Beat down deck

Greg Stoker a.k.a MorphingSnakeChaser

Great Escape Games

Sacramento, CA


Monster cards

1) Jinzo (tribute) 2) Gemini Elf x3

3) Goblin Attack force x3

4) Giant Red Seasnake x3

5) Mechanicalchaser x1

6) Gearfried the Iron Knight x2

7) Bazoo the Soul Eater x2

8) Witch of the Black Forest x1

9) Sagan x1

10) Cyber Jar x1

11) Magician of Faith x1

12) Man-Eater Bug x2

13) Wall of Illusion x2

14) Morphing Jar x1

Total Monster cards


Magic Cards                                     Trap Cards

1) Graceful Charity x2                    1) Mirror Force x1

2) Change of Heart x1                     2) Ceasefire x1

3) Raigeki x1                                 3) Call of the Haunted x1

4) Dark Hole x1                              4) Torrential Tribute x1

5) Nobleman of Crossout x2             5) Magic Cylinder x1

6) Monster Reborn x1                       6) Imperial Order x1

7) Swords of Revealing Light x1         7) Waboku x2

8) Pot of Greed x1                         Total Trap Cards

9) Heavy Storm x2                                    8

10) United We Stand x1 (equip)

11) Axe of Despair x1 (equip)

12) Premature Burial x1 (equip)

13) Snatch Steal x1 (equip)

Total Magic Cards






The Tournament



Round one:

The match was pretty fun, my challenger was playing a fun burn deck. He also told me that it was his first tournament. He did pretty good for his first time there. He went first and started out with no monsters but a few magic/trap cards down. I went next and sat down my Gemini Elf and he sank it with a Trap Hole, well I Monster Reborned it right back and attacked for 1900. His next move was another trap card, no monsters. I then used Pot of Greed got my United We Stand and a Graceful Charity, Three new cards!!!! I then played my Bazoo down, another Trap Hole well I was holding Premature Burial I then slapped that and a United We Stand on him and took three cards out of the graveyard and removed them from play and swung with Bazoo at 2500 + 1600 = 4100 + Gemini at 1900 = 6000. He had a hundred left. His turn he drew nothing he conceded and we went on with the next game.

The second game was a lot more fun!!!! He went first and played two Ookazis and then two Chain Energys, he took 1000 for playing the second one but oh well game just started and I took 1600 with just burn. I went I played one monster (1000) and one trap card (1000 again). He took 2000 off me on my turn, he went and played another Ookazi another 800. I’m starting to feel it now. My turn I played another monster (1000) and one more trap card Imperial Order which I just drew thank god!!!! but another 1000 for it. He took 6400 off the back!!! then he sat a monster in defense mode I think my look on my face gave it away that I had something coming. My next turn I drew Heavy Storm! So I played theat over Imperial Order another 1000 (7400 total), I had magics I wanted to play. Next I laid Bazoo down, then I Changed of Heart his face down Mystical Elf I flipped her, next I played United WE Stand and took three cards out of the graveyard for Bazoo, and that was game!!!!!!

Round two:

The next match I played a kid whose deck I built for him. I knew every card in his deck, he was playing a fun Relinquished deck!!! He went first he laid one card face down defense position and one trap card down. I went and played Heavy Storm and then played Swords of Revealing Light. His card was Cyber Jar. I then got four monsters Goblin Attack Force x2, Gemini Elf, and a Giant Red Seasnake, I also got my United We Stand off it!!! I was holding Raigeki in my hand. I played Raigeki laid down my Wall of Illusion in attack mode and slapped United We Stand on Gemini Elf and swung for 12300 on my first turn!!!!! Fastest game I’ve ever played!!!!

Next game went almost as fast!! He went first and laid a monster face down and two traps cards face down. And played Swords of Revealing Light. I was holding Heavy Storm from opening draw!!!! my turn I played Heavy Storm and Nobleman of Crossout it was Man-Eater Bugs. Next I Played Goblin Attack Force and swung for 2300. I also laid down my Call of the Haunted. He went like I thought he was going to kill off my goblin, he laid down a Harpies Brother nothing else! I went Call of the Haunted my Goblin and then I laid down my Mechanicalcahser and Change of Hearted his Harpies Brother and swung for 5950 and that was game!!!!!

Round three:

I played my friend Spikeytony, this was a good match!!!! We had a crowd around us for this match! He went first laid down a Goblin Attack force in attack position and two trap cards down!! I laid my which face down and set my Ceasefire and Magical Cyliders down. He went first he tried to Crossout my witch, I Ceasefired at this point he took a 1000, and then he laid down his Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer and killed my witch off with it, next he swung with his goblin and he took the damage with my Cylinder!!!next I drew and what a card I got snatch and steal, I took his kycoo and tributed it for my Jinzo which I got with my Witch of the Black Forest and plaed heavy storm I then plated monster reborn on his kycoo and slapped a United We Stand on Jinzo and swung with kycoo to kill off his Goblin Attack Force and hit him with 4000 with Jinzo. He had 700 left. I set my Torrential Tribute down just in case. His turn as I thought Raigeki came my way he then sat a monster down to try and take advantage of an open field and Torrential Tribute went off with a bang!!! my next turn I played wall and attacked him for a thousand to win the game.

Next game was a laugh for me!!! he went first again and played his Kycoo in attack position. I played my Cyber Jar face down and set Imperial Order just in case. As I thought Nobleman of Crossout!!! Imperial Order went off in a heart beat. Left him no choice but to attack. I got 2 monsters Bazoo and Gemini Elf and 3 magics that won me the game and he got Imperial order Jinzo and Swords of Revealing Light. He made a big mistake to sack his Gemini Elf he got with the Cyber Jar for jinzo and then lay down Imperial Order and then play Swords of Revealing Light. I had the cards to win which was snatch and steal, monster reborn, and premature burial. I was holding my Jinzo but there was Swords on the field!!! I needed Heavy Storm more than anything!! And talk about heart of the cards!!!! my next card Heavy Storm!!!! I played it with no hesitations!!!! I then snatch steal his Jinzo, Premature Burial my cyber jar saced it for my Jinzo and Monster Reborn his Gemini Elf!!! and to take it one step farther I slapped United We Stand on my Jinzo and swung for a grand total of 15100 with 2x Gemini Elf a Bazoo at 2500 one Jinzo at 2400 and my jinzo powered up to 6400!!!! that was game!!

Round four (semi- finals):

I was playing my good friend and store rival PatrickHolmes. Store champion!! This was fun, I’ve defeated Patrick in several tournaments before and he has done the same. It started out with a good draw. Graceful charity, Axe of Despair, Monster Reborn, Gearfried the Iron Knight, and Magical Cylider. He went first and set two trap cards down. This scares me when he does that he don’t bluff often. He then played Graceful Charity, and then Graceful Charity again!!!, next it was Pot of Greed!!! when is this going to end!!! he set two more cards down in the mogic and trap spot!! And he played Kycoo in attack position. My turn I drew Gemini Elf!! I played Graceful Charity and he played Imperial Order!!! ouch ok fine I thought I’ll play Gemini Elf!! What came next a Trap Hole!! I then set my Cylenders down!! And he dust tornado tht in a heart beat!!! now I’m wide open! He then set a Goblin Attack Force down and swung for me for 4100 and took two cards out of my graveyard from play!!! my Gemini Elf!! He also paid for his Imperial Order. My turn I drew another magic card a Pot of Greed. I then played my Axe of Despair face down to try and fake him out!!! and then I played Gearfried and what came next another trap hole!!! that was game after that. His next turn he sacked his goblin for Jinzo played Monster Reborn on Gearfriend and Premature Burial on his Goblin attack force and won the game!!

Next game was real similar, I went first and played my Man-eater Bug face down, and one trap card it was a waboku! He then Crossed out my Bug and set 2 cards in his trap spots and played Graceful Charity again and got more cards he then played Pot of Greed. Next he played Gemini Elf down and swung I wabokued. He then sat another card in his trap slot. my turn I played heavy storm and Imperial Order once again!!!!! I then set my Bazoo down and he Trap Holed yet again!!! he went and played his Call of the Haunted and Brought back his Jinzo which was sent there by Graceful Charity!!! he then Monster Reborned my Bazoo and Premature Burial his other Gemini Elf which was sent there the same way as Jinzo and then slapped a United We Stand on Jinzo and that was game!!!

Round 5 (finals):

Patrick played a kid that was ok he was only about 8 years old. Patrick slaughtered the kid!! I didn’t pay much attention to the match but I knew it was over before it begun. Patrick won the kid in record time. I turned my back to do a trade with one of my friends and patrick walked up right next to me. I thought he was still in the duel!! I was doing a trade for my new addition in my deck my second Mechanicalchaser!!!!! well thats the story of the turnament last week!!! what fun. I can’t wait for season three.