Subject: Equip Beatdown Deck Augusto Mota All Ways Gaming Sanctioned Tournament Second Time Chatsworth, CA

Deck Name: Equip Beatdown
Name: Augusto Mota
Location: All Ways Gaming
Chatswoth, CA 91311
Date: March 2nd, 2003
Participants: About 24-34 People

Monsters: 19

3 Harpy's Brother
1 La Jinn
2 Maha Vailo's
2 Hayabusa Knights
1 Goblin Attack Force
1 Dark Elf
1 Jinzo
2 Magican of Faith
2 Man-Eater Bugs
1 Mask of Darkness
1 Cyber Jar
1 Witch of the Black Forest
1 Sangan

Magic: 14

3 Axe of Despair
1 Heavy Storm
1 Giant Trunade
1 Raigeki
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Premature Burial
1 Nobleman of Crossout
1 FIssure
1 Swords of Revealing Light
1 Change of Heart
1 Pot of Greed

Traps: 9

2 Trap Hole
1 Imperial Order
1 Magic Jammer
1 Seven Tools of the Bandit
1 Mirror Force
1 Mirror Wall
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Ceasefire

Deck Total: 42


Side Deck: 15
1 Prohibition
2 Soul Release
1 Card Destruction
2 White Magical Hat
1 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
2 Giant Soldier of Stone
1 Summoned Skull
1 Chain Destruction
1 Acid Trap Hole
1 Solemn Wishes
2 Infinite Dismissal

Well, that damn Jinzo wasn't pulled once during todays tourament. A friend Eli, which I kinda made fun of online for beating him at my old store (Rookies & Allstars Comic Book Shop) let me borrow this Jinzo. I guess we're cool now cause we began making jokes of either other people or situations that have happened to us or plans on pranks or jokes on stuff. Well, this was the big Sanctioned Tournament everyone was bragging about during yesterdays unsanctioned tournament (which I won). This was where all the awesome people who would face a threat to me. I wasn't worried though. In fact, I was pretty damn confident that I would win cause I'm always confident. I loved how Eli mentioned how I was one of the cockiest guys he's ever met. Even more cockier than him...which is a good thing I guess. I need to mention that Eli was playing an Exodia deck, and my friend Steve Salazar was playing a Beatdown with Fiend Megacybers. Well, enough about my life story, and onto the report...

Round 1
Me vs Steve Salazar

Damn it, this is the second time I get paired up with one of my greatest friends, Steve Salazar. Pretty random, huh? Well, hopefully he can do better than last time (2-0 against me during yesterdays tourney) so we can both rant on how good we did and yet complain on how one of us got eliminated during the first round.

Match 1
We both began by setting things in defense mode. I eventually got the upper hand and Crossout his Witch of the Black Forest and by then flip my Magician of Faith in order to Crossout his Man-Eaters. From then on, he gets no traps to stop me. He did however, try stopping me with some magic cards but I negated them with Imperial Order and payed for it until I got a good Magic card setup. When he finally got out a Mirror Force, I used Seven Tools in order to stop it. That was a close one.

Match 2
Way more harder than the last one. We went head to head with out Maha Vailo's with an axe. He never attacked so I Fissured next turn and attacked with Maha and a Harpy's Brother. He then pulls Dark Hole and uses it. He then pulls out Hayabusa with 7 Malevolent Nuzzlers and attacks me for a huge chunk. I then draw and set Cyber Jar. It's his turn so he draws. I've always told him if he has a Flip Effect card in his hand to always set it during Main Phase 2 in case they have a Man-Eater, Hane-Hane or Cyber Jar. So he sets a card, and attacks with Hayabusa. I flip Cyber Jar and we draw our cards, he draws a Cyber Jar and sets it. He had a Mirror Force in his hand and sets it for Main Phase 2. I draw and use a Heavy Storm I got from the Cyber Jar. I got rid of his Mirror Force. I then used Crossout on his Face Down monster. I then attach an Axe on the Hayabusa I got from the jar. I summon Goblin Attack Force and finish him.

Round 2
Me vs Chris

Everyone said that this was the best guy here. Everyone either wanted me to forfeit or they wished me alot of luck. The typical story of the best guy there and how I beat him cause I'm the new best guy there! LOL. I'm not THAT I? Nah, he was a good challange and not that bad of a guy, but we didn't speak after the tourney.

Match 1
He began stong with a Goblin Attack Force and attacked. I then summoned Hayabusa and attacked his Goblin and I set Trap Hole. He then drew, Heavy Stormed. Summoned Dark Elf and attacked my Hayabusa. I drew, Heavy Stormed, summoned Harpy's Brother and attached an Axe to it and attacked. I set Mirror Wall for Main Phase 2. He took damage and it was his turn. He drew and attached Megamorph on his Goblin and put in in attack mode. He attacked and I Mirror Walled. He took damage. It went on like this till he got me to like 600 making me throw away the Imperial Order that was on the field. After that, I won the match.

Match 2
We both began by doing 1000 points of damage to each others life points. He did it via some card I forgot about and I did it through Ceasfire. He summoned a Dark Elf while I had one out and he attached a Megamorph (I think he loves that card as much as I love Axe...Axe is ownage) to it while we were tied. Here's the weird thing, he said something about effect damage going first so he doubled his attack. I then Raigeki and took somewhat control of the match. A couple of turns later during the match he attached a Megamorph on my Harpy's Brother with an Axe and attacked my Harpy's with his Mechanical Chaser, but I Mirror Forced cause Mirror Force is ownage as well. After that I beat him. Whew, a very skilled player.

