Subject: Beatdown 4 Free v1.05--Michael Lucas--TrU YGO League & Jahinine Productions

Beatdown-4-Free v1.05
Michael Lucas
Section 1:  Toys 'R' Us YGO League - West Mifflin, PA
25 people
Section 2:  Jahinine Productions YGO Tournament - Munhall, PA
22 participants

Before anyone asks, yes, I AM the guy who posted those "Play 3 Mechanicalchasers" pictures on the main YGO site.  It's amazing how many people that play DDR with you visit Pojo, read your deck report, and don't realize it's you until you tell them.  Geez…

Deck total = 42

Monsters:  19
1 Dark Elf
1 Harpie's Brother
2 7-Colored Fish
2 La Jinn
2 Goblin Attack Force
2 Summoned Skull
2 Magician of Faith
2 Man-Eater Bug
2 Hayabusa Knight
1 Witch of the Black Forest
1 Cyber Jar
1 Jinzo

Magics:  16
2 Axe of Despair
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Heavy Storm
2 Fissure
1 Tribute to the Doomed
1 Pot of Greed
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Change of Heart
1 Raigeki
1 Premature Burial
1 Snatch Steal

Traps:  7
2 Trap Hole
1 Magic Jammer
1 Seven Tools of the Bandit
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Mirror Force
1 Imperial Order

For those of you keeping score at home, the only change I've made to this deck is one Harpie's Bro out, one Dark Elf in.  Once I get them, I'm going to use 2 Gemini Elf, 2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, 1 United We Stand, 1 Magic Cylinder, and maybe one Royal Command.  Side deck still isn't finished (but close!) so none was used.

Let's get to the duels:

Section 1:  YGO League - Toys R Us

Round 1:  Mike vs. Brandon with newbie deck
Not worth noting  LP were untouched in both duels.  In the second duel I was able to use a Snatch Steal and a Change of Heart in conjunction with my own monster to hit him for 5300 in one turn.

Round 2:  Mike vs. Mark, who REALLY had trouble drawing monsters
Round 1, he got me down to 6600, got hit with 2100, then 4100, then the rest of it.
Round 2, he finally got some monsters out.  He was able to use some staple cards to clear the way for some damage done, and got an 1800 hit on me.  Premature Burial and Dark Elf hurt me more than he did.  I had 3700 left at the end.

Round 3:  Mike vs. Jordan
He only got three monsters in both duels.  My LP was untouched.  His went 8000-5600-1200-0 in Round 1, and 8000-6200-2400-0 in Round 2.  (Gee, I wonder if there were any 1800 monsters doing some of that damage in round 2?)

Round 4:  Mike vs. Zack
He had to go after only one round.  Which is good, because I got Haya + Axe + Field clearing in the opener.  His LP:  8000-4000-0.

Round 5:  Mike vs. Nick
He got me for 1950, after using a monster I believe had an effect like Fairy Meteor Crush killing my GaF in defense.  He took 2300, gained 500 somehow…then he got nailed by Summoned Skull, then Summoned + an 1800 next turn to go to 0.
Round 2 was very uneventful.  I took 200 damage from attacking a Mystical Elf in defense…and 400 from him killing one of my monsters…but the 1800 swarm was just too much for him.

Round 6:  Mike vs. Rick
The ABSOLUTE BEST duel of the day.  Also one I could have lost.
I used Snatch Steal, he uses De-Spell.  I use Call of the Haunted, he ends up getting rid of the monster.  He ends up bringing back MY GaF and hitting me with it.  One time I thought I had him down, he uses Kuriboh to stop the LP damage.  I could have Imperial Ordered the Monster Reborn that took my GaF but I forgot I had it down!  I was down to 900, and bleeding badly, so to speak.  Luckily, heart of the cards was with me, and I was able to pull some cheap monsters for the win.

My LP:  8000-6400-????-4600-2300-900
His LP:  8000-7400-8400-7800-7200-8200-6500-5900-3100-0 (the long string of 600's was from a Snatch Stolen 1600 monster during a drought of monsters)

Duel  2:  Not nearly as eventful.  Premature Burial was the only damage I took.
He took 100 (1800 vs. 1700 mon), then 2800 (1800 w/Axe), then 3100 (I totally forget how.  I think he got a monster down in attack or something), then to 0.

Round 7:  Mike vs. Mark
He hit me for a good bit (3600 in one shot in the first duel - Change of Heart and some 1800's going on), but that was all he could do.
In Duel 2 he got me with random monsters that always seemed to be stronger than mine, or when I couldn't get any out.  Had me to 4550.  His LP count was 8000-6200-5950-3350-2850-2350-1850-750-0 (The long string of -500's was from a Fairy Box he used to stop me from doing anything.)

