Name Of Deck: Hand Destruction
Name: Michael
Location of Tournament: Atomic Comics
City/State: Peoria,
# of people in Tournament: 200+
Rounds:4 Swiss and then a cut to
top 16
Prize: 1st Choice
Gate Guardian Set
2nd Choice of other
3rd the last left one
5 stars and up (1)
1x Jinzo (Prevents Mirror Force and Trap Hole….I’ll take it)
4 stars and below (17)
2x Man Eater Bug (It’s always nice clearing the field)
2x Magician of Faith (Re-using magics is good)
3x Goblin Attack Force (The monster fissure)
2x White Magical Hat (Name of the deck)
2x Masked Sorcerer ( Nice to draw twice in a turn)
2x La Jinn (Good beatdown monster)
1x Gearfried (No Snatch Steal)
1x Witch of the Black Forest ( Get my Jinzo)
1x Sangan (Get my cyber jar)
1x Cyber Jar (When your in trouble…)
Magic (17)
1x Raigeki (Do you gotta ask…)
1x Swords (See above)
1x Pot of Greed (See above)
1x Premature Burial (800 for another reborn….yea)
1x Monster Reborn (See raigeki)
1x Snatch Steal (Snatch steal your Jinzo, sac for mine)
1x Change of Heart ( See snatch steal)
1x Dark Hole (Clear the field)
1x Confiscation (Name of the deck)
1x Delinquent Duo (See confiscation)
1x Forceful Sentry ( See confiscation)
2x Heavy Storm (Get rid of those traps)
2x Mystical Space Typhoon (Counter those equip magics)
2x Nobleman of Crossout (Clear the field)
Traps (5)
1x Mirror Force (See raigeki)
1x Call of the Haunted (Trap form of reborn)
1x Imperial Order (Raigeki? I don’t think so)
2x Trap Hole (Summoned Skull….no)
Side Deck (15)
2x Wall of Illusion (Good defense and effect)
2x Gravity Bind ( For those pure beatdowns)
2x Dream Clown(Works well with G/B)
1x Giant Soldier of Stone (Good defense)
1x Painful Choice (Thins out the deck)
3x Fissure (clear the field)
1x Mirror Wall (This card is overlooked)
1x Robbin Goblin ( Part of the deck)
2x Jirai Gumo (Wall, attacks when it needs to)
I got there at like 10 in the morning wit my friends. We couldn’t believe that there was so many people there. We were lucky that we prepaid cuz a bunch of people weren’t allowed cuz there were only 200 slots. Well we stood in line for deck checks, and by that time I was still building my deck (sad I know). Well after everyone got checked and seated it was already 11:30.
First Duel
Me vs. Some random beatdown
1st game
This game actually took up 2 games. The first time we were both pretty low ( he top decked like crazy) and a judge gave us a faulty Ceasefire ruling and we had to play again.
2nd game
I got all the cards outta his hand and beat him with a Jinn and WMH within a couple turns.
Second Duel
Me vs. cheating Exodia kid
1st game
First turn I confiscated his Exodia head and that was his only monster, so I just hit him fast and quick wit my Goblins and Jinzo.
2nd game
He put all of Exodia in his lap so he could draw it whenever. So at one point I deliquent duo’d and his only showing cards was gone, by the next turn he tried to bring out Exodia, so he was disqualified.
Third Duel
Me vs. Some tight kid
1st game
This game went pretty quick, cuz he drew all magic and traps opening hand, none of which helped him. But the only thing I had was a magician of faith so I beat on him with that for a while till I got out my Jinzo.
2nd game
This game we juss chilled and he gave me the win so he could leave. He taught me a tight crossover but that’s another story.
Fourth Duel
Me vs. A beatdown Exodia
1st game
This duel was weird ‘cuz for the longest time no one took damage, none of us drew monsters. And for a while I got him down to like 4000 with 2 magicians. Then finally I drew my Jinzo and finished him off, But I didn’t know he was playing exodia and if he would of lasted on more turn he would of won.
2nd game
He sidedecked out exodia for his beatdown, and he juss killed me quick with a double axed hayabusa.
3rd game
This went as quick as the second game pretty much. First turn I confiscated his jinzo reborned, noblmaned his fd card, put down a WMH and after that he had no cards in his hand that could beat him. So I won and made the top 16 cut.
Fifth Duel (1st in final 16)
Me vs. Store Champ
1st game
I was distracted the whole game and was caught accidently playing a MoF after it was noblemaned. So he got he first game and account of a simple mistake. Oh well.
2nd game
This game I smoked him. He got all magic/traps in his hand, so I was juss getting rid of em with my WMH’s and discard magics. Soon he got smart and put his good magic’s fd, but that’s when I top decked heavy storm…I noblemaned his f/d cyber jar reborned his summoned skull and won.
3rd game
This one was pretty close. He had an axed 7 colored fish, but that’s it. I juss kept putting my monsters f/d until I hot my cyber jar with witch. Then I got 4 monsters to his none and that won me the game.
Sixth Duel
Me vs. My friend’s little brother
1st Game
This game he got the luckiest top deck. I got him to no cards in his hand snatch stole his jinzo and put a magician f/d. He top decked Pot of Greed. And drew a nobleman and a heavy storm. After that I had nothing I could do.
2nd game
This went about 3 turns before I beat him. I put f/d a Man-Eater Bug. He attacked it with an axed hayabusa. Next turn I drew a mirror force and set tt, reborned his hayabusa, put down a magician of fait and atked for 2000. I drew a mirror force and set it. Next, he put down a fiend megacyber and la jinn, but I mirror forced those. Next turn I drew a goblin attack force, got reborn back, reborned his fiend, put down goblin and that was game.
3rd game(Semis)
This game he claimed I cheated, but I didn’t so he got mad and left.
Seventh Duel
Me vs. The guy who knocked off my two friends
1st Game
He won this game because I messed up with my forceful sentry, and he wouldn’t let me take it back, then he top-decked his raigeki, and won.
2nd game
Since we weren’t letting anything go, he messed up twice. First he snatch stole my Gearfried, then he noblemaned my f/d La Jinn and tried to reborn it. After that it was a clean smoke.
3rd Game
Sidedecked in wall of illusions.
First turn I set wall of illusions, and he atked it w/ a 7 colored fish. Next turn I delinquent duo’d jinzo and fish (his only 2 monsters), put down masked sorcerer and atked with both. After that he got monster screwed until he drew cyber jar but I had a raigeki the whole time.
Eighth Duel (Championships)
Me vs. Little Kid w/ Exodia
This little kid was pretty cool. He didn’t really know all the rulings but he played exodia and was damn good at it. Since he had a set already, he just took the gate guardian set and exodia was mine.
Me winning
My friends for stayin in there even though they were out
Getting shotgun on the way back
Selling Exodia for 175 bucks
My friends losing
The cheaters
The top deckers
The tourney takin so long
Email me at for questions or comments. Peace out yall.
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