Yata lock
deck of Fairy Injection
Brian Vilona
Ancient Wonders
Tualitin, Oregon
Heres the deck list --This was an Official Upper Deck Tourny--
non-effect monsters
Gemini Elf (2)
Summond skull (1)--tribute
effect monsters
18 Mosters
Jinzo (1)--tribute
Magician of faith (2)---flip
Bazoo The Soul Eater (2)
Yata Garasu (1)
Injection Fairy Lily (1)
Goblin Attack force (2)
Cyber (1)---flip
AirKnight Parashath (1)--tribute
Fiber Jar (1)---flip
Exiled Force (2)
Penguin Soldier (3)---flip
Man-Eater Bug (1)---flip
Barrel Dragon (1)---tribute
17 Magic
Sowrds Of Revealing Light (1)
Change Of Heart (1)
Pot Of Greed (1)
Heavy Storm (1)
Monster Reborn (1)
Premature Burial (1)
Harpie's Feather Duster (1)
Snatch Steal (1)
Dark Hole (1)
Mystical Space Typhoon (1)
Raigeki (1)
Graceful Charity (1)
Axe Of Despair (3)---equip
Mage Power (1)---equip
United We Stand (1)---equip
11 Traps
Seven Tools Of The Bandit (2)
Torrential Tribute (2)
Call Of The Haunted (1)
Magic Jammer (2)
Blast With Chain (1)---equip
Imperial Order (1)
Magic Cylinder (1)
Mirror Force (1)
Side Deck
Card Destruction (1)
Ceasefire (1)
Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer (1)
Buster Blader (1)
The Forceful Sentry (1)
Blast With Chain (1)---equip
Exchange (1)
Robbin' Golbin (1)
Skull Lair (1)
Exiled Force (1)
Invader Of The Throne (2)
White Magical hat (1)
Tribute To The Doomed (1)
Sinister Serpent (1)
Well going into this tourney i was a bit nervous, having little experience with the new cards i didn’t really feel that i was sure that a victory would come out of this.
First round- bye
boo!, this wasn’t any fun i wanted to have a chance to duel someone, so i sat around and thought about changing in cards from my side deck such as Skull lair and Tribute To the Doomed. i Shuffled and then came the tourney running person and announced the second round,
Seccond Round- me vs. this kid that i beat in the finals before.
well the first game was interesting because he had weak cards like dark fire soldier # 2 and neo the swords man. i swept him and didn’t take any damage, i think it was a 3 turn win with barrel dragon and united we stand and an axe!
The seccond game-
This took a bit longer as i wore down his defenses by using exiled force to clear the field and blast him for 1900 with Gemini each turn, which lead to my victory.
Record 2-0 (not counting Bye)
Third round- me vs. a beat down kid
in the first round against this kid i drew 2 Penguin soldiers and bounced his monsters. Then i saked both for barrel dragon and countered his mirror force with my seven tools. and i had 7000 lpts, he has 5400
The following turn i use harpies feather duster and used invader of the throne, i do this cool trick with switching their monster with invader and gain their flip. Then I sak their monster for summoned skull or AirKnight and kill invader causing them damage and me gaining a much more powerful monster as well as their flip if that monster had 1. me 7000, him 400, then u attacked his cyber jar with airknight and since it has a fairy meteor crush and when you cause damage to them you can draw a card, i attacked his cyber jar and won.
The seccond game-
The next game i Yata-Locked him on the 5th turn, doing 200 damage each turn i won quickly!
Record 4-0
Forth round- me vs a young and not a bad duelist ----- Semi-Final Match
Well i won the first match, not surprisingly yata Locking him and he only had 600 lpts left so it was fast once i did the Yata Lock.
The seccond game-
I actually lost this 1, by attacking with a powered up Injection fairy up to 6800 and he used magic cylinder and i had no counter! so he killed me
Third game-
It was a close game, until i heavy stormed, that’s all i remember about the semifinal match, but yet a victory came out of it.
Record 6-1
Firth match- me vs some kid that i had beat 3 times before in tournys
The first match was a sweep, i won because he couldn’t place anything with out me removing it or bouncing it w/ penguin.
The second game-
he swept me, it was soo sad on my behalf as i lost on the 4th turn and only dealing 4200 to him.
The third match
I won because i stalled due to an ungracious hand, then i used my 40 card graveyard w/ my skull lair, then i punched him for 4000 twice and won.
I got 4 packs of the new Legacy of darkness and got Luster Dragon, later that week i bought 5 packs form 7-11 and got: Blast with chain, Luster Dragon, Injection Fairy Lily and a Creature Swap, then on the following weekend i got some more, about 5 more packs, i pulled another yata-garasu and Fiber jar. Jeez am i luck with this new set of cards!
Well i won this Tourney that makes 8 wins in tourneys. If anyone has any advice for me i would be happy to take it to account! my E-mail is dasboot56@hotmail.com