The Kycoo Megacyber Deck
June 7, 2003
The Point @ Palacios, TX
5$ to enter
18 people
1st gets 20$ credit
2nd gets 10
My Deck:
Obviously my favorite cards are kycoo and the fiend megacyber so ill put them first
3x Kycoo
Fiend Megacyber
Gemini Elf (only amazing pull ever, worked for all my cards)
Bazoo the Soul Eater
Man Eater Bug
Dark Elf
2x Goblin Attack Force (pulled 5 from packs)
Zombrya the Dark (Highly underrated card)
Mask of Darkness
2x Summoned Skull
7 Colored Fish
Harpie Bro
Magician of Faith (THE REAL ONE)
3x Hysteric Faerie
2x Mystical Space Typhoon (THE REAL ONES)
2x Offering to the Doomed
Dark Hole
Harpies Feather Duster
Premature Burial
Snatch Steal
Change of Heart
Magic Cylinder
2x Bottomless Trap Hole (got 2 LOD, got 2 of these)
Call of the Haunted
Dust Tornado
Solemn Judgement
Torrential Tribute
7 Tools (THE REAL ONE)
Skull Lair
Mirror Force
Let me make something clear. I HATE THE J/P STARTER DECKS. People are getting tons of awesome cards for 10 bucks and Im ticked off that I had to work so hard, trade so much, or scam so good to get the real deal cards.
ok I got that over with
this was pretty much a novice tourney cept for me and a friend of mine who runs exodia
Round 1
Kycoo vs Smeagel (watched lord OTR too much and calls his spear cretin smeagle)
first turn he goes set a mon in def and 2 facedown m/t
I activate dark hole and harpies feather duster
reborn his elf and sacrifice it for ss and attack. he plays dark hole and reborns my ss. I play ottd and premature burial my ss and summon hysteric F. he sets a mon in def.
my ss kills it and my faery attacks for win
(did I tell u these were a 1 duel match)
Round 2
Kycoo vs Julio (ran Summoned Skull and G-Bind O.o)
pathetic. this kid goes to my school and used to have a pretty good deck but then he ruined it. I just creamed him with beatdown monsters
Round 3
Kycoo vs Brister ( G-Bind flip effects)
this was REALLY annoying. he pulled all three g-binds first turn he said. I was always winning but I couldn’t attack like forever. I used duster, he jammered. I used tornado, he activated another, I finally used my second typhoon, and I went through his wall of flip effects. I beat him with 2 cards left in my deck, they were raigeki and magician of faith
Semi's ( 1 person got a bye)
Kycoo vs MegaCollector (guy with every card….sticks all in his deck)
this guy beat my exodia buddy with a kycoo and a card destruction (wich I was thankful for) so I told my bud I would get revenge.
this guys deck has no strategy……… just very rare and powerful cards basically my traps saved me first solemn judgement, then torrential tribute, then mirror force. finally I got back on my feet and creamed him with 2 kycoos and a bazoo
Me vs Matt (pretty good wind beatdown)
if u look at this guys deck it looks like he spent a total of 3 dollars on it but it functions amazingly well
first turn he summons bladefly with a nuzller and a rising air current. my turn I set a fish and torrential tribute.
next turn he summons a blue wing crown and I activate tribute
I summon dark elf and typhoon his air current and attack him. he plays another rising air current and reborns bladefly and special summons garuda and sacrifices em for kazejin (only rare card in his deck) and attacks my elf. I change of heart his kazejin, he (starter d) jammers. I set a mon in def. he summons harpies bro, he destroys my mon and attacks. I special summon Megacyber snatch steal his kazejin summon kycoo and ottd his harpie. I beat him with his fav mon and my 2 favorite monsters!! YAY
I had a rematch with him l8tr and he got me down to 800 lp
ummmmmmm…… that’s all
ummmmmmm…….that’s all
any questions email me at
anything else email me at don’