Well hey again all. Just writing another tourney report here. Uh, jeez. This week was super hectic. It was exhausting. There were 24 people there this week for doubles alone, so cool deal..I guess. I got 2 packs for running the tournament because Todd wanted to "let me know how grateful I am for your services." He said this with a weird tone, so I was kind of weirded out. ha. So there were like 5 20 year olds there, of which I had never seen. I was pretty nervous, and was fairly confident that I wouldn't win this week. Did I? Let's just see.....
Total: 44
Monsters: 16
1x Great White
1x Cure Mermaid
3x 7 Colored Fish
3x High Tide Gyojin
1x Cyber Jar
2x Star Boy
2x Magician of Faith
1x Aqua Spirit
1x Amphibian Beast
1x Penguin Soldier
Magic: 20
3x Umiiruka
1x Pot of Greed
2x Tribute to the Doomed
1x Raigeki
1x Change of Heart
1x Monster Reborn
1x Heavy Storm
1x Malevolent Nuzzler
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Snatch Steal
1x Fissure
2x Axe of Despair
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Delinquent Duo
1x Bait Doll
1x Graceful Charity
Traps: 8
3x Trap Hole
1x Imperial Order
1x 7 Tools of the Bandit
1x Mirror Force
1x Magic Jammer
1x Dust Tornado
So, took down all the names for the tourney. I then had a kid who plays Magic put a 1 by 2 names, and then 2's, 3's, so on, so it would be fair. Since he didn't know who anybody was, and didn't know the skill level for anybody. Most fair way I could think of.
1st Duel - Me vs. I think his name was Curt Smith
Oh boy. This kid was confident. That made me a little nervous, but then I saw his deck. He didn't have card protectors, and it was about 5 inches high. Like around 80 cards in it or something? Meh. Not very scared after that.
So it started off with him putting a monster in defense mode. Summon 7 Colored Fish with Umiiruka. Killed his Giant Soldier of Stone. Then he put another monster in defense. I summon High Tide, kill that. -2300 for him. Then he put aother monster down. Change of heart, amphibian beast. It was over
2nd Duel - It again was basically me killing his face down monsters with powered up fishies.
I win
2nd Match- So then this kid named Ernie asked if he could be in the tournament. Boy. This kid is a nerd. I heard him curse at some woman in some Star Wars language one time I think. lol Wow. So I regrettfully told him that we'd already started, and it was too late to be in it. It really was. So then he goes and tells the store owner. I then have to let hiim in the tournament. Someone was going to get a bye anyways, so I let him be in. He was really cocky about it, so I matched him up with me. I mean c'mon. My tournament, my rules.
Me vs. Ernie
He's like Hmmm, now which deck should I use. I know. For you, I will give you the honor of playing my main deck. He looked at his cards, and I was like OK, rock paper scissors to see who goes first? He goes, Oh no. You may go first. I prefer to let my opponent's go first so that their defeat is all the more humiliating. Oh boy. I was more than amused by this. With a smirk on my face, I thanked him.
So I put down a Trap Hole, and played Great White. He told me that was my "fatal mistake" when he summoned his Battle Ox. Trap Holed it. He passed. Tributed that for Amphibian Beast. Then I removed Great White from my graveyard to play Aqua Spirit. played Umiiruka -5000. Then he put a Witty Phantom, (lol) in defense mode. I put an Axe on my Aqua Spirit, killed him.
2nd Duel - He put down some monsters in defense, I killed him. It was over. He was amazed.
I win
He grumbled and mumbled and was on his way.
That Curt kid told me that he "so would have won the whole thing" if he would have won. I told him I'm sure he would have. ha
Then after waiting for everyone to get done, I was matched up to play Winston. This kid was 12, and he had a cool name.
Me vs. Winston
Wow. This kid got off to a fierce start. I can't exactly remember, I'll bring a notebook next week. I forgot this week. I do remember he went first and promptly got me down to 800. I was a little worried, but I pulled it out
2nd Duel - He didn't have much in his hand. I had a great one. I won this one too
This was this kids first tournament, and he was really pretty good. A beatdown deck, and wow. Pretty nice one. But I mean really, who can withstand my denizens of the deep? ;)
I win
The 20 year old kids were all out but 2. They werne't that good, and I was happy. This poor bastard had a Griggle in his deck. :( And my God. They were all sooo nice. ANd one of them looked exactly like Andre the Giant. I was amazed. I told him he looked like the Big Show too, because, well, he did.
Then there were 3 people left. I wish there would have been 4 or 2, so it would have been nice, but it wasn't. Somebody was going to have to get a bye. And, my tournament, my rules. I'm a jerk. I got the bye to the championships. I waited forever for Brandon and Matt to finish. That made me pretty nervous. This one kid had a couple Hayabusa Knights with Lightining Swords on them. I was like UGH! WHO PLAYS LIGHTNING SWORD?! I was sad, because that harms me. I told Brandon I wanted him to win, so I wouldn't have to deal with it. Yup. he didn't. :(
Me vs. Matt -Championship
Wow. I was SOOO nervous. Me foot was tapping, and my other leg was shaking. Not fun. Heart was racing. But I wore my lucky socks that Ali, my girlfriend got me. -sigh- Yeah yeah. I know I know. Lucky socks. But whatever. They're super warm, and have like buffalos on them. Finest Goodwill has to offer.
1st Duel - So I had a Cyber Jar in my hand. I remember that. I played a Great White with a Nuzzler, and he fissured me. Got some warrior out with a Lightning Sword and attacked me. I then played Cyber jar. He attacked it. I got a tribute to the doomed I know that. and 2 7 Colored Fish. He put the one he got in defense. I doomed his face down monster, and attacked for 3600. He couldn't pull monsters, and that was the end of that.
Everybody crowed around to see this one. :D I LOVE ego boosts. Oh yeah. I'm an egomaniac, but I sure you could all tell from my reports that that was true. I'm nice though?
2nd Duel - He could draw monsters. I raigekied his one and just kept attacking. I finall got Umiiruka on this one. I won this one in 3 turns.
Then everybody's like whoa dude. Show me your deck. I wanna copy that. I hate that when people do that when somebody loses, cause that just makes them feel crappy. But I felt good. I got hugs and handshakes all around. I was happy. :)
I got Tony D. a 7 Tools, Magic Jammer, and Mystical Space Tyhpoon from the Pegasus Starter I got, and a Mirror Force and an Ultra Rare Mystical Space Typhoon.
He pulled a Masked Beast and that Warrior from another Dimenion thing? You know, that cool new Fusion card.
I got a Penguin Soldier. :)
Mako was on the new episode. :D
I got a Graceful Charity.
I won
OH! I got all the FINAL pieces! :D
My brother Tony G got 2 Graceful Charities, which I believe is going to be the restriction, and 3 Jars of Greed.
Oh this little boy Cooper was there. He's the cutest little guy and he has a fanny pack that he puts his cards in. lol He's so nice.
There was this 10 year old kid with his lip pierced there! lol I was like holy hell. that's neat
My brother's deck is ridiculously good now. I'm kind of scared of it
Teenage body odor from everyone cramped into that small room.
Weird kids
Not being able to play one duel in piece without people being like "What's this card do? He can't do that. He used Japanese cards! That's not fair! BRROOOCC" AHH. But, a small price to pay for 2 packs. ha
Jeric and Robert weren't there.
Well, such concludes my humble tournament report. I hope it wasn't too boring to read, cause
Questions? Comments? Wanna yell at me? email me nemotsunami@yahoo.com