Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 2:35 PM
Subject: The Earth has you \ miami florida / Lizards on ice
Location : Lizards on ice\ Miami Florida

Participants :Not sure alot though

Fee : 5 bucks

consolation prize : a pat on the back  

1st place : 5 packs ( your choice)

Jinzo ( back up )

                     Monsters effect:Gearfried the iron knight
                                         cyber jar (
back up )
                                         magician of faith x3 (
back up)
                                         man eater bug x3
                                         hayabusa knight x2
                                         Goblin attack force
                                         nimble momonga x3
                                         penguin soldier (
back up )
                                         Witch of the black forest  (
back up )
                                         Exiled force
                                         Bazoo the soul eater
                  Monsters normal:      Battla ox                                                                                                            
                            Traps : Mrror Force
                                     imperial order
                                     magic jammer
                                     solemn judgement
                                    magic cylinder
                            Magic :  Graceful charity
                                       change of heart
                                       monster reborn
                                       pot of greed
                                       dark hole
                                        delinquent duo
                                       nobleman of crossout
                                       snatch steal
                                       mystical space typhoon x2
                                       Gaia power
                                       united we stand
                                       swords of revealing light

Ok this tournament  was  an unofficial tournament , which means , NO POINTS , still theyre is a prize only for first though.any way onto the tournament.another rule is  that the tournament is single elimination

Round 1 Chris ( im chris) V.  (kid who played with a bunch of tournament cards)

                   Ok i whent first and played 2 cards face down ( a mystical space typhoon and a imperial order ) and set man eater bug

                  his move. He played harpies feather duster  but i used imperial order, then he played axe raider and attacked man eater

                   bug i destroyed axe raider. my move i did not pay then played Gaia power and summoned gearfried the iron knight and

                    attacked , he lost 2300 because gaia power was in play , his move. he played gearfried himself. my move i played battle

                    ox i  suicide attacked with gearfried then attacked his life points with battle ox he took so far 4500 lifepoints

                   his move , he played  mecanichal chaser with axe of despair but i flipped my face down mystical space typhoon.

                   my move i summoned bazoo the soul eater with united we stand then i used its effect sacrificed man eater bug

                   imperial order and gearfried , bazoo has 4600 attack power i attacked his mechanicalchaser  with battle ox

                   and his life points with bazoo , he lost  .


        well i still had some time b-4 my next duel so i whent to the little  stand where thy sold cards and saw a goblin attack force for 30.00 dollars , i could not stop laughing since i know goblin is 10.00 dollars if not less.
that was when i got called up to duel jake.


Round 2 Chris v. jake ( awesome dragon deck )

          ok  he whent first and played pot of greed , then lord of d.  then flute of summoning dragon and got out luster dragon
          and red eyes black dragon . i smiled , my move i played pot of greed and laughed more.first i summoned exiled force and
           sacrificed it to destroy lord of d. , then i played dark hole and then monster reborn i brought back luster dragon and i

           attacked ,  his move he used  monster reborn on lord of d. then played flute of summoning dragon.

          and got out blue eyes ,he attacked luster dragon with blue eyes and my lps with lord of d. , ok my move i played

          1 card face down ( magic cylinder) and summoned hayabusa knight then played gaia power and then used axe of despair and

         united we stand 
( i know this seems like an extremely lucky move but it did happen) and i attacked lord of d and attacked blue  

         eyes he lost   4800 lp so far , his move he played 1 card in deffecnse my move i said " i win" i summoned goblin attack force

        who is now 2800 thanx to gaia power i used nobleman of crossout attacked and won
( by the way hayabusas attack whent up to

        4100 thanx to goblin being summoned and united we stand)


OK after  this i was immediately called up to my next duel


Round 3
             Chris v. total nu-b

i have no idea how he made it this far  apparently he was given two bys

oh well easy win for me i youst crushed him  with my man eater bug with gaia power on the field.


Round 4 
              Chris v. bye
   Man i really wanted to duel i asked the guy to give the bye to someone else but he said no.


Chris v. Jayme ( incredible beatdown)

he whent first played 2 cards face down and harpies brother , my move i played mystical space typhoon but  he used imperial order

then i played mystical space typhoon face down and set witch of the black forest. his move , he played jinzo sacrificing his harpies

by the way before that he did not pay for imperial order)  he attacked my witch and i got exiled force.

my move i  flipped mystical space typhoon destroyed his torrential tribute , then played gaia power summoned exiled force sacrificed

it to destroy jinzo then i   used monster reborn bring back jinzo and attacked his life points. his move he played  monster reborn on

exiled force sacrificed it to destroy jinzo then used 7 colored fish to attack , my move i played bazoo the soul eater and sacrificed

witch of the blace forest , mystical space typhoon and exiled force then i used united we stand on bazoo then used  change  of heart

on 7 colored fish attacked with both ho took 4600 from bazoo 1800 from the fish and the 2400 from jinzo so he was below ZERO , so

win Yaaaaaaay .

Props and slops

to me for winning
to my earth deck
to bazoo for kicking ass

To upperdeck for annoyng me