Round 3
Me vs White Boy (hey white boy...come here)

This kid came pretty quickly to the table. He got pretty far and that was good. He seemed really nice I guess. Judging from what I saw and how manered he was. It's pretty cool when you face a manered person. Gives you a good perspective of that person. Well, on the match...

Match 1
This match was pretty quick. I Mirror Forced his 7 Colored Fish and La Jinn early. From there, I took control with a Hayabusa and the La Jinn I got from him with my Monster Reborn. He got rid of them after 2 turns of heavy damage. He then pulled out a La Jinn and attacked. I then drew a Change of Heart and finished him off.

Match 2
Same as the first one, except much faster.

Round 4
Me vs Steve (this kid has a cap)

I didn't know who this kid was but when I first saw his deck it looked like if he has some cards with blue plastics and others in black. It turned out they were double cased so I didn't care. By this round, I was super confident and I wouldn't lose a single match during this tourney, unlike yesterdays where I lost twice. Oh, this was the kid that eliminated my friend Eli from the tourney. My friend Eli was using an Exodia deck.

Match 1
This kid got the right cards at the perfectly right time. He completely beat me! I was so pissed cause I got nothing. I pulled out only 2 attacking monsters. I had to use Reborn, Premature Burial, and Call of the Haunted on the same Harpy's. That really pissed me off. But hey, it happens to the best and the worst.

Match 2
By this match, I was super ready for revenge. I had no mercy and pulled out an early Raigeki, I then attacked with Goblin and played Swords of Revealing Light. I also set a Trap Hole and and an Imperial Order. It was his turn and he summoned a monster so I could Trap Hole it. It was my turn so I drew a Hayabusa. I attached an Axe to the Hayabusa and attacked for 4000! I set another Trap Hole and it was his turn. He then tried using Raigeki, so I used Imperial Order. He then summoned a monster so I Trap Holed again! I then drew, threw Imperial Order away and won the match by attacking with Hayabusa.

Match 3
This would determine if I would win the Advanced Bracket. I was determined to not let him get a monster out. He begins by setting a monster down. It was my turn so I Dark Holed and I summoned Maha Vailo. He Trap Holed so I got it back with Premature Burial which was not stronger. I attacked and for Main Phase 2, I put down a Fissure and a Magic Jammer on my M/T Zone. It was his turn and he used Heavy Storm which I quickly Jammed. He Fissured and then attacked me with La Jinn. It was my turn so I drew then Fissured him back. I summoned Dark Elf and attacked for 2000. I also set Trap Hole down for Main Phase 2. He drew and used Raigeki. He then summoned so I Trap Holed. I drew a Magician and set it. It was his turn so he drew and pulled a 7 Colored Fish and attacked my face down Magician, so I got back Premature Burial. I drew and pulled out a Cyber Jar and so I set it. It was his turn so he summoned another 7 Colored Fish and attacked. I flipped Cyber Jar and he pulled out only a Harpy's Brother and a Heavy Storm and some other cards in his hand. I got 2 Harpy's, a Maha a Man-Eater and I had an Axe on my hand. He put his Harpy's in Defense so it was my turn. I drew a Pot of Greed so I used it. I got a Hayabusa and another Axe. I summoned Hayabusa. Flipped Man-Eater and attached an 2 Axes on my Hayabusa and finished him off.

Final Round
Me vs The son of the judge for this tourney

This was the FINAL final and I had to play the winner of the Begginers Bracket. Really fair, huh?! I think so! But it was cool how they seperated begginers from advanced.

Match 1
I completely owned him with Maha Vailo with an Axe of Despair along with a Dark Elf and a Jinzo I reborned from him!

Match 2
This time I completely owned him with a Maha Vailo with a Premature Burial and a Goblin. I did something stupid so I had to flip Magician of Faith and get back m Giant Trunade. I obliterated him with his Jinzo again and another Maha Vailo with 2 Axes of Despair. No mercy!

The prices are the exact same as the last tourney. Except you get points toward your Upperdeck Ranking. I got a Nobleman of Crossout for myself cause I rely heavily on this card and I decided to Main Deck it or Side Deck another one just in case. Well, I got a Dust Tornado I found outside (inside story between me, Eli, and Steve) so that was good. Eli got a Polymerization from some kid that claimed he had an "Anti-Exodia Deck" with like 1000 cards in his deck (more like 80). So the tourney was pretty good, but the day wasn't as good. Hopefully I can come here next week and own everyone like I did today.

Props & Slops:

To me for winning the tournament
To my wonderful friend Steve Salazar for giving me a ride to the store
To Eli for doing ok in the tournament
To Steve Salazar for improving his deck massively
To me for getting a Nobleman of Crossout
To Eli again for letting me borrow a Jinzo

To the tournament organizer for pairing me and Steve up in the 1st
To Eli for not making it into the 4th round and not playing against me

Well, thanks to everyone who read this and attended this tournament. I would also like to the thank the store for hosting this tournament. I can hopefully come here again and eventually go to different stores where I can win their tournaents Thanks you again.

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