Subject: Legendary Sea deck Toys R' Us Marion, Illinois
                 Toys R' Us tournament
                   Marion, Illinois
                   LeGeNdArY sEa DeCk
                   June 21st, 2003
                participants- about
         This tournament ran pretty good for me. I'll put a *NEW!*
 insignia beside the cards I didnt have last tournament report. A
 card i FINALLY got was a staple called RAIGEKI.This is my deck from
 the beginning of the tournament so it may be a bit off now. Well, on
 to my deck... 
      Tribute monsters (3)
 1x The Legendary Fisherman(traded one of them to my good friend-Nick)
 1x Jinzo
 1x Amphibian Beast
      Effect Monsters (12)
 1x wall of illusion
 1x aqua spirit
 1x cyber jar *NEW!*
 2x man-eater bug
 3x cure mermaid(1 of my 3 cavelries)
 3x penguin soldiers (second of my 3 cavelries)
 1x magician of faith
      Normal monsters (4)
 3x 7 colored fish(3rd cavelry)
 1x island turtle(graceful charity bait)
     I can't get any seasnakes- so dont bring them up helping me with
 my deck, please.
      Magic (13)
 1x monster reborn(got it in ultra rare form recently so it's...)*NEW!*
 1x dark hole
 1x raigeki*NEW!*
 1x change of heart
 2x graceful charity
 1x heavy storm*NEW!*
 2x umi(oceans are hard to get around here-HARD)
 1x umiiruka(backup umi)
 1x A Legendary Ocean(i CAN'T manage to get another) *NEW!*
 1x Snatch Steal
 1x premature burial
       Traps (9)(a little much dont u think?)
 1x graverobber(free with my Tornado Wall-HELLO, raigeki...)
 2x tornado wall
 1x call of the haunted
 1x magic cylinder
 1x imperial order
       1st RoUnD   ToMkAt Vs. Nathan(all female monster deck)
    This guy was cool.A REAL nice guy. We played best 2/3. A card that
 saved me a lot was penguin soldier. I figured out penguin soldier can
 help a LOT. It can especially help when your opponent has THREE
 INJECTION FAIRY LILLIES!! I THINK she is restricted-correct me if I'm
 wrong, but i decided to overlook that.(Is it just me, or is that card
 REALLY confusing?) Anyway, He played a lot of them and attacked right into my penguins. My penguins were holding off the forces, when IT
 happened... By IT I mean I pulled out Tornado Wall. I played a fish in
 face up defense(light of intervention was up) when he had 2 lillies on
 the field. He tried to Skull Lair my Fisherman when i interrupted him
 with a MST I got from my buddy Nick. He played MST on my Umi. I then brought out another-lol. I set my 2nd and final Tornado Wall. It was
 either sink or swim from there- he destroys my wall and wins-or I keep
 it up and running while he pays a bunch of life points to keep lily
 going. I went with the second choice. I pulled out Jinzo by
 my flipped penguin so his traps(well, mainly his mirror force) became
 like those lillies to me-useless. From there, I pulled out my monster
 reborn and got back-THE LEGENDARY FISHERMAN!!!! I then attacked his  fire princess with fisherman and attacked directly with Jinzo for the
 win. The second round went EXACTLY the same way-except he got to use  fire princess on me which eventually dropped me down to 1300 life
 points... I trusted in the lungs of the cards and pulled out Jinzo &
 delivered a BeAtDoWn.
      I got a TP1 mechanicalchaser in between rounds here. I had to
 give a lot for it though. Banisher of the light, last turn, and a lot
 of other commons that i liked(Light of intervention, etc.). It was now
 that the tournament started. This one was a TEAM TOURNAMENT!!! By the  way, Nick lost his practice duel against this AWESOME warrior deck.It was ToMkAt AnD NiCk versus Craig and Nathan(guy i played in practice)
        ToMkAt and Nick(Legendary Fisherman Deck) versus Craig and
 Nathan(lilly deck and Female deck)
      Can you say "B-E-A-T-D-O-W-N"?! That's pretty much what this was. Okay, these guys were rare hunters-i swear it. They each had like 4 lillies, 3 yatas, EVERY secret rare from A-Z. AND multiples of them. I
 HATE rare hunters around here- so I pulverized these guys. On Nick's
 first turn, he played Umi, Tornado Wall F/D and TWO solemn wishes F/D. On Nathan's turn, he played HEAVY STORM!!! That got Nick P/Oed. That's when it REALLY began. Anyway, Nick was mad and I hate rare hunters, so we were both at the top of our game. I played blindly though, so that put me at a disadvantage. I played Snatch Steal on IFL and had it  attack directly for 3400. Main Phase 2, I tributed it for Amphibian Beast. That was game...
        Nathan was a good sport and GAVE me and Nick a Legendary Ocean for FREE!!! I thanked him greatfully and prepared for the next round. I found out that it was also the LAST round, so it was almost over. It turns out to be this Chris guy and some little kid with a Toon Deck. I
 knew this would be a cinch when I saw that the little kid was running
 that kinda deck. It takes an absolute PRO to run a Toon Deck IMO. I
 soon found out i was right. Onto the FINAL MATCH!!!!
        ToMkAt and Nick versus Chris(Nice Beatdown) and Zach(Toon Deck)
        I practically gave the results of this away by now, but I'll
 tell ya what happened anyway... NOTHING gets me more pissed than when my Jinzo gets destroyed by another monster.  That's exactly what
 happened here. Me and Nick started off pretty good. Umi and wall in
 both of our hands. I played umi and wall face down and 7 colored in
 attack mode and ended. On Chris's turn, he emptied his hand and used
 card destruction... That didnt phase me any, but it did Nick. Nick had
 Suijin and Legendary Ocean in his hand-not to mention fisherman. I
 drew JiNz0 and it was on from there. I brought him out and started
 dominating. Chris eventually got smart and used reborn on
 the dark magician. He attacked Jinzo. Boy did tat PISS ME OFF!!!!!!
 I got mad and used snatch steal on DM. I decided to keep it on the
 field just to use it against them. Chris got pissed because I wouldn't
 give him his Dark magician back. HA HA HA!!! sucker, u shouldnt have
 touched Jinzo... That was game!! a LOT of good competition today.
 -Jinzo for being a kick-butt card.
 -Nick for being a good friend
 -Nathan for giving me that ocean
 -My mom for taking me.
 -Toys R' Us for holding it
 -PoJo for being such a kick-butt site.
 -Nick's Grandma for picking us up
 -not being very many people there at all
 -Nathan for not trading me a lilly
 -Destiny Board
 -Lightning Blade
 -MST for being able to destroy my oceans and umis
   That's about it