1st)5 packs of whatever
2nd) same as 1st exept you get
3 packs
3rd) Free air. (and a "you keep trying sweetie!" LOL)
Price: $5
You reiceve a PSV pack when you join.
People there: Max is 32
and I think we were somewhere near the max, so....
I got my pack
and got Monster Recovery...... blah
is a fair pack...
Onto the
1) Revival Jam (Fear the Jam! Rrr.. )
2) Dream Clown (It is a clown
control, what do you expect?)
3)Dream Clown
4) Dream Clown
5) Crass
6)Crass Clown
7)Jinzo (good for those final blows)
8) Nimble
9) Nimble Momonga
10) Nimble Momonga
11) Sangan
13) Magicain of Faith
14) Magician of Faith
15) Cyber Jar
White Magical Hat (trying to get a second)
17) Goddess Of Whim
Dancing Fairy (Ok effect and ok stats, I'm trying to replace this guy for
something else..)
19) Hayabusa Knight
20) Hayabusa Knight
21) Man Eater
Bug ( Trying to get Mask of Darkness)
22)4-Starred Ladybug of
23) Imperial Order
24) Gravity Bind
25) Gravity
26)Gravity Bind
27) Messenger of Peace (I'm wondering if I should get
rid of one)
28) Messenger of Peace
29) Mage Power (Someguy has MetalMorph,
I have this. A possible 2500 atk boost, and since most of the time I have most
of my m/t slots full, I can reach that 2500 real quick..)
31) Premuture Burial (Really quite sucky)
32) Call of the Haunted
(Read what someguy said you can do with this
34) Raigeki
35) Pot of Greed
36) Mirror
37) Dark Hole (Keep it? dunno.. hmm)
38) Dark Spirt of th Silent
(This is game breaking)
39) Magic Cylinder (not as good as the above but this
is still game breaking)
40) Solemn Judgement (Someguy runs these, but I want
to find a replacement for it.. It's killed me so many times)
41)Tribute to
the doomed (Kills jinzos)
42) Tribute to the doomed (I might take out this
43) Bait Doll (Gets rid of Mirror force.. But I'm prolly going to take
this out)
44) Snatch Steal
Ratio: 1:1
Everyone thinks it is good to
have 1:1 ratio, but it isn't.
I draw traps or magic when I need
I knew I wasn't going to do too good because of my ratio and I
was still editing my deck, you know get all the bugs out.
Well, I quickly
began to think differently, as there was all newbies there!
The store champ
wasn't there, all of the fairly challenging people weren't there, no one exept
newies and 2 concerning people.
The people I was concerened about were
Athipoo and this guy with this weird hairdoo that has beatdown altered with
Kycoo, United we Stand, etc..
Before the tourney started Athipoo and
I dueled, I won't go into much detail, but here is a short version, He summoned
Jinzo early, but I snatch stole it and won sortly after that.
I did some
trading and they started to call names, here's the duels.
Me vs Someone
(Forget the name, but his deck was mainly a starter with some LON..)
He got a
1800 attacker out first thing but I had Gravity Bind f/d.
I used Tribute to
the doomed on his guy and attacked at his lps with hayabusa knight. Main Phase 2
I set Imperial Order.
His turn and he plays the dark door and no
I go and pull a dream clown.
I play him in atk mode and atk with
hayabusa. ( him: 4000) (
his go, he sets a monster.
I go and pull another
dream clown, I play it. Now I have a tribute to the doomed and call of the
haunted in my hand. I really didn't want to kill my call of the haunted but I
figured I was going to win soon, so I really didn't need it.
So I use tribute
to the doomed and attack with hayabusa knight. (Him: 2000)
His turn, he plays
Soul exchange and kills 1 of my clowns.
But he can't attack.
My turn I
pull dream clown, play him. switch my other clown to def mode and attack with
hayabusa for game.
Game goes to me.
After the duel he showed me his hand,
two blue eyes and mage power.
I offered something for his mage power, at
first he was Mr. No Deal, but then all of the sudden he turned back into newbie
and offered me Mage power and Serpent Knight(Knight or Night, I forget)
Dragon for my Relinquished set..
So, I got my mage power.
Since I
finished in like 2 mins, I had some time to trade.
I got my Revival Jam for
Toon Mermaid.(I know it is an Ultra for a Super, but I didn't need it, and I
needed Revival Jam)
Next Duel:
Me vs Don't know name(I had dueled his twin
bother before who has a toon deck.)
This kid has an ok deck, I'm not sure of
his deck style tho..
My starting hand was Gravity Bind, 3 clowns (2
dreams, 1 crass), and magic cylinder.
I win the coin flip and go first.
draw and pull a mirror force.
I set mirror force along with gravity
Then I set Crass Clown.
His go, he sets a monster.
My go, I pull
I play dream clown and flip crass and attack with both.
His go, he
sets a monster.
I draw and get monster reborn.
I play dream clown in
attack mode, then switch dream clown to def mode (dostroys his monster) and
crass to def.
Then attack with dream clown.
His go, he plays Sheild and
Sword, then Giant Soldier of Stone in attack mode and he attacks dream clown,
but I flip mirror force.
My go and I get hayabusa Knight.
I then sacrifice
dream clown to summon Jinzo and atk with all for game.
Game goes to me.
No trades
Next Duel:
Me vs some kid that I've dueled
before.. And he nevers says a word.
Not much, here, I summon Jinzo early, he
learns what it does, I keep attacking...
Not much here. I win
Now it is the "final four"
4 People left.
I find out my next opponent is
I'm not too worried considering that I beat him
before the touney.
Well, it is different now.
He knows I run clown control.
So he side decks a heavy storm.
Me vs. Athipoo
"Good time for clowns Ben!"
That is what I was thinking with my first
No Gravity bind, no messenger.
All weenies..
I lost quickly to his megacyber and
I was smooshed. ow.
Well, next tourney maybe?
Now for the
s and the

To the clowns
To all of my trades
To all of my opponents for being good losers and
good winners.
To the pack in which Athipoo got that had
To getting there in time
To Revival Jam being cool
To getting to eat at my 2nd fav
restaurant afterwards.

Sucky hands.
AIM: Kuriboh74129