YU-GI-OH Tournament Report   Deck: Hysteric Beatdown
Comic Castle Austin, TX              Name: T.J Jameel
1st-$16 store credit                         Date:3/10/03 
2nd-$8 store credit                   
3rd-$4 store credit                           about 20 people participated

This is my 4th tourney here and last time I won 1st so I was pretty confident.
I've placed every time I've been here. My brother A.J. and I were
Looking around for any challenge, and we found our friend Josh there.
I thought he wasn't going to been there considering he lost all his cards,
Other than his deck (he lost Jinzo, Morphing Jar, Dragon Seeker and
A ton more).  The clock hit eleven o'clock and the double-elimination tournament started.

Round 1
Me vs. Josh
I got the right to go first (hooray!) I set down a Hysteric fairy with an
Axe set an Imp. Order and ended my turn. He played Heavy Storm I flipped
Imp. Order.  He sets a monster and ends his turn. Next turn I don't pay Imp. Order and play change of heart and it's a magician I get change of heart I tribute magician of faith for a Jinzo with a malevolent nuzzler I attack and next turn he doesn't  play a monster so I play hayabusa knight attack game.

Round 2
Josh beats me fair and square he pulls out a hayabusa knight/w axe and attacks for the game
Round 3
I got a bad draw he won, good thing its double elimination.

Match 2
Me vs. Some Kid
Can't remember this match at all well off to round 2.But I won!

*Also in this round*
A.J keeps his winning streak
Josh keeps his wining streak

Match 3
Me vs. some older guy
When he looked at me he thought I was a little easy shrimp.
I hate it when people think that if your small you can't play
As well as the older children, but in the end I ended up playing Cyber Jar getting all monsters playing rageki and attacking with every thing!

Round 2
This was pretty much evenly set but I ended up winning.

*Also in this round*
A.J keeps his winning streak
Josh keeps his wining streak

Match 4
Me vs. another older guy
He started out by putting out some defensive monsters. He was able to get out 2
Monsters and summoned a Blue Eyes, but I trap holed it. Game Me.
Round 2
He tried the same strategy again, but it didn't work, again. Does he really think he can win with the same strategy?  He tried to bring out Bye Eyes I had no trap holes but next
Turn I ragekied him and attacked with hayabusa knight w/axe Game!!

*Also in this round*

A.J plays Josh, A.J loses

There were 4 people left Me (Duh), a kid named Simon, A.J and Josh.
I didn't want to play Josh or A.J but the head Judge paired us up by the roll of the die, and… I play Simon!  It's single elimination now.

Match 5
Me vs. Simon (A.J's friend)
A.J and I basically helped make Simons deck, so I knew what I was up against.
On my opening move I played a man-eater down and ended my turn.
He attacked it with a La Jinn, good-bye la jinn. I reborn his la Jinn.
Played my Hayabusa knight with axe and attacked him for 5800 damage on my 2nd turn.
He played a face down monster, I nobleman of crossed out it attacked again.  I win.

Round 2
I brought out my Hayabusa knight on turn 1 w/ axe attacked for 4000.
He tried to play swords but next turn I just heavy stormed it away.
Game T.J!!!!!(That's me if u didn't know)

*Also in this round*
Josh loses to A.J

Match 6  (FINALS!)
Me vs. A.J
Now since A.J is my brother I can assure you he's not easy. Last time we
Were both in the finals I won, but his deck has gotten better. I went first and
Played a monster in Def. and set 2 magic/traps and ended my turn.
He played heavy storm I flipped Imp. Order. He ended his turn with a
Monster in def. On my turn I flipped a man-eater to destroy his monster.
I tributed the man-eater for Jinzo w/ axe and attacked for 3400.
A.J sets a monster in def. I nobleman'd it and it that led to me winning the first duel.

Round 2
Bad draw I lose. I drew 2 tribute monsters and some other bad stuff. A.J keeps attacking me with a Jinzo for the game.

Round 3
I can't remember this match, but I won 1st! (It wasn't easy)

I got $16 worth of packs (4 packs) I got junk Nobleman of Extermination,
Shadow Ghoul, etc.

Now here's my deck:
(40 cards total)

(18 monsters)

Tribute monsters
1 Jinzo (staple)
1 summoned skull

Normal monsters
2 la jinn's

Effect monsters
3 hysteric fairy
2 soul of the purity and light
1 haybusa knight
2 man-eater bug (staple)
1 goblin attack force
1 WOTBF (staple)
1 cyber jar (staple)
1 wall of illusion

(13 Magic)
1 Raigeki (super staple)
1 Premature burial
1 snatch steal
1 malevolent nuzzler
1 axe of despair
1 dark hole (staple)
1 Nobleman of Crossout
1 monster reborn (staple)
1 tribute to the doomed
2 Heavy Storms
1 change of heart
1 pot of greed
1 sword of revealing light (staple)

(7 traps)
1 mirror force (super staple)
2 trap holes
1 imperial order
1 robin goblin
1 seven tools off the bandit
1 call of the haunted

Winning 1st
The roll of the dice
For Josh helping me write this
For Josh being there

For getting junk in my packs
For the big kids thinking little kids can't play

If you have any advice, questions, or comments
E-mail me at FezaanJ@aol.com
Or AIM me at FezaanJ. Thanks for Reading my report!