Deck Name: Equip Beatdown
Name: Augusto Mota
Location: All Ways Gaming
Chatswoth, CA 91311
Date: March 1st, 2003
Participants: About 24 Participating in Tourney

Monsters: 19

3 Harpy's Brother
1 La Jinn
2 Maha Vailo's
2 Hayabusa Knights
1 Goblin Attack Force
1 Dark Elf
1 Summoned Skull
2 Magican of Faith
2 Man-Eater Bugs
1 Mask of Darkness
1 Cyber Jar
1 Witch of the Black Forest
1 Sangan

Magic: 14

3 Axe of Despair
1 Heavy Storm
1 Giant Trunade
1 Raigeki
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Premature Burial
1 Nobleman of Crossout
1 FIssure
1 Swords of Revealing Light
1 Change of Heart
1 Pot of Greed

Traps: 9

2 Trap Hole
1 Imperial Order
1 Magic Jammer
1 Seven Tools of the Bandit
1 Mirror Force
1 Mirror Wall
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Ceasefire

Deck Total: 42


Side Deck: 15

2 Prohibition
2 Soul Release
1 Card Destruction
2 White Magical Hat
1 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
2 Giant Soldier of Stone
1 Chain Destruction
1 Acid Trap Hole
1 Solemn Wishes
2 Infinite Dismissal

My search for Jinzo continues but I notice by every day that passes that I don't need Jinzo to win. It would be nice to own but I can do without him for now. I got some of my cards and some of my friends cards stolen today which totally blew our day off. And the prizes were crappy comparing on what second place got. Well, I've missed last week's tourney at the other shop I go to, but I can hopefully do well in this one despite all the days I haven't played. Oh, this is an unofficial tournament, so I might go to tomorrows sanctioned tournament and write a tournament report about that one too! I also heard that all the better people attend Sunday's tournament so I might go to that one too!

Round 1
Me vs Steve Salazar

Nice, I get paired up with the guy that gave me a ride here today. He's a really great guy and recently got his deck stolen, but he has the heart and determination to become an exellent player.

Match 1
We draw our cards and he goes first I think, he sets a monster down and I'm not sure what it was. All I remember is that we Nobleman of Crossout some of our monsters and it thined out our decks alot. I ended up winning this match with Hayabusa and Maha with an Axe.

Match 2
The second one was way better than the first. It got me to the point where I went to the edge of my seat! Well, I finsihed him off with a Maha Vailo with an Axe again. But then it was so scary that I almost lost this match

Round 2
Me vs John Bui (sorry if I didn't get last name right)

A really cool guy that I've met before at a semi-local Kitty World tournaemnt I attended to a while ago. A really nice guy which alot of cards, but his deck kinda big and not played correctly I assume. I played him a couple of times before the tourney and I beat him 3 whole matches! He only beat me in one duel during those matches. I was hopeing I wouldn't lose any matches during this tourney cause it seemes that they didn't have that many skilled people so yeah. On to the match...

Match 1
I began well balanced with a Harpy's Brother and a La Jinn, he eventually got to remove them both after I attacked him twice with them. After that, he sets a card and it becomes my turn. I draw Crossout and use it on his Witch of the Black Forest. I'm pretty happy cause then I Giant Trunade and finish him off with Hayabua and a La Jinn I used Premature Burial on. I found out that he had Jinzo in his hand and you know how I feel about Jinzo.

Match 2
This is probably the only match were I began to shake because I was so damn nervous. I'm not sure if it was this one or I believe we went into a third match. I'm pretty sure we didn't so yeah. He began super strong by summoning Jinzo with 2 Axes of Despair and taking out a huge chunk of my life points. I then Dark Hole and set a monster. He then reborns it and hits my Sangan with it. I then Raigeki it (talk about a miracle draw) and Reborn it. I then summon Hayabusa and attach 2 Axes of Despair to it. He had a clear field so he lost. That match was realy scary.

Round 3
Me vs Brad Lapin (owner of the store)

Kids and peers were telling me on how good he was. I loved it when he said that he loved to play something to counter beatdown or whatever. He was playing a well modified burner deck with a well packed punch in my opinion. At the end of the match he showed me how with his side deck, he can make his deck into a Dragon Deck. Hahahaha, O no Kaiba, have mercy...pshhhhhhh...yeah right!!! Well, he's ok at times I guess, I love it how he ignores his customers though just to attend that little kid with his mom only because the mom will buy stuff or if the mom is good looking or whatever. So yeah, onto the match...

Match 1
He gets all his Nimble's and his Giant Germs out and he beats me with his Goblin's and Summoned Skulls.

