Puffballs Unite
Chemira Hobby
Appleton, WI
June 1st 2003
26 People There
Single Elimanation
1st Round loss 1 PSV. 2nd Round loss or better 2 PSV. O.K what happened to TP3's and LON packs?
Now my deck:
Tribute Monsters:
Non-Tribute Monsters:
Gemini Elf-2
Goblin Attack Force-3
Bazoo the Soul-Eater-3
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer-3
Witch of the Black Forest-1
Cyber Jar-1
Man-Eater Bug-2
Penguin Soldier-2
Magician of Faith-1
Mask of Darkness-1
Dark Hole-1
Harpie's Feather Duster-1
Heavy Storm-1
Swords of Revealing Light-1
Change of Heart-1
Snatch Steal-1
Pot of Greed-1
Graceful Charity-2
United We Stand-1
Mage Power-1
Nobleman of Crossout-1
Monster Reborn-1
Premature Burial-1
Call of the Haunted-1
Imperial Order-1
Magic Jammer-1
Seven Tools of the Bandit-1
Torrential Tribute-1
Mirror Force-1
Magic Cylinder-1
Before the Tourney:
We come to find that the store owner is out of town. Someone is subing and does a crappy job. She doesn't give us TP3's or LON. Also this guy has every Leagsy of Darkness card except 3. He has 2 Yata-Garasu's!!!! I get a new pack and get Reinforcement of the Army.
Puffballs Unite V.S Skilled Beatdown:
I really need to learn how to use my new beatdown. As you can see it has changed a whole lot. I plan to get 1 more Gemini Elf very soon. Well I start with a Kycoo and a face down trap. He sets a trap and summons a Gemini Elf and attacks. I summon Goblin Attack Force, Monster Reborn Kycoo. He Imperial Orders and I Seven Tools. I attack. He Raigeki’s and attacks me with a pumped Bazoo. I set a Penguin Soldier and end my turn. He Change of Hearts my Penguin Soldier and tributes it for Summoned Skull and attacks. My life is hanging by a thread and I draw---------Magic Jammer. Woohoo??? Well I lose.
After the Tourney:
I open my PSV to find a Skull Invatation. Darn my luck.
I trade Freed the Genral and Goblin Attack Force for YATA-GARSU.
My friend goes on to lose in the second round.
Someone steals someones deck. The camera’s got him and he is banned from the store. Good ol’ cameras.
Time for the Props and Slops.
To my deck.
To getting Yata-Garsu for extras. (I had 4 goblins ^_^)
To all the friends I got all my cards from.
To my tourney reports for making paragraphs into 1 long line. How do you fix this problem?
To losing so early. Not like me at all.
To someone for stealing the Gemini Elf I was going to get. Theves, Get lost!!
E-mail me for help on my deck!!! Also tell me how to fix this run-on problem. Hate mail, A friendly Hi or want to talk Yu-gi-oh or Magic: The Gathering. Any mail will be read. My mail is
kirbys_raid@yahoo.com P.S there is and underdash between kirbys and raid ( _ )