McYugi's Exploding Stuff Deck
Starbase 101
Calgary AB, Canada
Sunday March 16 2003

This is my second report to POJO. This week's first tourney was not sanctioned, and it had about 16 people in it.

My Deck:
1x Karate Man
1x Cyber Jar
2x Wall of Illusion
2x Jirai Gumo
2x Sangan
2x Hayabusa Knight
3x Dream Clown
3x Nimble Momonga
2x Giant Soldier of Stone
1x Fiend Megacyber
1x Summon Skull
2x Barrel Dragon

1x Pot of Greed
1x Raigeki
1x Tribute of the Doomed
1x Snatch Steal
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Monster Reborn
1x Change of Heart
1x Premature Burial
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Axe Of Despair
2x Nobleman of Extermination

1x Call of the Haunted
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Mirror Force
1x Imperial Order
2x Dust Tornado
2x Gravity Bind
2x Light of Intervention

Well that's My deck. It's kinda of a mix between clown control and beatdown. My fav to use is when the clowns, bind, and the dragons are out. Usually when this happen the end is near.

//----------------- BEGIN REPORT --------------------------//

1st @ 1:30pm
Winner: One Joey Starter & 18 packs LON, 2nd: 8 packs of LON,
3th & 4th: 3 packs of LON
2 free rounds, Then Elimation.
Round One:
Me vs Somekid ( i think it was his first tourney)

1st Duel: This kid had some ok cards in his deck but didn't really know how to use them. About 9 turns in I had the lock with 2 clowns and two knights with axes on them.

2nd Duel: It was almost the same outcome in the second duel. I think I beat him six turns or something.

2-0 for me. I felt sorry for him

Round Two
Me vs Adil

1st Duel: Coming in to this duel I thought I was toast., but I wasn't. I owned him I beat him in 5 turns with 2 Jirais and two knights.

2nd Duel: It went the exact opposite of the first he owned me. Beat me in 3 turns.

3rd: We went down to about 5 cards each in our deck and I was down to 500 life points. He got rid of the bind and killed me with a Jirai.

1-2 lost for me. It was fun to duel Adil again. He is so fun to duel cause we were dissing back and forth


Round Three
Me vs Ryan

1st: He used Card Destruction right of the bat and I lost some of my good cards, but I got right back into it. I had him locked down and owned him with the dream clowns.

2nd: He got two MOF and used Card Destruction 3 times. I was down to 3600 life points, then I got the lock and killed him.

2-0, I have dueled ryan alot and I have beat him almost every single time. When he heard that we were going to duel he was like ahh.


Round Four
Me vs Dustin

1st: The first round went me way I had control with my Barrel Dragons and at the end I had my lock in and won.

2nd: I had a clump on magic and trap (like 14 cards) together and he killed me before I was able to get anything out.

3rd: He keep bring back his germs and then he ceasefired me for 2500 and killed me again.

1-2, it wasn't bad, but my only problem is that Dustin is too serious sometimes.

//----------------- Tourney Thoughts -----------------------//

It was over all a good tourney and I did make it to the quatrers with a decent win record and my deck can get stronger. I don't use any LON cards yet because I haven't bought any packs yet.

//----------------- END REPORT ----------------------------//

to Adil and everyone for being good duelists
to Arbys' for having great food
to Trev for showing up at Starbase every week and giving me a ride home
to the New Starters for having Pegiun Knight, Scapegoat, and other good cards

to people who are sore losers
to the LON packs I bought for not having anything I need

Well that's it. If you have any comments send them to Till next week.
PS: Send me any suggestions you have. i'm always looking for help