Tournament: Left Field Hobbies, Milford, Pennsylvania

Cost: $5.00 (pulled a Morphing Jar fom TP2...deck destruction coming soon!!!)

Field: Around 40...

My deck: Trapped like a Giant Rat!!

< /= **** Monsters

3 Gilasaurus (extra summons!) 1900 attack with Gaia!

2 The Rock Spirit (more extra summons!) 2200 attack with Gaia!!

3 Mad Sword Beasts (direct more Nimble M's + LP!) 1900 attack with Gaia!!

2 Karate Man (for defense and KO's) 2500 attack with Gaia and Effect!!

3 Nimble Momongas (a pesky earth monster that can deal damage in a help my LP's)

3 Man-eater Bug (earth monster trap!!!)

1 Giant Soldier of Stone (defense...1800 attack with Gaia!!)

3 Giant Rat!!!! ((Draw Power...find the earth monster I want!!) 1900 with Gaia!!

1 Dream Clown ( is an earth the monster removal effect...) 1700 with Gaia!!

2 4-Starred lady Bug of Doom (Good bye Beat down Titans!!!) What??!! A wind monster?? What are you doing in here??!!

Tribute Monsters: None!!!!!!


3 Trap Holes (monster goodbye)

2 Horn of Heaven (more monster goodbye!)

2 Michizure (even more monster goodbye!!!!!)

1 Magic Drain (make you lose an extra less I have to survive...)

1 Seven Tools of the Bandit [hey, I don't have Mirror Force : ( ]


3 Gaia Power (this is an earth deck..)

1 Pot of Greed

1 Swords of Revealing Light

1 Dark Hole (I clear field...use Rock Spirit or Gilasaurus...get to summon 2 Monsters!!!!)

1 Tribute to the Doomed (Monster destruction)

1 Rageki (ultimate monster destruction!)

1 Fissure ( 1 more monster destruction!!)

1 Nobleman of Crossout (destroy face down...maybe thin you deck of more monsters!!)

1 Exile of the Wicked (Destroy Lajinns...Summoned Skulls!!!)

1 Eternal Rest (Go that Axe of Despair...)

2 Soul Releases (Mainly so that I can use Gilasaurus' effect..but there is all kinds of stuff in graveyards I am happy to remove from a game!!)

Preliminary Round:

I played a newbie...wiped the poor kid out...gave him a 7 Colored Fish.... (2 games to none)

Round One

Ah...another did he get this far??? Wiped this poor fellow out too...2 games to none..gave him a card too...can't remember what it was...

Round Two: Kris

Finally, an experienced player...I can try out my new deck theory for real now...

Game one:

I trap everything in sight one way or another..Gaia boosted earthies are doing direct damage... I win quick...

Game Two...He goes to his side board..gets two Fissure...this kid is smart...fight monster destruction with monster destruction....great many different monsters, traps and magics come up in this game...we pretty much go through our decks...Fissure makes a he Mirror Forces me...where is that Seven Tools when I need it?? I may even stick in a Solemn Judgement....I lose..but this was one of the top 5 duels I have ever played! Much Fun

Game Three...He gets out Mirror Force pretty early...I go down pretty quick...I lose : (

Actually, the deck I have posted is revised from the one I played at Left Field Hobbies...I am going to go try it out at HeroTown down at the Ledgewood Mall...I only had 2 Gila's, zero Rock Spririts and I hadn't added the Soul Releases... I'll add to this report when I get home this afternoon...hopefully the changes will help....

It's 1:30, and I am home already :(

2nd Tournament

Location: Herotown, Ledgewood Mall, Ledgewood, NJ

Cost: $5.00 pulled 1 rare in TP2, Soul of the Pure

Field: around 60 duelists

Preliminary Round:

Carl: Eternal Newbie with a 200 card deck

Games One and Two: took about 4 turns to wipe this kid out in each game. Since the store staggers starting times, I had a long wait for the next round. I took Carl and his Moma and Dad over to Subway to help him with his deck. He had Legendary Fisherman and Suijin so made a water deck for him...gave him a Fishie, Aqua Madoor, Umiruuka, another water something...we started a duel but my second match came up, at least he was doing something in the first few turns...he got up a water monster with Umiruuka on his first turn...2100 attack. .hope he gets a newbie next week and actually gets to win a game...

Second Round:

Mike, number 3 player in this store, some kind of weird control deck...don't know what to call it...

Game One

He started off with Light of Intervention...then he equipped my monster with a LON card that froze me and did 500 life points during each of my standby phases. If that wasn't bad enough, he then played a continuous trap card that allowed him to destroy my monsters by removing cards in his graveyard from the was slow and painful, but he did finally finish me off...I got him down to around 2,000 LP before he had his combo working....

Game Two: I had 3 Dust tornadoes in my side deck, but I didn't look hard enough for it before we started so I was playing with a side :( ....sure could have used them!!I trapped everything in his sight, plus both my soul releases came up so he had nothing in his graveyard to destroy my monsters...(yes, he got that Mask card out early...)...he had an open field for about 6 turns, but two Wabokus and a Mirror Force kept him in it...I got equipped and was losing 500 LP's each turn...grrrrr....finally, his defense allowed him to pull a Change of Heart and finish me off...I wish I had a dollar for everytime a Change of Heart has beaten me...I would have a big house with lots of servants and I would buy my own gaming store and run tournaments too....had him down to about 1,300 LP's.

Props: to my son for making the quarter finals in Milford and not being mad at me when I told him we had to leave cuz I had to go to work...

To Beanie Boyz in the Stroudsburg Mall for providing a nice clean, happy place for the kids to play..

To World Karate Union Academy of Martial Arts in Stroudsburg for giving Beanie Boyz prizes to give the kids: 3 weeks of free Karate lessons...1 for the senior champ, 1 for the junior champ, and one for Best Sportsmanship (I love giving sportsmanship awards!!)

To Carl's dad for buying me a soda when I helped his son with his deck...(and not being mad that I beat his son so badly!!)

To James of Left Field Hobbies for running such a good tournament and never letting the kids get out of is one of the nicest group of kids that I have ever seen playing CCG's....

To Mike for playing something besides a beatdown...I love losing to someone who is thoughtful when building a deck.(well, sort of...)..

Slops: to the kids in Ledgewood who called me "old lady" and who were generally rude...

To Herotown for not having a Judge overseeing the games...these kids are out of control...

To the kid who beat my son...he wouldn't let him reborn Relinguished or Thousand Eyes Restrict even though both had been properly summoned to the field before being sent to the graveyard...

To me for not being ambitious enough to find my sidedeck...and for writing such a long tourney report!!!!

Sometimes I feel too old to be playing games like this..but I love the work...and love to talk strategy (hopefully this active use of my mind will prevent me from ever getting alzheimers!!), and it beats sitting around doing nothing while my kid plays...even though he gets all the good cards...(he has Mystical Space I have those Dust Tornadoes)... email address: