
Eric Mei 



June 7, 2003


Entry Fee: 5 dollars


First prize: 4 boosters of choice

Second Prize: 3 boosters of choice

Third Prize: 2 boosters of choice


The store Omni doesn’t have any space to hold tournaments so they have them at McDonalds.  When you register for the tournament you get a ticket for a raffle and if you win, you get a box of legacy of darkness.  If you don’t win you can trade in your ticket for 3 items off the dollar menu. 


Between 50-60 people attended



The Fiend Megacyber

Summoned Skull

Harpie’s Brother

Gemini Elf

La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp

Goblin Attack Force

Gearfried the Iron Knight

Bazoo the Soul-Eater



Hysteric Fairy

7 Colored Fish

Barrel Dragon

Penguin Soldier

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

Fiber Jar



Pot of Greed

Graceful Charity

Mage Power

Change of Heart

Mystical Space Typhoon

United We Stand

Nobleman of Crossout

Creature Swap

Delinquent Duo

Dark Hole


Premature Burial

Harpie’s Feather Duster

Axe of Despair

Monster Reborn

Snatch Steal

Tribute to the Doomed



Magic Cylinder

Imperial Order

Call of the Haunted

Torrential Tribute

Seven Tools of the Bandit

Mirror Force

Magic Jammer


Total: 40 Cards


After I registered, I walked around with my Last Turn, Reinforcement of the Army, and Asura Priest to see if and one wanted them for an Injection Fairy Lily, Mechanical Chaser or Morphing Jar.  No one did so I just scoped out the competition and waited for the tourney to begin.  There wasn’t an expected 64 people like usual so we had some byes.  Unfortunately I didn’t get a bye but I found out I that I had to face a kid.


Match 1 Eric’s Beatdown vs. Greg’s Varient Beatdown


During the duels, he is unclear about some cards so his dad explains it to him.


Duel 1: He went first by laying the hysteric fairy in attack mode without any m/t’s so I could tell he wasn’t that good.  I went by playing delinquent duo and summoning bazoo bossting him up 300 and attacking his fairy for a 100lp lead.  Next he draws and then sets a mon.  I go and play some cards to bring 3 cards in my grave and cleared his monster and attacked with bazoo.  The rest of the duel I lose my bazoo and gets me to 3400lp but I cylinder his summoned skull, snatch it, change of heart his powered up bazoo and took the duel.


Duel 2:  Pretty much the same thing except he only brings me down to 7300lp and instead of stealing his monsters, I clear his field and bring out Barrel Dragon for the win.


After the duel I felt bad so I gave him my Asura Priest.  I then go to tell the judge that I won.  I wait a few minutes to find out my next opponent and during that time I watch some duels and decide to get some boosters. I got 2 and inside was susa soldier and second coin toss.  This girl also bought one and got opticlops, which she gave away because she had 3 apparently.  She said maybe she would get another booster and I think about getting another one but brush it off as I look at someone’s binder’s of cards.  A few seconds later, the same girl said, “Oh my gosh, I got Yata!”  So I felt so stupid because I would’ve gotten Yata if I bought one even though I already had one.  Anyways, the jude announced my opponent and his name was Steve.  I remembered that he was the guy who had like 2 fiber jars, freed, and marauding captain 2 weeks back when LOD first came out.  So I thought he must have gotten more and better by now and I was right.


Match 2: Eric’s Beatdown vs. Steve’s Warrior Deck


I take out my score sheet and he says he has a calculator but I tell him that I’m writing a tourney report for Pojo and tells me to write down his name.  I tell him ok and we begin by shaking hands.


Duel 1: I get the worst hand ever with United, Axe, some other magic cards, call of the haunted and Gearfried!  How unlucky is that?!  Equips that can’t be equipped to my only monster!  He goes first by summoning Gemini in attack mode.  Then I go and set gearfried and call of the haunted.  He summons maurading captain and uses the effect to bring out exiled force.  He only attacks with gemini.  I go and use call of haunted on gearfired and tributed it for summoned skull.  He then uses exiled force’s effect which tributed it self to destroy my skull.(Sidenote: can exile force’s effect be used on my turn?)  So I use premature burial to bring my skull back and slap an axe on it but saved my united fearing that he would remove my burial.  I attack his marauding captain and end.  Next he snatch steals my skull and attacks for game.


Duel 2: After he cuts my deck I get the same cards as I did last duel!  This duel was extremely short and he only lost lp with delinquent duo and soon he put fiber jar in attack mode and creature swapped it with my powered up bazoo with united and attacked jar. I go and get nothing and he attacks with my bazoo again for the win.


We shake hands again and we head to where the judge’s were.  I walked around and saw some trades going on and saw Greg,the kid who I gave the Asura Priest to.  I saw as he traded it and some other cards for a duelist league Buster Blader.  I didn’t think it was a good trade but I kept it to myself and went to get some more boosters.  I got 3 and inside were reinforcement of the army, luster dragon and exiled force.  I thought they were good and I put exiled force in my deck by taking out tribute to the doomed since its pretty much the same.  I walk away to look at another trade and I ask to see a guy’s binder and he looked at my extra cards.  I didn’t want anything and he asked for a reinforcement of the army as a joke but I gave it to him anyway.  I get hungry and remember that I still had my ticket and get a drink, cheesburger and fries.  I eat and I overhear that some kid had injection fairy lily but I didn’t bother since he said he would never trade it.  As I was about to finish with my meal another kid and asked for a practice duel.  I asked to look at his deck and he looked at mine.  He had a deck with crappy monsters and they were in bad condition and on top of that, he had like a 100 card deck.  He asked if we could play “8 cards”.  I say ok not really understanding.  So he starts by drawing 8 cards and I follow.  I notice my deck is a little smaller then usual and then count.  I only count 36 so I take back 2 cards the kid accidentally put in his deck and 2 other cards he dropped.  I count again and we start over.


Practice Duel:


Duel 1: so we draw 8 cards again and he goes first by playing a red eyes with not tribute and attaching it with malevolent nuzzler and another m/t.  I go and play pot of greed and he remembers he needed one so in the middle of our duel borrows it from his friend.  I ignore this and continue.  I snatch his red eyes and I tribute it(yes I know we were playing non-tribute) for fiend megacyber and I declare an attack.  Then he says we aren’t playing lifepoints, that we’re just playing until our cards run out.  So I think to myself that this kid tries to bag in victories by decking out the opponent with stupid rules.  I would’ve yelled at his face if he wasn’t a kid but since he was I forfeited and said, “It’s gonna take too long.”  So I leave and get a refill and go look at a duel.  It was the kid who had injection fairy lily, he could’ve won if he call of the haunted his lily and tributed his down monster for jinzo, canceling all of his opponent’s traps.  But he didn’t.  Unfortunately, my mom came in and I had to leave so I didn’t catch the end of the duel.     



Getting semi-good cards in boosters

Registration ticket for getting free food

Steve for being good duelist

Not as much thieves



Them not having TP3 packs

Bad Traders

Steve not trading one of his chasers

Some kid lost his Jinzo

Girl getting yata when I could have

No one trading their injection fairy lily, morphing jar, or chaser

Only made to 2nd round

Kid who I had practice duel with

Not winning raffle



Questions or Comments?  Contact me at my aim screen name HelldragonEM89 or my email,


Oh and sorry if I do this wrong, its my first time writing one up.