# Of participants: 60
Entrance Fee: $ 10.00
This tournament was unsanctioned (meaning it was not for any points for “Duelist Kingdom”).
My friends and me went to the tournament. There were a lot of adults there, rather than kids.
Most people used beatdown decks and exodia decks. Since actual matches take too long they
decided to make it one single matches. I was happy because they allowed the new cards from
LON and from new starters. I also am happy because I have no starter deck cards or promos in my
deck. So on to my deck:
Jinzo (my way of beating practically any deck)
no effects:
Summoned Skull (My most powerful creature, attack wise)
tribute effects:
Goblin Attack Force (main attackers)
Hayabusa Knight (main attackers)
Maha Vailo (main attackers
Man-Eater Bug (main defense)
Magician of Faith (get back good magic card)
Mask of Darkness (get back good trap card)
Witch of the Black Forest (get any monster card from my deck to my hand)
Cyber Jar (clear the field when I am in a tight situation and get 5 new cards)
Axe of Despair (my equips to hayabusa and vailo)
Mystical Space Typhoon (destroys those annoying mirror forces)
Heavy Storm (bye bye mirror force)
Monster Reborn (staple)
Change of Heart (staple)
Raigeki (staple)
Pot of Greed (staple)
Swords of Revealing Light (staple)
United We Stand (my MAJOR equip card!)
Mirror Force (staple)
Trap Hole (destroy one monster flip mod get back trap hole)
Imperial Order (no more magic)
Call of the Haunted (get back Jinzo use heavy storm Jinzo’s still there)
Magic Cylinder (staple)
1x Seven Tools of the Bandit (counter any trap for a small price)
So that’s my deck, now on to the tournament.
Round 1 Me vs. Noobie (regular starter deck Pegasus)
I start of with one of the best hands 1x Trap Hole 2x Axe’s and 2x Hayabusa’s.
I draw and get Mystical Space Typhoon. I set trap hole and mystical down and put hayabusa
in defense. He goes, draws sets seven tools I mystical it then he brings out red archery girl that I trop hole, and ends his turn.
I put my hayabusa in attack with an axe and bring out another one with an axe it was game.
Me:8000 Him:0
Round 2 Me vs. John (Exodia/ Beatdown)
I got nearly the same hand as the other game. It was 1x Mystical 2x Axe’s and 2x Hayabusa’s. I went first and to my surprise draw trap hole.
I did the same thing and won again.
Me: 8000 Him: 8000
Next round I skipped because when they divided 15 by 2 it was 7 ½ witch left one extra person, and since I have won four tournaments in a row there,they just let me skip it.
Round 4 Quarter Finalist Me vs. Michael (beatdown)
This guy was easy I don’t know how he got so far I beat him in 4 turns. I drew jinzo tarp hole mirror force and 2x man eater bugs. I drew axe set trop hole and mirror force and meb in defense. All he had were 2-tribute creatures 3 bewd 2 dark m. on my turn I drew an other axe, sacked meb for Jinzo with 2 axe’s and attacked all he drew was barrel dragon I attacked again and won.
Me:8000 Him:0
Round 5 Semi’s Me vs. Someguy (exodia)
This guy was caught cheating so I automatically won. Just goes to show, cheaters never prosper!
Round 6 Finals Me vs. Thomas (gate guardian)
Everyone said this guy was lucky. I said lucky, shumcky I will still beat him. So we started I drew 3x axe’s 2x hayabusa’s and 1x mirror forcei said to myself he lost I once again will win. So all he did has try to attack my life points I mirror forced he then ends his turn saying, “You wasted that mirror force, you should of saved it against my gate guardian so I was like, “really then why did I just win,” it was my turn I drew heavy storm cleared his side of the field put hayabusa in attack with 3 axe’s and won the game. I the said “Boo ya, in your face’’ I think he started to cry because I won a 36 pack box of LON and left, making anyone who dueled me regret they did.
Mom for taking me
For winning
For not losing one single match
For my deck being complete
The Exodia cheater
Again my name is Andrew Peltekci and my e-mail address is Skiptomylue96@aol.com and my AIM address is Skiptomylue96 if you have any suggestions or comments (good or bad ) just e-mail me or just chat with me, I’d be glad to see what you have to say. Thank you