is all but useless vs Jinzo.  He beat me badly enough, final was 5600 – 0 for him.


Game 2 of 3:


Battle of the Jinzo’s part 2 of 3.  I went first, and My Jinzo came out first, he got pot of greed, I got Graceful charity.  I used Forceful Sentry on him and took away his Witch, and he only had a Goblin in his hand.  I kept smacking away, and recycled my witch via Premature burial to get Yata and Injection out.  I never got to use Yata, but heart of the cards gave me Raigeki, and Jinzo and Lilly took him out.  Final was 4100 – 0 for me


Game 3 of 3:


Jinzo would be the clincher again this game.  On his Face down Witch, I did change of heart, and hit him for 3000 with Witch and Spear.  Then, he sacs his Witch for Jinzo, takes out (lilly I presumed) cause of Witch and Smacks up my elf.  Then he attacks my Spirit Reaper which saved me vs his Jinzo and Lilly, cause he was in defense position, and doesn’t take damage unless a fairy meteor crush effect monster attacks.   Next turn, I drew Scapegoat and I had Heavy storm and torrential Tribute in my hand.  I set my scapegoat and I already had my call of the haunted down and spirit reaper in defense and end my turn.  He bring out a face down, Raigeki, and attack me directly, so I activate scapegoat.  So, he kills 2 of them.  Next turn, I draw my Airknight Parshath, and keep it in hand cause I can’t summon it, and end my turn.  He flips his face down, (magician of faith, and takes back mst.  So, I have nothing down cept call of the Haunted, so he attack my 3rd scapegoat with Magician of faith, then Jinzo hits my 4th, then lp directly with Injection.  Now I’m down to 1900 life, and he’s at 2200.  This time, I draw my 2nd scapegoat, which is keeping me alive.  I set it, and end my turn.  He then brings out an elf (I’m lucky it wasn’t spear dragon)  He plays his mystical space typhoon, and I activate Scapegoat.  4 attacks clears my field of scapegoat, and I have Coth down.  I draw, (heart of the cards……)and get Bazoo.  I look and think, and see his Magician of faith, in attack mode.  You do the Math, pump bazoo to 2500, his magician is 300, and hit him for 2200, which is the exact amount he had.  Final was 1900 to 0, although I give him kudos for having me on the ropes huge.  So good job Adam, and thank you Scapegoat for saving me huge!!!


Round 5 (Finals) (Oh! vs Big Mike)


Game 1 of 2:


Again, anyone who reads my reports knows about Mike.  The first time we played, he beat me 2-0.  The last 3 times we’ve met over the past 2 weeks, I’ve gone 2-0, 2-0 and 2-1 vs him.  He’s also the Guy who knocked out my buddy Marc this week!   Anyways, first game, I just dominated.  I drew my pot of greed, and both Graceful charities within the first 2 turns.  To make matters worst, I had my serpent, so I was essentially keeping 2 cards from Graceful charity.  I played delinquent duo, I got My sphinx out, I got Parshath with Monster Reborn, and Spirit Reaper out to attack his life directly after a Raigeki.  So, he loses yet another card, and puts out a week monster,  Sasuke Samurai took care of it, and I kept on attacking for the game.  Final was 8000 – 0 for me


Game 2 of 2: 


He went first this time, and hit me pretty hard.  He played forceful Sentry, and got rid of my lilly.  He then played Pot of Greed, got his imperial order down, and face down monster.  I play heavy storm, he imp orders it, I Mst his imperial order destroying his mirror forceand imp order.  I play Elf, attack his witch, he get the effect, ends his turn.  Then He Plays snatch steal, takes my elf, and sacs him for Jinzo.  Jinzo hits me for 2400 direct.  Then I lay Spirit Reaper in Defense.  He plays Sangan and attacks with Jinzo, see’s spirit reaper, and grumbles and end his turn.  I had nothing really, so I went Sangan for Sangan and took out my lilly with the effect.  He plays a face down on his turn, and I play Swords on my turn, flipping over his fiber jar, and giving me an empty field to work with.  Now, it was my turn to hit him hard.  I drew, got a graceful, and put my parshath in the graveyard, and reborned him, summoned spirit reaper, hit him for 2200, but he discards 1 card, I gain one, then I play Delinquent Duo.  He’s down to 2 cards, and lost an Imperial order, dark hole, and exiled force.  He puts a card face down, and sets a magic/trap card.  I draw, sac Reaper for Jinzo, and attack with Parshath and Jinzo.  I gain another card, on his turn, he draws nothing, and calls a snatch steal on My Jinzo, then he laughs, and I look at his card, which was a mage power, and his only other card was a jinzo so ya, he conceded.  Final was 5600 – 0 for me.  I shake his hand, and emerge Victorious yet again. 


Anyways, that’s the report.  I’ve gone 2-3 in the preseason to season 4, and came in 2nd in the other tourney.  Oh well, but I really enjoyed playing with Restrictions and Rulings of Lod cards, and I really enjoyed the Pharoanic Guardian cards as well, some good stuff in there, and quite different from the other sets of cards.  I now have to slim my deck to 40 cards for next weeks tourney.  I went 8-1 today, just barely beating Adam 2-1.   Anyways, good times were had, it’s always a super fun way to spend the afternoon.  Following the Tourney, we played a Twin Headed Tourney (2vs2) non sanctioned tourney, and lost in the Semi’s Vs Darryl (see Round 3), playing a Last Turn/ Exodia combo.  The card that killed us was Cyber Jar, but Kudos to them for beating us, and winning it in the end.  Anyways, that’s it for this week.  Remember, keep deck size at minimum to enhance the heart of the cards. 



Winning again

Pulling Dark Spirit of the Silent, and Barrel Behind the door

Having my Pharoanic Guardian cards help me out Huge

Having Scapegoat save me royally

Having a great time, and meeting new people



Not Winning the double’s tournament

No Yata-Locks


That’s about it, email me for any deck suggestions or comments.  Hate mail me if you want, it’s all good!  Take care, gl in tourny’s, and have fun!

Martin a.k.a: Oh! and Hugeness