name of deck: Big bang attack (i guess)
entry fee: $5
number of people: 8
1st place: 5 LON boosters
theyre is no 2nd place
(Pojo Note: People always need to list where the tourneys took place: Store, City, State. Usually I won't post otherwise ... but feel this one makes a good example.)
you may remember me from my last killer deck report (exodia beatdown thing from h-town). well ive gotten more advanced. my deck combines the best of all boosters so far.
All of exodia
1x barrel dragon
1x jinzo
1x dark necrofear
2x la jinn
1x mod
1x mof
1x hane hane
1x jinzo#7
1x hayabusa knight
1x rare giant soldier of stone
1x crass clown
1x dream clown
1x wotbf
2x sangan
1x big eye
1x wall of illusion
magic and traps23:
1x mirror wall
2x heavy storm
1x mirror force
1x monster reborn
1x change of heart (holo)
1x snatch steal
1x imperial order
1x dark hole (holo)
1x raigeki
3x gravity bind
1x pot of greed
2x back up soldier
1x painful choice
2x AOD
1x 7 tools
1x dark-piercing light
1x trap hole
side deck8:
1x horn of heaven
1x magic jammer
1x mystical space typhoon
2x tribute to the doomed
1x confiscation
1x prohibition
1x tremendous fire
1st match me vs. a novus named javoi
this kid tryed to play thousand eyes restrict from his hand. so to make a long story short me 8000 him 0.
2nd match me vs. michael
lets see, a boy who keeps every single card he has ever baught in his deck. me 7200 (from an ookazi) him 0.
3rd match me vs. andrew
this kid had some realy good cards (well good enough to do some damage) me 4500 him 4300. i pulled exodia on him.
i would also like to point out to all you idiots who do not see the 7th color on 7 colored fish. its tail fins are the 7th color. this deck was made by me to be able to go hand to hand with any deck posible. i win 98% of the time. the 2% is when i play in 3 person duels and the other 2 gang up on me like little b****s. the names of these people will remain anonumus (rnyab) <--- scrambled name. if any 1 has any advice or a comment (even bad 1's) please send them to