Superman’s Obliteration 2
Ray (pinoysuperman)
Toon Planet (in Stonewood Mall)
Downey, California
March 9, 2003
# of people - 36
Entrance Fee - $5
1st Prize – GEMINI ELF
2nd Prize - $30 store credit
3rd prize - $15 store credit
Must win 2 of 3 duels to continue
Labyrinth of Nightmare cards allowed.
Monsters [18]
1 Left Arm of the Forbidden One
1 Right Arm of the Forbidden One
1 Left Leg of the Forbidden One
1 Right Leg of the Forbidden One
1 Exodia the Forbidden One
2 Sangan
1 Witch of the Black Forest
2 Magician of Faith
1 Cyber Jar
2 Spear Cretin
2 Mystic Tomato
2 Cannon Soldier
1 Mask of Darkness
Magikz [19]
1 Pot of Greed
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Swords of Revealing Light
1 Raigeki
1 Change of Heart
1 Heavy Storm
1 Premature Burial
2 Last Will
2 Shallow Grave
1 Painful Choice
1 Monster Recovery
1 Giant Trunade
1 Card of Safe Return
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Messenger of Peace
Trapz [9]
2 Gravity Bind
2 Backup Soldier
1 Magic Jammer
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgement
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Imperial Order
Total (46)
Side Deck (15)
1 Kuribo
2 Prohibition
2 Waboku
2 Wall of Illusions
2 Man eater Bug
2 Dark door
1 Snatch Steal
1 Card Destruction
1 Ceasefire
1 Jinzo
Hello fellow duelists!! This is my second tournament in 2 weeks. I won last week with this deck. I only changed a few cards from my previous deck. I took out kuriboh and waboku and jinzo and put them in my side deck. My only LON card in this deck is Card of safe return. My basic strategy is to bring out Exodia fast. Using last wills cannon soldier... reviving sangans and witch of the black forest on the field. And getting pieces. My deck seems a little big at 46 but it works. Another problem that you might see is that i rely on too much magics and traps. So yeah.. once they imperial order me.. or bring out jinzo, then i couldnt really do anything else... my deck is basically speed exodia. I changed my side deck around at switched in ceasefire.. good thing too
First Round
Superman’s obliteration 2 vs. Some beginner
I first watched people duel, and after 20 minutes i played. This person played a beatdown burner deck. But there was like 70 card in his deck. I could tell he was a beginner with just his sleeves.. they were green and black and worn out.. they were different colored.. but i didnt mind..
1st duel
he goes first.. he starts off with la jinn and 2 m/t’s.. well i thought he would have imperial order or somehing.. so i heavy storm.. turns out.. he has reinforcements and 2 pronged attack.. i was like.. ok quick duel.. he didnt even touch my life points.. i just pulled out exodia by sacking my sangans with cannon soldier and reborning them with
ME 8000-win by exodia
HIM 8000 –7500- 7000 6500
2nd duel
It went pretty much the same.. it just tok a little bit longer. I didnt even keep the life points.. i just kept sacking spear creting with cannon soldier.. and he didnt even have any monsters in the grave.. so i just kept getting spear creting.. and i ended up killing him... but i eventually got exodia
ME win by EXODIA
2nd match
superman’s obliteration vs. A beatdown beginner deck
1st duel
deng.. i had the WORST hand ever.. i had 4 useless magics.. spear cretin and mask of darkness.. he got me down to 2200 until i got my messenger of peace.. then everything went for me.. i got all the right cards in the right time.. i ended up having cannon soldier on the field.. i premature burial.. i was at 800 and then i sack to get the last exodia piece
ME -exodia
2nd duel
ok.. this one didnt take a long time.. i finally got to play my new card card of safe return.. i bring out sangan a mirror force.. and card of safe return on the field.. he brings out neo the magc swordsman and then attacks.. i get a piece.. and then special summon my sangan drew a card and got another exodia piece... i got a cannon soldier.. sacked sangan.. played premature burial.. drew a card got another exodia piece.. played giant trunade.. got back my premature burial.. sacked sangan.. got another piece and then used premature burial again.. drew a card.. sacked sangan.. got the effect... REBORN sangan.. sacked it.. got another piece... game.. jeeez.. i did all that in one turn... hahaha
ME win by exodia
3rd match
Superman’s obliteration vs my friend HECTOR
Deng.. i played this guy yesterday.. he beat me 9 out of 10 times.. it got to a point where it was.. he won 9 in a row and i was dueling for honor.. i told him i would quit yugioh if i lost agian.. and yeah.. i ended up winning.. hahaha.. but that was yesterday.. well hm.. this is his deck.. this guy is pretty rich.. he bought 2 boxes.. and he got 2 kycoos, a terrential tribute, and all these rare cards.. i was highly scared..
1st duel
deng.. i was surprised.. i had the best hand ever.. the head of exodia and one piece.. back up soldier, painful choice, cannon soldier. Just those five cards.. and its game.. i go first.. play painful choice. Put 3 pieces and 2 creatures.. he gave me a piece of exodia.. i brought out cannon soldier and sacked himself... now i have 5 creatures.. i set back up soldier.. he drew.. game....
