hello all stuart here form Wotc reporting the tourney
just ended (i work here but i didnt work tonight so i could enter :-D) but yes
well i am a fan of yugioh for some time :-\ i have a bunch of decks but thats
not the point...here is just one..it needs work but here we go people GO ME
Toon deck
Total monster=20
3 toon
3 toon summoned skull
Witch of the black forest
magician of faith
2 mask of darkness
2 sangan
Cyber jar
2 blue eyes
toon dragon
2 toon alligator
Pot of greed
Dark hole
Monster reborn
Change of
Swords of revealing light
Heavy storm
3 toon
Total trap=10
3 solemn wishes
2 magic jammer
2 7
tools of the bandit
Mirror force
Magic cylinder
Royal command
i know its shotty XD but well yeah
oh by
the way this tourney only had one round matches IMO it was gei but every one got
there late so yeah and there were 12 people there (every one goes to the other
WoTC gr..)
round 1 tiny toons vs. suicide beat down
well i
played 2 solemn wishes face down and played toon world i played 1 toon mermaid
then played toon summoned skull then played a pot of greed so i set my sangan
down it was his turn so he layed goblin atk force and ended his turn
so i activate both of my solemn wishes i layed a toon alligator face down
and i atk with toon sumoned skull so it was 5500-7500 he drew his card and he
atk my face down card which was sangan so i seached for my other toon mermaid so
it was his turn i played my last toon mermaid i drew my card i atked with
summoned skull and my first toon mermaid and ended my turn so i was at 8500 and
he was 1600 he couldnt do any thing so i atked directly one more time and that
was game
so far me 1/o/o
tiny toon deck vs. exodia
match was just sad i had a toon world out and three toon mermaids on the field
so he played some card face down i tribed all 3 for three toon SS and ended my
turn he did nothing so i atked for 7500 and i took 1500 from that which
sucked... but oh wel he pasted and i atked again
me 2-o-o
toon vs. water deck
i always wanted to face this kinda deck but fortunatly he
didnt get tornado wall activated or i would have been screwed.....but pretty
much it was played exactly like the last one
me 3-0-0
tiny toon
vs. machine deck
this was fun beacue of 2 reasons 1.i helped this guy build
this machine deck and 2.this was the first machine deck i had ever faced he
started off with a face down card so i played a toon wolrd and set 2 solemn
wishes f/d and played a monster (sangan) in f/d def so it was his turn he fliped
it it was a bubonic vermin...i hated this combo he special summoned the other
one tribed em both for barrel dragon he got the flip effect down so sangan was
gone and he atked for 2600 which i cried about because that was the first damage
that was actually inflicted to me with out it beibng done to my self well i
activate both of my solemn wishes so i got 1000 back from that 3600
whooping....so i was at 4500 :-\ i got raigeki so of coarse i played it
then i played mon reborn and atked him directly he plays a card face down in def
i got the effect and i atked again and it was like that till he died...i shook
his hand and told him i would help him work on it once the tourney was over he
smiled and walked off
so far
tiny toon 4-o-0
tiny toon vs. :-\
newb (have no idea how he got this far)
well this was over quick because of
one thing....he was playing with all jap cards so he was disqualified because he
lost his things for them that tells the effects so yeah i was mad
me 5-0-o
last match (thank god i was pissed off bout the
last one)
tiny toon vs. maha vailo deck
well hm....how can we put the
in a singel word...well that wouldnt be fun now would it ! well he started with
goblin atk force so i played toon world and change of heart and played toon
mermaid and tribeed em both for BETD and ended my turn he played a maha vailo he
didnt have any equips suprisingly so he ended his turn and i atk directly he
played an axe of depair on it but he didnt atk...? so i played toon alligator in
atk mode just because and i atked directly and played magic cylinder in f/d he
tried to atk this turn but i flipped it and well that was end game...
won 1st place i won a box of LON but i didnt need em so i let eveyr one at the
tourney have em (mostly my firend with the machine deck he is so cool!) i gave
every one like 4 packs or sum thing like that and i bought a joey and pegasus
deck so yeah and gave my buddy the time wizard and well now time for *DUN DUN
DUN* PROPS AND SLOPS (i love this part)
props-for amar (machine deck)
for the whipping he gave me in the beginning he is such a crzy man :-P
going to the tourney they are always fun
that newb with the jap
for all the sarcastic bastards that thought they were better than
well thhats it i guess well if you have any suggestions for this
deck email me at oogieboogie10o31@aol.com and i have other decks too i dunno if
i should put them on here or not AH WHAT THE HECK (dont hate me for this pojo
Burner deck
Total monsters=20
3 cannon soldier
3 giant
2 penguin soldier
2 mask of darkness
3 magician of faith
Cyber jar
2 sangan (need 2)
Witch of the black forest
2 princess of
Jinzo (need 1)
Total magic cards=10
Change of
Swords of revealing light
Monster reborn
Pot of
Heavy storm
Grace full charity
Dark hole
2 last will
Total trap cards=10
Magic cylinder
3 just
Imperial order
Mirror force
2 magic jammer
2 7 tools of
the bandit
Relinquished deck
Total monsters=20
3 sonic bird
3 senju of a thousand hands
Witch of the
black forest
2 sangan
2 magician of faith
2 mask of
2 penguin soldier
Cyber jar
Dark hole
Pot of greed
Monster reborn
of heart
Heavy storm
3 black illusion ritual
Magic cylinder
Imperial order
Mirror force
2 7 tools of
the bandit
2 magic jammer
Royal command
2 waboku
once again
any suggestions or just to say how good or crappy they are just e-mail me well
so long for now ~stuart~