Subject: Exodia Deck. Jeff Benedict. age 14 Holden Beach , North Carolina.
Tournament was at Timesquerd Mall Martle Beach SC. 3-22-03 1:00pm
Entry Fee= $5.00 & 1 free pack
1st Place= 3 packs of what ever
2nd Place= I don`t know can`t remember
My Deck
Level 1-4 monsters (22)
1x Exodia the Forbidden one
1x left arm of the Forbidden one
1x Right arm of the Forbidden one
1x Left leg of the forbidden one
1x Right leg of the forbidden one
1x Witch of the black forest
2x Sangan
1x The Bistro Butcher 
1x Cannon Soldier
3x Mystic Tomato
2x The unhappy Maiden
3x Giant soldier of Stone
1x Mystical Elf
1x Spirit of the harp
1x Cyber jar
1x Spear cretin
level 5 on up monsters (1)
1x Labyrinth Wall
Magic (11)
3x The Shallow Grave
1x Upstart Goblin
1x Last Will
1x Monster Recovery
1x Monster Reborn
1x Pot of Greed
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Painful Choice
1x Dian Keto the cure Master
Trap (6)
1x Magical hats
1x Appropriate
1x Gravity Bind
2x Backup Soldier
1x Enchanted Javelin          total of 40 cards in the deck.
Ok i entered my first tournament. But i lost in my first round. My opponent (i can`t remember his name sorry)won first match. Blowed me away big time. Becus he played Card Destruction & played gravebigger soul and take out the left leg of exodia out of my graveyard.
OK the 2nd match i WON. My first draw i got the head, left leg, backup soldier, Painful Choice and cyber jar (what a good hand) so i lay cyber jar face down def.. my opponet attack it. so i draw left arm, mystic tomate, magical hats, sangan and the Shallow grave. i forgot what he drawed & he attack my left arm then so it was my turn. i drawed a card then i activate painful choice pick 5 cards (2 exodia pieces 3 other magic cards)from my deck. He let me have Dian Keto the cure Marter and the rest went to the graveyard. THEN i activate BACKUP SOLDER and got back my other 3 pieces of exodia and i won that match!!!!!!!!
Ok the 3nd match he blowed me away again!!!!!!! I HATE THAT CARD DESTRUCTION!!!!!!!! he did the samething in the first match again.. thats all i got to say.. I`m out of the tournament...