Match 2
I put in Infinite Dismissal's and a Solemn Wishes and take out a Dark Elf, Mirrow Wall and Fissure. These cards helped me out during this, and the next match which u will read about..or else! He starts about again with those damned Giant Germs but I manage to Crossout one of them or something. He then kept Mystical Space Typhoon-ing my Infinite Dismisslas. I ended up activating Solemn Wishes and I got some life points out of them. At various points during the match I would always have 2 monsters on him with his only set monster and it would always be a damned Morphing Jar #2. I threw away most of my key cards and yeah. I ended up winning the match with 2 Haybusa's with Axes attached to them.

Match 3
Almost exact same thing as the last match. I loved it how he complained on how he couldn't pull out his "big combo's" on me. He had 2 Summoned Skulls in his hand! HIs fault for playing too many tribute monsters. I also loved it how I didn't even get to use Raigeki, Dark Hole or my "big combo's" as well. And one last thing I love is that he enters himself in his own tournament just to knock off all the best players in order for them to not get prizes. But meh...what are you gonna do?

Final Round
Me vs Brandon

Brandon is a really cool guy that I met that day. He told me how he played a Dragon/Beatdown deck. Pretty fresh I guess, and he did pretty good so I guess it was worth a challange. He got to the finals because of a bye, which he told me was the 2nd time get got one in a row. Well, onto this match...

Match 1
He completely totalled me with his Dragons and his La Jinn's. He pulled out the Flute and his damned Curse of Dragons to fast for me to recover. I couldn't pull anything during that match. So I guess he took total advantage and control of that match.

Match 2
I wasn't gonna lose to a Dragon Deck, no matter how good it was. We both drew and I accidently used Premature Burial while his Imperial Order was out. He didn't let me take back my move so it was cool. He then drew and used Pot of Greed...while his Imperial Order was out! Hahahaha, I shouldn't be laughing but meh...what are u gonna do. The then set a card and it was my turn. I then drew and pulled out la Jinn and attacked him monster. It was a Lord of D. so that was gone. I then set a Mirror Wall for Main Phase 2. He then drew, removed his Imperial Order, then he reborned his Lord of D. and he brought out his Blue Eyes and his Tri Horned Dragon. He attacked so I then Mirror Walled. His Tri Horned got destroyed and he lost life points. I then drew a Dark Hole and used it. I then summoned Dark Elf and attacked. He then drew, and summoned a Dark Elf and he ended his turn. Then I drew and I pulled a Fissure so I used it.I then used Heavy Storm which I had from before destroying a card he had just set that turn. I then used Goblin Attack Force and I attacked his Dark Elf with it. Then I attacked him directly with Elf. He then couldn't do nothing so i finished him off.

Match 3
This match would decide on who would win. By this time it was kinda late cause the tourney ran kinda slow. His mom was there ready for him to leave but he wouldn't budge. It didn't matter cause I pulled out my Maha Vailo with an Axe and a Hayabusa with one as well and he couldn't do anything about it, he lost in such a horrific way. I guess I win this tourney at a store I've never been to!

Well, 2nd place got 2 packs of Pharoah Servants and 1st got a card of their choice as long as they had 2 of them in their binder. They didn't have anything I needed so I took a Fiend Megacyber and gave it to my very wonderful friend Steve Salazar which I faced in the first round. He can now make his deck a killer and super fresh deck so he can obliterate people as much as I do.

Props & Slops


To me winning the tourament
To my friend Steve Salazar for giving me a ride to the store and for believing in me
To the new friends I made in the store
To Steve Salazar, John Bui, Brad Lepin, and Brandon for giving me awesome thirlling matches.


For the prizes that were given to the winner
To the store for not having an extra Jinzo
To the person that stole the cards that belonged to me and my friend
To me for not going 10-0 like last time
To people that think Maha Vailo and Axes suck. Even though people are entitled to their own opinion, I think that putting down other people's decks is not cool. Not only that, but u shouldn't be ranting on how your deck is better unless you have a way to prove it. This goes to a certain little 15 year old that tries (yes, I did say try, cause this kid had the lamest cracks ever, i loved the way he tried though) to insult you and your deck. I want this kid to step up and finally play me on Apprentice so I can show him how much Maha doesn't suck and so I can shove those telepathetic comments up his arse. Said and done!

Well, now that I got that off my back I can thank everyone for reading my tourney report. I may have a few (or many) grammatical errors and that's only because I can't keep up with all that fast typing and I don't have Spell Check or anything and I'm too lazy to check it out for myself. I will also write a tourney report for tomorrow's Sacntioned Tourament. Thank you all, and have wonderful days.

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Or throught AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): KineticPimpX25

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