Round 8:  Mike vs. other Mike
I wish I could say the other dude named Mike was good, but it just wasn't to be.  Throughout both duels, I took 2400 damage - 1600 from Premature Burials, and 800 from his Ookazi.  His LP in the first round went 8000-9000-7900-5600-3200-0, second round 8000-9000-6500-4000-0 (Haya AXED!)

Round 9:  Mike vs. Marcus
Sorry, I know that you're supposed to be descriptive, but this was entirely a blur.  The only thing I can remember is in the second duel I got him for 5300 in one shot (Summoned + 1800 + Axe?)

Round 10:  Mike vs. Justin
Took 1000 between both duels.  He got stuck without monsters, I got Haya + Axe in the first match, and a La Jinn, CoH for Summoned Skull in second match.  He couldn't really do much.

After League ended, me and my friend Cory went to the nearby mall.  (He bought and slightly modified a starter deck).  We dueled 23 times, of which he salvaged two victories.  More than anyone ever did at League.  There ARE some good cards in starter decks, it's just getting them at the right time.  The guy's got potential, once he gets good cards.

Now, for my first sanctioned YGO tournament…
I get there a little early, ask who's good, who's playing what.  Apparently the favorites are Jesse (Beatdown) and Randy (anti-Everything).  I feared Randy because he's older, plays Magic as well, and just knows all-around what is going on.  It was scary to watch him play.

I did get one practice duel before the tourney, to ease the tension.

Practice duel:  Me vs. Storm
He did VERY well in the first duel against me.  It had me scared of Randy even more.  He played 2000 DEF monster I hit, costing me 200.  He would hit me for 1000, then 1800.  However, once SS got out, and a few 1800's, it was over.  The last 5200+ damage was done one-shot.
My LP:  8000-7800-6800-5000-4000
His:  8000-5500-5200-0
Second Duel:  Just sick.  CoH, Axes, turn three finish.
8000 to his 8000-2150-0.

Then, after about a half hour of waiting, the tourney officially starts.  We learn that the winner earns themselves a JINZO.  Something heavy to shoot for.  I already have one, so I figure it's an easy ticket to a couple of Exodia limbs, should I come out on top.  Luckily, Randy is NOT in my bracket…Jesse is.  Here we go…

Round 1:  Mike vs. Luke
This kid was about 8.  He really shouldn't have been playing in a tourney that was so beatdown heavy.  I decided to get this one overwith, QUICK, so I could watch other people play, learn their tricks, and decide if I need to Side Deck or not.  (Note:  I never went into my Side Deck during the entire tournament.)
First Duel:  He uses Red Medicine to get himself to 8500.  My go, I eliminate his monster (CoH) by tributing for SS.  2500.  Next turn, Haya comes out, his monster is eliminated (TttD) and 4500.  Next turn it's over.
Duel 2:  He gets a 1800 hit on me by Fissuring one of my 1800 monsters.  He takes 700 (Summoned Skull), then 5300 (SS + 1800 + Axe).  Next turn ends it.

So that's out of the way, I wait seemingly FOREVER for my Round 2 opponent.  I'm relieved to see it was another younger kid named James.

Round 2:  Mike vs. James
He knew a bit more about the game, but not much.  He did get me to 4800 in the first duel, but only because I let MYSELF get that far down.  Two Imperial Order turns, and a Premature Burial did most of the damage to myself.  His LP went from 8000, 6200, 6000, 4200, then I did an unnecessary 10,400 damage by getting out 2 GAF, SS, among other things.

Duel 2:   Hayabusa + Axe gets out.  8000-4000-0.

We're still weeding out the less experienced players at this point, I have one more to take out.

Round 3:  Mike vs. Zack
Duel 1:  800 self-damage from a Premature Burial.  4400 damage done at once, then the finisher.
Duel 2:  Untouched this round.  1800 out, then two 1800's, they get Dark Holed, a Haya does 2000, he has no monsters, I finish it.