ME win by exodia
2nd duel.
Ok.. he just had an absolutely horrible hand.. he just set creatures.. and didnt use any magics or traps.. he got kycoo on the field.. but then it wasnt hurting me.. then after 8 turns.. i win by exodia..
ME win by exodia
4th match
superman’s obliteration vs miguel
this guy is my other friend.. (most guys in the tournament are my friends cause i go to the card shop like everyday and i see these guys all the time) well hm.. i played against him before the tournament. He won 5 out of 5 times.. this guy puts unusual cards in his deck.. he plays beatdown.. but has 3 kuribo and he put spiritualism in his deck.. he plays this one the right way..
1st duel
well this guy had a HORRIBLE hand.. he told me.. and he did.. he set a trap card down and thats it.. i go.. i thought he was bluffing.. so i just put sangan in attack mode and a gravity bind.. he draws and tels me to go.. ok.. well i knew he wasnt bluffing anymore.. i bust out everything.. cannon soldier sangan attacked.. sacked them and got all the pieces eventually.. he ends up showimg me his hand.. he had a jinzo, 3 axe of despairs and a reborn...he didnt get anything...
me win by exodia
2nd duel
this one was REALLY scary.. i couldnt do anything.. i kept bluffing by putting monstery recovery on the field.. but he kept spritualism" it.. so yeah.. i was at 1200, he kept the card destructoin in his hand for a while.. and then he drew.. i had 4 pieces in my hand.. a witch out.. messenger of peace.. gravity bind and a witch out by call of the haunted.. and then of all cards.. he plays giant trunade.. and since witch is attached to call of the haunted it goes to the grave yard... and got the final pieces.. he said he wanted to deck me out.. but turns out
ME win by exodia
5th and final match
superman’s obliteration 2 vs eric (EXODIA)
ok.. this guy is like one of my best friends in hte shop.. we totally know each other well.. i played against him last week in a tournament and we were in the final and i won. He played beatdown before.. now its exodia.. before the duel.. we were side decking each other.. but it took him a while.. all the specatators wree talking out loud saying.. who do you want to win.. i thought they would say eric.. but they wanted me to win.. cause before one duel.. i let this guy borrow my relinquished set and jinzo and crossout and a bunch of my cards.. and he told some people.. and everyone was like.. yeah.. this guys cool.. he lets people borrow cards.. i was like.. sweet!!!!
1st duel
deng.. this was weird.. i won in like 4 turns.. i use painful choice.. and then i use giant trunade.. and then set back up soldier.. then it was dame...
2nd duel
deng.. this went almost EXACTLY like last week.. he didnt get ANYTHING... i set a mask of darkness face down.. he attacks it with sangan... i change of heart his sangan and reborned my mask of darkness.. i kept attacking and attacking.. i brought him down to 3500.. i snatched and stealed his monster... and kept attacking.. and then i sacked... he was down to 2500.. i attack his face down.. it was nimble momonga.. and he was at 3500.. i attack his big eye with my cannon soldier 3300.. reborned something.. put out a piece of exodia.. and then sacked them... 2500.. i had cannon soldier on defense.. and imperial order out (yes.. i kept paying)... i drew... i got ceasefire.. .he had 3 face down mosnters.. and i had cannon soldier... he goes.. i use cease fire... he took 2000.. hes at 300.. and since he doesnt have any monsters to kill my monster.. and he could use any magics.. it was game... it was my turn.... i sacked cannon soldier.. game...
ME win by BEATDOWN!!
YES! I WON!! YA HOOOOO!!! Im 2 of 2 in tournaments for 2 weeks.. sweet.. everyone was really cool about it and everyone congratulated me.. i was amazed..
Well yes.. i got GEMINI ELF!!! YES!!! Dang... finally got the secret rare...
Deng.. AFTER the tournament.. the guy who i let borrow my relinquished.. he duels this guy (he puts up jinzo and the other guy puts up gemini elf).. and i mean jeez.. if he has gemini elf in his deck.. i suspect it to be good.. he played a weak machine deck.. and it didnt work.. he lost and then he started to cry.. i felt bad for him.. i mean.. i would cry to if i lost my gemini elf.. THATS WHY I DONT PLAY FOR CARDS!!!.. jeez.. let that be a lesson to all you guys playing for cards.. well yeah.. that guy who i let borrow my relinquished didnt pay me back yet.. he owes me big time...
-to superman’s obliteration for not failing me
-for smallville (damn lana is HOT)
-for the store for putting such a great tournament
-for everyone who supported me during hte tournament
-for eric for being such a great sport
-for eric for trading me his dark necrofear for my relinquished set
-for paul for giving me his 7 tools and mystical space typhoon just for giving him a ride.. even though i would have done it for free for being the best yugioh site ever, i cant wait for the other lab of nightmare cards to be on the card of the day.. i just wanna see what they think about each card..
Contact me at
pinoysuperman18@aol.comJust call me superman