Matrix. Blacklabel. Ground Zero Comix and Games. Stillwater, MN.

Monsters: 20
3 summoned skull
3 goblin attack force (the FORCE)
3 hayabusa knight
3 wall of illusion
3 dark elf
2 jirai gumo (the SPIDER)
2 magician of faith
1 witch of the black forest (WotBF)

Magic: 12
3 fissure
2 heavy storm
1 united we stand
1 monster reborn
1 swords of revealing light (SoRL)
1 snatch steal
1 pot of greed
1 dark hole
1 raigeki

Trap: 8
2 trap hole (the HOLE)
1 royal command
1 magic cylinder
1 imperial order
1 magic jammer
1 mirror force
1 call of the haunted

Official Upperdeck Tournament
16 people advanced bracket
Entry fee: $5
1st: $50 store credit
2nd: $40 store credit
3rd: $30 store credit

I decided to try out another store in the mall on the 4th floor called "Ground Zero Comix and Games." Gametek didn't have a tourney this weekend because Jeff, the owner, was out of town on vacation. Me and Cesar decided to try it out. We walked by some kids and they whispered to one another. You know what this means. Me and him looked at each other and smiled. We'll get 'em. Brian, the manager at Ground Zero, knows about us and put us in the advanced bracket. Thank god man, I didn't wan't to face little kids that play with Blue-Eyes. No offense little people. I'm continuing the search for "my" deck with Matrix.

Round 1, 16 people
Opponent: Jeff (clown)
Have you noticed that ever since SomeGuy posted his Clown deck, everybody has one? It didn't help him.
Duel 1, I hit him early with my Goblins and repeated for 6 turns. He got me with Tremendous Fire, but it was too late for him. Summoned Skull and Dark Elf were to strong for him to overcome.
Duel 2, He had him Hayabusa Knight powered up to 4000 with 3 Axes and was running over my forces with ease. My field was open and he attacked with Hayabusa when I had an open field, thanks to his damn Raigeki. He attacked...can you say Magic Cylinder? 4000 direct damage to his life points. I tributed my Dark Elf for Summoned Skull and attacked his life points.

Round 2, 8 people
Opponent: Bryce (beatdown)
He runs a beatdown similar to mine, except he has a Jinzo, the card that further eludes me.
Duel 1, I started fast with Summoned Skull and Jirai Gumo taking chunks of his life points. He got me when he activated his Magic Cylinder. Damn! 1700 life points left. I played Dark Hole and layed a Dark Elf and attacked.
Duel 2, I felt sorry for him when I had 2 Summoned Skulls and 2 Goblin Attack Forces. NOT! I totally decimated him with my monsters.

Round 3, 4 people
Opponent: A.J. (exodia)
An Exodia deck, BWAHAHAHA! I laugh in the face of Exodia Decks!
Duel 1, I totally ate my words, he assembled Exodia no prob.
Duel 2, I side-decked in Soul Release and Delinquent Duo. I used Delinquent Duo and discarded the Left Leg, and used Soul Release to remove it from the game. I didn't have to worry about Exodia anymore, I demolished him with Dark Elf and Hayabusa Knight.
Duel 3, One word: OWNAGE. I totally owned him this duel. My Summoned Skull and Goblins took care of him, although he did launch Cannon Soldier at me.

Round 4, Finals
Opponent: Danny (destiny board)
Apparently, Danny is number 1 at Ground Zero and demolished Cesar, so I expected him to run some sort of a flash-beatdown or something. When I found out he ran a Destiny Board deck, I choked on my Wild Cherry Pepsi. (best ever pop by the way)
Duel 1, I used Giant Trunade to send Destiny Board cards back to his hand. He gave up after that. I dunno why, he could have re-set them next turn, weird huh?
Duel 2, Two words: Heavy Storm. I used Heavy Storm to destroy 4 Destiny Board pieces. He didn't have a Mask of Darkness in his deck? How is he supposed to get the "F" back? Oh well, I demolished him with Jirai Gumo, I finally called the flip right!

What's hot?
The Yu-Gi-Oh! gamers and Gametek and Ground Zero, keep on gaming.

What's not?
Thieves that steal cards from kids, didn't yo' mama teach you not to steal?


Blacklabel, email