by ShadowMiller (Kevin Miller)


Gemini Jetpack Cards, Collectibles and Manga (

Waterloo, ON, Canada

Entry was CAD$5.00

1st place gets $1.80 in store credit X the number of participants, and something similar for 2nd and 3rd.

June 4th 2003, 5:15 – 8:00


Hi, and welcome to my second Tournament Report.  If you read my first one (earliest part of May, and by the way, I’m kinda hoping I build up a group of people who read my reports on a semi regular basis ^_^’’ ) and you know anything about putting together a decent Water Deck, you must be aware of some of the changes I made after my first Tournament gone horribly awry.  Your emails were somewhat helpful, although, in the future, don’t send me emails that:



In short, if you have any subtle advice that I may not have picked up on, or run a successful Water Deck of your own and have a few pointers, I’d be glad to hear it.  Otherwise, well, I get enough junk email as it is.


Now that I’m finished ranting, let’s get on to the changes in my deck.  I added two Legendary Oceans, my new favourite field magic with the release of Legacy of Darkness.  I killed out my Nimble Momongas, Dancing Fairys, Share the Pain, Dian Keto, Sonic Birds, Maha Vailo, and several other cards you may have noticed.  Why?  Two reasons – to lower the count in my deck while maximizing it’s overall Watery-ness.  That’s essentially it.  All of the Life Point increasers were great; it’s just that adding to LP doesn’t make you win.  I did keep my Cure Mermaids though, because they’re water.  Anyway…


These are the contents of my deck, ATLANTIS RISING:


Monsters (23)


[2x] Amphibian Beast

[2x] 7 Colored Fish

[2x] Aqua Spirit

[2x] Cure Mermaid

[2x] Deepsea Warrior

[2x] High Tide Gyojin

Crab Turtle

Mother Grizzly

Island Turtle


Trap Master

Cyber Jar

Man-Eater Bug

Magician of Faith

Wall of Illusion

Witch of the Black Forest

Hayabusa Knight


Magic (15)


[3x] Umi (no Legendary Oceans allowed until July 1st)

[2x] Offerings to the Doomed

[2x] Malevolent Nuzzler

Turtle Oath

Monster Reborn

Soul Exchange

Mage Power

Giant Trunade

Change of Heart


Dark Hole


Trap (7)


[3x] Tornado Wall

Torrential Tribute


Magic Drain





The Tournament style was not elimination as the first one was; each match was 3 duels, in which differing points would be given for a win loss or tie.  Dave (store manager) made it so the next person you faced had similar stats so far.  So because I was new at this place, I faced Dave Freiburger’s sister first, while Dave faced another newbie.


First Match – Kevin Miller vs. Holly (Warriors, put together from Dave’s extras and rebuilt after disablement of Legacy of Darkness Cards)

Duel 1

She got some damage off me initially by using Ookazi and flipping Princess of Tsurugi with me having two Magic/Traps.  Fortunately, I was able to get both my Amphibian Beasts and a Deepsea Warrior out, winning a couple turns later.

6200 - 0


Duel 2

This time she was dominating the field until I drew a Tornado Wall. Finally!  I played the Umi Tornado combo at 600 LP and then used Torrential Tribute and Monster Reborn to gain field supremacy.

600 –  0


The Goblin Attack Force I lent her was never played against me, neither was the Buster Bladder she borrowed from Dave’s deck.  Luck of the draw, I guess.


Speaking of luck of the draw, because I was undefeated in Round 1, I got put up against a high statistic duelist, Pista.  He’s a guy I know from school who is the authority on YuGiOh! and the person who was actually running this unsanctioned Tournament.  Lucky me -.-“.


Second Match – Kevin Miller vs. Pista (Standard Beatdown + Relinquished)

Duel 1

He was able to summon Relinquished on his second turn due to my resounding lack of monsters.  He eventually absorbed a facedown Cyber Jar and simply beat me down with La Jinn and Summoned Skull.  I tried to use Tornado Wall, but he 7 Tools’d it…

0 - 7000


Duel 2

I started off by using Prohibition on Relinquished.  He was able to get a fair bit of damage on me with La Jinn and Harpie’s Brother until he sacrificed Harpy’s Brother for Summoned Skull, activating my Torrential Tribute.  I quickly Reborned his Summoned Skull and attacked directly until his defeat.  I also gained an Umi Tornado combo at some point, I can’t remember when…  He later said that this duel was the only loss he had ever suffered in a tournament.  I feel proud.

