
Scapegoat Shooter Deck
Jim Mills
Books Galore
Crystal City Missouri

Number of Duelists: about 25
Date: 7/19/03

Deck: 40 cards
Type: Strategic Beatdown

Monster Cards: 16

1x Jinzo (the machine?)
1x Goblin Attack Force (shock troops)
3x Gemini Elf (lovely ladies...)
2x Spear Dragon (my pets)
2x Cannon Soldier (the artillery)
1x Cyber Jar (the end)
1x Morphing Jar (a new hope)
1x Fiber Jar (reset button)
1x Witch of the Black Forest (hmm...i need this monster)
1x Exiled Force (see ya)
1x Sinister Serpent (yata protection)
1x Yata-Garasu (can you say yata lock?)

Magic Cards: 18

1x Pot of Greed (well duh...)
1x Raigeki (don't even ask)
1x Dark Hole (stop reading my captions)
1x Change of Heart (im serious...stop reading these)
1x Monster Reborn (quit it!)
1x Snatch Steal (no...thats my monster)
1x Premature Burial (no...actually...he's not dead...)
1x Mystical Space Typhoon (what mirror force? i don't see one...)
1x Harpies Feather Duster (isn't a clean field a happy field?)
1x Heavy Storm (i don't like this...lets just nuke it all...k?)
1x United We Stand ( scapegoats power up quick huh?)
1x Mage Power (all this useless magic and only a weak monster...unless...heh heh...)
1x Tribute to the Doomed (okay...i ditch sinister lose Jinzo...s.s. revives)
3x Scapegoat (the heart and soul of my deck...4x Kuribo and 2x Tremdous 1!)
1x Graceful Charity (draw power + card game = how good? very you tard!)
1x Swords of Revealing Light (i can attack can't attack is good)

Trap Cards: 6

1x Mirror Force (If you don't use don't deserve to play...)
1x Magic Cylinder (i hit hit yourself...i hit you again...this is fun)
1x Imperial Order (hmm? what? magic? no scotty...not today...)
1x Torrential Tribute (what? did you summon 5 monsters with cyber jar?...kill em all)
1x Call of the Haunted (i revive kill this card...hes still alive...hehehe...)
1x Dust Tornado (wow...its like mystical space typhoon..but it kills your imperial order)

Side Deck: doesnt matter right now...didnt use it

Hi. I'm in a league at my store, the Rare Hunters, and im Strings. Me, Marik,and Odion are the best in the store, and with Odion we pretty much rule it. My real name's Jim and  I'm in college and have a girlfriend that plays here too in good old misery...i mean Missouri. Anyway...this season got off to a rocky start...i really needed to win.

Round 1 Strings vs. Jimmy

Jimmy is a rare hunter too...i forget which one though lol. hes pretty good. It started out with him hitting my magic cylinder with gemini elf. Then i hole and hit him with goblin attack force...hes hurtin. He harpies my torrential tribute and mirror force and summons marauding captain and gemini elf and hits me for the same damage. my next turn i get usual...his turn he raigekis, i imperial, summons Jinzo, flips magician and raigekis again, attacks with Jinzo, and im at 1400...blah.  i summon cannon soldier and attack...wobuku...that sucks. his turn, change of heart, attacks with my own cannon soldier for game...that sucked.1 for him.   the second duel i went fast. i used raigeki and harpies when he layed all but one card on the field. he used magic jammer on harpies and i heavy stormed...he had nothing in his hand or on the i yata locked. 1 for me     the third duel went fast too...i went first...summoned cannon soldier...activated scapegoat from my hand...and launched them all for 2000 direct damage, then activated 2 more for a total of 6000 direct damage (this IS legal...upper deck emailed us saying you can summon BEFORE, not after activating a scapegoat...and you can activate 3 in a row because it is NOT a summon...rather a token placing), and then i set magic cylinder. he summoned bazoo, pumped him up with a 3 graveyard cards, and attacked...and then died form my cylinder. i win...yay! not too easy though

round 2

this was easy...i got  a bye...heh

Semifinals: Strings vs. Umbra

brandon (Marik) got beat by this guy, one of our hunters. i was happy. i dont like facing  brandon before the finals...or even in the finals...hes tough. anyway...scott tried out a new deck with pharaonic guardian did good against every other deck...except mine. mine isnt a normal beatdown, i msted his swords and attacked his new 700 direct attacker with a goblin attack force.  he dark holes and reborns it....i get hit by it.  my turn, i change of heart it, summon spear dragon...and attack. hes at 3800, i feel pretty good. his turn he summons a new 1100 attacker that doesnt allow 4 star mons to attack, spear dies, i get hit, im at 6200. i draw junk for a while and get hit till im at 800 by his weenies...then i draw a cannon, summon it, fire a scapegoat and a reborned witch for 2500, hes at 1300, and attack for 1400 with cannon soldier. game. i win
duel 2 went pretty quick. i msted swords again, but didnt dust tornado gravity bind on my 2nd turn, because i was staring a scapegoat, fiber jar, and united we with no face down cards...i summoned the fiber jar from my hand, activated scapegoat, and equipped it with united we stand, and attacked right over gravith bind and threw his 700 dir attacker again for 3800 direct...heh my fibers a blue eyes ultimate dragon. his turn, he draws a card and sets it. my turn, i tttd, drop withch, and kill his monster. then attack again...he cant stop i win

Finals: Strings vs. Odion

Whew...this suck. i gotta face jared in the finals...i can usually beat him...but hes one of the best, he beats me when i slip up. hes been gone for 2 weeks on vacation...and needs points.  ive done really bad for first 2 tournys in season we make a deal. we call a truce...both get 1st place points...and split the store credit. he he...everybody and jared do!

props: getting 1st by using skills and brain
           new deck doing very well
           not losing to bad card draw in first round
           my girlfriend playing there with me and her getting an all holo yata  its pretty....
slops: hating not getting good traps when needed, scapegoats are a lifesaver
          my girlfriend losing in 2nd round to bad card draw

well....thats it till next tourny....i gotta get the tourny report from the one i just won...sorry im a little and stuff gets in way...blah

till next time...duelists beware...if you lose to lose more than just your lifepoints!    ~ RARE HUNTERS

Jim Mills
Rare Hunter Strings