Header: Clown Chaos, Thomas, Atomic Comics,

Phoenix, AZ

Place: Atomic Comics Phoenix, AZ

Fee: $4

Date: 6-1-03

Prizes: 1st: $40 store credit

2nd:$30 store credit

3rd: $20 Store Credit

4th: $10 Store Credit

Number of People: no clue but not a lot

Alright, here’s my deck:

Clown Chaos (CC)

-Monster- 15

[3] Dream Clown

[3] Hayabusa Knight (one of them was stolen at the tourney)

[2] White Magical Hat

[2] Magician of Faith

[2] Penguin Soldier

[1] Cyber Jar

[1] Sangan

[1] Witch Of the Black Forest (might take out for something else)

-Magic- 15

[6] Staples

[2] Messenger of Peace

[2] Mystical Space Typhoon

[1] Swords of Revealing Light

[1] United We Stand

[1] Premature Burial

[1] Graceful Charity

[1] Mage Power (stolen at the tourney)

[1] Scapegoat

-Trap- 9

[3] Gravity Bind

[1] Call of the Haunted

[1] Imperial Order

[1] Mirror Force

[1] Ceasefire

[1] Magic Cylinder

[1] Mask of Restrict



On to the Report:

(Sorry for the lack of details I forgot my notebook that was going to be all the notes, next time I will take long notes to make up for it)

Round 1, Game 1

Me vs. Joe (friend, clowns [so this was my first time facing against clowns] )

Match one: This was really quick he got the better hand and I lost.

Match two: Things were opposite this time I got the better hand.

Match three: He won but I’ll tell you the ending. On his turn he tributes for Jingo (damn) and attacks something and got destroyed somehow (Raigeki? Forgot) well Jinzo’s attack brought me down to 1000 life points. Then I reborn his Jinzo because he had three cards down in his magic and trap field. Dream Clown was already on the field and I took a major risk by Premature Burialing my White Magical Hat and attack bringing him down to 1400 (or something was using my calculator) and me at a very low 200. I end my turn with a good 3 minutes thinking on what to prohibition (this would decide the fate of the round) then I foolishly choose Magician of Faith (he had it in his hand but it needed to flip first) and end. He summons……….Dream Clown just enough to take out my White Magical Hat and win. (if Jinzo wasn‘t on the field, I could have activated Magic Cylinders or Mirror Force). That was the best duel ever faced.

But at least I lost to a friend and at least a clown deck that makes me happy since clowns never won at that tourney.


Now time for yays and nays:


Joe for winning



Pepsi Blue

Mike for hosting a kick @$$ tourney every Saturday

KSO even though im not part of it Joe is.


Mage Power and Hayabusa Knight being stolen

Joe got kicked out of the final four cause he was the “odd” person

Joe got a stupid mall tour poster for getting kicked out (mall tour was like two months ago)


Stealers (why can’t you get off your butt and trade?)

E-mail me at Twinkielover3@aol.com later.