Deck: "Just Clowning Around"
Location: Vallhallas game center in Wheat Ridge,Co.
People in tourny: about 40
Name: Neil Ballensky AKA Dualling Daddy
Date: Sunday,March 23
O.K. here is the goods-the meat and potatoes of my ways.
3x Dream Clown: Your monster go BOOM!!
3x Nimble Momonga: I dont know why hardly anyone has this??
1x Penguin Soldier: YAY I found Joey’s starter deck!!
2x Hayabusa Knight: Last report I listed Axe,how about Mage power anyone?
2x Magician of Faith: Gimme back that Mage power!!
1x White Magical Hat: hmm,lets see,I will pick,hmm, JINZO!!! HAHAHA
1x 4 Star Ladybug: Your 4 stars go BOOM!!!!!!
1x Sangan: Dream Clown front and center soldier!!!\
1x Cyber Jar: Field go bye-bye,and what I drew Gravity Bind,YAY!!!!
3x Prohibition
2x Mystical Space Typhoon: I used this 3 times on Mirror force!!!
2x Mage power: Total chaos-until its restricted to one then........
1x Axe os Despair: if Mage is restricted then its back to two Axes!!
1x Nobleman of Crossout: Cool card,til you burn your own cards!!
1x Delinquent Duo: Lets see Ill pick your Mechanical Chaser and you,what?
Then of course the usual restricted cards,Dark hole,Raigeki,P.O.G, Swords,Monster Reborn!!!!
Here is my "specialty"
3x Gravity Bind: No I cant allow those 4 stars to beat me!!
2x Magic Jammer: nope no change of heart for you!!
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Imperial Order: I hate this card,more about it later!!
1x Ceasefire: Lets see,flip over,wow no bug effect for you and 2500 damage,YAY!
1x Mirror Force: Love flipping this when my opponent does the " Dragon Thing"
1x Torrential Tribute: Same thing as above!!
1x Seven Tools: Nope ill Seven Tools your Seven Tools!!!
1x Mask of Restrict: No tributing ok? Put those skulls back,and Jinzo to!!
Ok there it is my deck "Just Clowning Around" I run a side deck too,but thats for me to know and you to find out,hehehehehe.As you can see ive got some nice additions for the clown deck,its changed from last tourney and ill say laby of nightmare helped out ALOT!!!!! I have 42 cards in my deck and they all work good,my deck is also different from SOMEGUYS since ive run my deck longer than he has posted,and im sure he is going to change his deck to something like mine!!
Allright Tourney report time..........
Dual one: J.C.A vs. Jose with Dragon Beatdown
First match winner= ME J.C.A.
Second Match winner= HIM! boo hoo!
Third match winner= ME J.C.A.
Heres the breakdown,first match Clowns controlled,I Mage Powered my Hayabusa and attacked I used the usual cards like Raigeki and swords, he got me some but too little too late!Second match we went back and forth cause he whipped out Solemn Wishes and proceeded to attack with Kycoo and such so I got beat.Third match same as the second,he got out the Wishes and got up to like 11000- life points then...
Boom,M.S.T. and Gravity Bind to the rescue!! He could do no harm with jammers set and Prohibition out on Heavy Storm and I double hayabusa with 2 Mage powers and got him down in like 3 turns.Nobleman of Cross out came to my rescue as well as Mirror Force. Great kid, great dual, wish they were all like him!!!!
Dual 2: J.C.A vs. some dude with Magical Cylanders
First dual winner= ME!! J.C.A.
Second dual winner= ME!! J.C.A.
Heres the breakdown.. I dont know how he got to the second round cause he didnt know what cyber jar or dream clowns effects do, so I whupped him in one turn,Hayabusa with 2 mage powers nuff said!!!! Second match,he hit me with Magical Cylinders, cause I attacked with Dream Clown, but that was it I got him with my army of weenies!!!
