Subject: beatdown deck matt kozarsky tri county flea market ny

Deck name: total beatdown

Name:Matt Kozarsky

Location: Tri county flea market

Levittown, Ny, 11756


This torny was was really cool. I did as i usually do.


Heres my total beatdown deck:42 cards


3 la jinn

3 goblin attack force

3 harpies brother

3 7 colored fish

2 magician of faith

1 witch of the black forest

3 hayabusa nights

1 cyber jar

1 cannon soldier



2 noblemen of crossout

3 axe of despair

1 change of heart

1 raigeki

1 pot of greed

1 dark hole

1 swords

premature burial

2 heavy storm

1 mystical space typhoon

1 monster reborn

1 snatch steal


2 trap hole

1 imperial order

1 mirror force

1 call of the haunted


round 1:

The kid didnt show up for in the time limit so i won there


Round 2:i dunno what his deck was based on but he was a little kid

i drew awsome cards liek reigeki monsters and my axes. All he drew was his tribute monsters. i won this won again.


round 3: me vs jason(hes just as good as me)smei beatdown

For some reason jason wasnet pulling anything good. my first hand was 2 goblins 2 noblemens and a heavy storm. he got to my life points a few time but i won the first won.

the second duel was just like the first one. i got almost the exact hand. i got out all my strong monster quickly and killed his life points


round 4: me vs travis(beatdown deck)

duel one: i did good but travis held the awsome cards. i got out my jinzo and got him down to 2000 and was about to win next turn. but he snatch stealed my jinzo reborned his jinzo and won the first one.

duel 2: i did alot better. i kept noblemening his monsters and killed him with my hayabusa nights wit axe of desparis. i won that one

duel 3: it was just like duel 2. i won again


round 5: me vs pete(dont no wat kinda deck he has.)

duel one. i drew all my goblins at first so i killed him quick.

duel 2. i drew a hand of  monsters like la jinn and harpies brother. then i drew my noblemens and killed him again


Top 8:

me vs rich t.(beatdown)

he wasnet that good all i drew were raigeki,dark hole,hayabusas, and axes.

both duels were like that so i won again


me vs jason again

this time i didnt do as good. i drew awsome cards but he drew better.

i lost this one 1-2

i had to face some1 else for 3rd and 4th place.

me vs some really annoying guy.

duel 1: this guy was alrite. i had to get revenge on him cause be beat my friend justin one round ago. i drew a noblemen golbins and haybusas. i went to noblemen but he magic jammered them. so i sent out my golbin and killed his guy. then i went straight to his life points and beat him really quickly.

duel 2:

i didnt do as good i drew crap in my hand. he won this one.

duel 3: this one was pretty much like the first one. he was killed quickly.

i did pretty good i got 3rd place.

i won a torny pack 2 and $10 in store credit.


Matt Kozarsky


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