Then I wait to see who I have to play now…it's JESSE.  AWW, CRAP…I saw his deck before, it's quite a deadly thing.  Just like mine, Jinzo, Axe, Imperial Order, the whole nine yards.  This was going to be interesting…

Round 4:  Mike vs. Jesse (Beatdown)
Jinzos were flying early.  He got his out.  I get mine out and reborn his.  He destroys it  The first damage I take is 3400 all at once.  (Jinzo + Axe) I'm like WTF?  I forgot about Jinzo's power and tried to Mirror Force.  He doesn't make me discard it.  He's like "I feel bad too" and shows me the MF he has down.  Thankfully, I MSTed it before I got rid of his Jinzo.  I ended up with only 1200 LP after a Jinzo + Axe hit AGAIN.  I use Premature Burial at this point, taking myself down to a mere 400 to get an offensive going, knocking him by 6200 in ONE SHOT.  He runs out of monsters and I get game.
My LP:  8000-4600-1200-400
His LP:  8000-1800-0

After that, I was pumped.  If I could take out my own deck, I could take out anything.  He gets an early offensive during a monster drought, hitting me twice for 1800 a piece after Cure Mastering himself.  Luckily, I get a few GAFs which piss him off.  I'm able to Axe an 1800 near the end, which did him in.
My LP:  8000-6200-4400
His LP:  8000-9000-6700 (GAF) - 6200 (GAF vs. his 1800) - 2400 - 0

I'm sitting there now, watching the Randy vs. Brian match.  It was close, and went into game 3.  Randy had a lot of LoNs in his deck, but was getting monster shortages.  In the third match, Brian pulled victorious.  I hadn't heard Brian's name thrown around a lot, but I saw his deck was a well-constructed 4-star as well.  I learn that the other person left (there was an altered bracket, made to take 22 people, so there were 3 left now) got the bye, so I had to face Brian, and another person named Mike would face the winner between us.

Round 5:  Mike vs. Brian (Beatdown)
Note:  This guy didn't say a word during the whole duel.  He wasn't deaf (I don't think) but everything was done with hand gestures.
This round was very anti-climactic.  I pay 700 for an Imperial Order round and that's all I needed.  I do 4700 in one shot and finish him the next turn.  (I'm still trying to figure out exactly HOW I did 4700 - two Beatdown monsters and the Witch, perhaps?...but I don't remember playing the Witch…) but the LP doesn't lie:
My LP:  8000-7300
His LP:  8000-3300-0

Duel 2 was even worse for him.  1800, then it gets Fissured, then an Hayabusa, then another Haya, then it's finished.  Monster Removal owns.
My LP:  8000
His LP:  8000-7200-5200-1200-0

So here it is.  I face off against Mike for the Jinzo.  But WAIT - since I'm new, someone suggested that my deck be checked.  The store owner calls over Randy to go over my deck with him.  (I resent that Randy was chosen, because he's my main competition, and now knows EVERY card in my deck.  My monsters are obvious - my Magic/Trap scheme is not.  He now knows how to fully counter me.)  The two of them give me the green light - the deck is legitimate.  Here we go!
Finals:  Mike vs. Mike (Beatdown)
Lot of Man-Eater Bugs to start this one off.  I'm able to get a Call of the Haunted down to get two 1800s on an unopposed field.  He plays a DEF monster, I TttD it (I think), hit again.  He plays a DEF monster.  My next draw…RAIGEKI!  RAIGEKI!  DIEDIEDIEDEIDE…er, completely unnecessary I found out, but Duel 1's done.
Duel 2:  In a word:  FLAWLESS.  The Man-Eater bug war continues, but Sommoned Skull draws first (and second) blood.  He gets down to 3000.  Somehow I do 900 to him (I think I overpowered a monster in ATK mode?)  He uses Cure Master as a desperate attempt to come back, but it's not enough.  I uses SS + an 1800 to finish it!  The Jinzo is mine!
My LP:  8000 untouched
His LP:  8000-5500-3000-2100-3100-0

The kid who traded me Left Leg for two of the promos
The kid who traded me Forceful Sentry
The kid on Friday at the mall who sold me 3 Gravity Binds, 2 Nimble Momongas, and 2 Delinquent Duos for $8 (Mr. "Everybody's Happy But K-Mart" - private joke - if you need to know, ask.)
The store owner for being funny, and for putting up a Jinzo as a prize
The store owner for having 1st ed. Packs for $3.19!!! Everyone go buy from this guy!
The d20 used to determine that I was NOT in Randy's bracket
Brian for taking out Randy
Everyone for being good sports

Steve, the co-duelist leader who made me do tradebacks when I FINALLY had a Swords of Revealing Light because he decided to give out the end-of-season promos early!  =/
The owner for showing Randy my deck
Randy for saying "Beatdown is dead"

Comments?  Questions?  Suggestions?  E-mail me at