Dual 3: J.C.A. vs Key
Ok this is the same guy I ran into over at Mile High Comics that pouted when he lost and is like second here in Colorado or something like that,and guess what he lost again!!!
Dual one winner= HIM boo hoo
I took the next two in a row on his pouting butt!!!
Breakdown, dual one he got jinzo out(did I ever tell you I hate Jinzo) and whupped me quick with all his 1800 att monsters bye clowns so I thought........second dual I got him in control with a nice draw at the beginning,1 Gravity Bind,2 Dream Clowns, 2 Prohibitions and my draw for 6 it was....Jammer YAY!!! of course I set my traps and played the clown let my Prohibitions play free out there as well and voila!! I won !!! third dual, interesting here cause I won this dual by decking him and guess what my 2 extra cards in my deck to make 42 hehe he they won it for me,he tried to stall but I knew he was done so did he and he couldnt help it so bye to the store champ AGAIN! The Turning point was me 7 tooling his 7 Tools on my Gravity bind so he thought he could win but nope not today.I used my Torrential Tribute, Dark Hole, Raigeki, Cyber Jar, Magician of Faiths and such and he had a wall out there with Chaser, Goblins and Gearfried,so I could do no attacking thats why he decked out,THE BIND IS WONDERFUL!!! After wards he wasnt so bad like he was at the last tourny I beat him at but still he whined to Amy about something but it was no avail cause he was punted!!!
Dual 4 J.C.A. vs another Chinese kid with all super and ultra rares!!
Winner of both duals went to him,first dual I drew no monsters but I had bind working but it didnt matter cause he Change of Hearted a Dream clown used his effect and kept attacking with Mask of Darkness as well, I was done cause he had a wall of 1800’s out there too!!!Second dual, I got beat with Imperial Order-again- that was my downfall last tourny too!! He got Imp out early and paid the upkeep like 5 times cause he had all 1800’s attacking and I couldnt play my Prohibitions,Mage powers and such so he got me!!! Boo hoo!!
It was fun,I like dualling and Vallhallas holds good tournys with not so great prizes like Mile High Comics, but any how it doesnt matter if I lost in the semis cause the first place prize is the same as the forth fifth and so on and season 3 is coming up and guess what? Im going to go Regional cause my next report is going to change as well as my cards and how they get played. I should of Prohibitioned his Imp in this last match or I would of been writing how I won this Tourny instead of losing it,cause this kid was the same as the last kid Key-he had all 1800 monsters and all the good traps and magic so the clowns would prevail anyway but that darn Imp lost me again with it!!!!
Ill end it by saying this, it doesnt matter how many Chinese kids have mommy and daddy buy all the good cards like Imp Order,Morphing Jar,Mech. Chaser and such ALL THE BOMB CARDS IN ONE DECK DOESNT ALLWAYS WORK!!! My deck is proof of that!!! I got into dualling when my son started to get beat by these kids with $$$ and I fell to the same level as these kids and bought like 6 boxes of Blue eyes,Metal Raiders and Laby of Nightmare as well as countless packs of Pharohs and Magic Ruler and lots and lots of singles from places like eBay,Valhallas, Mile high comics and so on. So now my son does his share of winning with Exodia and I feel better now with my deck.Now with the 2 new starter decks out there everyone is going to get that much better which is good for dualists and not so good for retailers cause now Mystical Space,Jammers and toons are common and easy to get.PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Props: To the clowns,best darn monster in the game, Gravity Bind,best darn trap in the game,Mage power,best darn magic card in the game,Valhallas for a great tourny and me beating Key again!!!
Slops: To my son losing in the first round with turbo Exodia I think we are going back down to beatdown Exodia cause its better, opening up my ONE laby pack for being in the semis and pulling..............Mask of Brutality...YAY a stupid common rare that I gave to the first kid I saw and of course my last slops go to IMPERIAL ORDER!!!!! I hate this card!!!!!Lates,Neil B. <> for any one with hate or great mail!!!!!!