2400 –  0


Duel 3

This one was even faster than the first, I couldn’t draw one monster, and he Jammer’d all my Umis.

8000 - 0


Third Match – Kevin Miller vs. Steve (Standard Beatdown)

Duel 1

I got out my Umi Tornado combo by turn two, and ended up with both other combos in my hand.  He repeatedly call it cheap, but cards is cards.  He continuously used Fissure to kill my strong monsters, whereas I would just wait until he had four or five mobnsters then Torrential Tribute or Dark Hole them.  I almost defeated him anyway, but he decked 1 card before I would have.

6600 – 1550(loss because of Deck)


Duel 2 and 3

I cannot for the life of me remember these duels, only that he Fissured and Reborned my Amphibian Beasts both times and defeated me like that, with me unable to draw an Umi to use with the Tornado Walls in my hand.

0 –  5600 both times


At this point, I had lost the best 2 outta 3 twice and was about to face another newbie.  What I like most about Shelby was her innocence and purity throughout our duels; no bluffing and honest mistakes were a welcome change.


Fourth Match – Kevin Miller vs. Shelby (Yugi starter with a few others, started dueling that afternoon)

Duel 1

Immediately played Red Medicine and Dian Keto, bringing her LP to 9500.  I summoned a 7 Coloured Fish with Umi Tornado Combo and 2 Malevolent Nuzzlers.  I essentially attacked her directly until her defeat, stopped only twice by a facedown Mystic Clown and Waboku.

8000 - 0


Duel 2

This time she had a facedown Mystic Clown and Winged Dragon, but set and tributed Winged Dragon on the same turn, which is, of course, illegal.  But I beat her so bad the first time, and she was one of the owners’ daughters, so I let her have her Curse of Dragon.  She attacked me directly for a while, me without my Tornado Wall or any low-level monsters.  She had me to the point of defeat when fate happened.  I drew Soul Exchange and tributed her Curse of Dragon for my Amphibian Beast.  You can guess what happens from there.

2000 –  0


Thus ends the four-round Tournament.  I wasn’t one of the top three, as expected, but I was randomly selected to get a free pack of Labyrinth of Nightmare containing a third Amphibian Beast.  Excellent.  Me and Dave, the archrivals slash team in this game, ended up with the same stats.  Again.  Anyhoo, a good day was had by all.  Now for my rundown of the day’s events.



-Pista, for running a tournament, allowing me to participate again without going to that insane mall in Mississauga.

-Mako Tsunami from the anime, for running a deck very similar to mine, if you give me a Legendary Fisherman that is.

-Umi/Tornado Wall combo, for endlessly pissing off Dave.

-Offerings!!  God I love this card!!

-Amphibians, ‘cause they are beasts.  Heh.

-Getting a random giveaway Labyrinth of Nightmare, and getting my third Amphibian Beast in it!!  So long Crab Turtle – Helloooo Ampy!

-Being Pista’s only Tournament defeat ever.

-To the guy who could’ve used Exodia except he had one piece on the field and the effect needs all cards in the hand.  Funny stuff.

-Gemini, for being the best card store I have ever been to, and for possibly opening up to Official Tournaments in the near future.



-STILL not having Legendary Fishermen!  Jeez!!  How much more must I spend on Pharaoh’s Servant!?

-Not being allowed to use Legacy of Darkness cards yet.

-Chris’s mom, for making him go to the airport and not lose in this Tournament with his crappy Burner.

-Misplacing one of my Fish before the Tournament even began!!  (shakes fist at the heavens)  WHY!?


Final Thoughts:

-(whiny voice)  Why can’t I find a Legendary Fisherman??

-If Shelby hadn’t cheated, how much more would I have beaten her?

-I still love Offerings, but a frightening amount of people used it…

-I must reconsider the existence of the Heart of the Cards…

-I never once used Mage Power – what’s up with that!?

-On the anime, how seriously can you take a villain like Marik?  Sure, he’s ten times as crazy as Pegasus was with a much better storyline attached, but he wears a lavender shirt that is TOO SHORT!!  IT RUINS A GREAT CHARACTER!!


Questions?  Comments?  Suggestions?   Ridicule?  Email with a subject line containing the word Yu-Gi-Oh.